What is the Tea Party? A growing state of mind
(USA Today)
Political News
USA Today - The Tea Party is less a classic political movement than a frustrated state of mind. USA TODAY's first story in a series looking at the impact of the Tea Party movement on the November elections.
Source: Yahoo! News: Politics News
Protofascism Comes to America: The Rise of the Tea Party
By Ted Rall
Tea Partiers haven't called for extralegal solutions to the problems they cite--but neither did the National Socialists prior to 1933. Then again, they're not in power yet. Wait.
Source 2
I may be wrong but I am thinking that the Tea party people are sitting by and watching to see what happens this November so they know what directions they should go for the next presidential elections. I have a feeling that the Tea party agenda will be heard a lot louder after the november elections if some more change is not brought forth.
Last night was just the beginning...
Big Tea Party wins for candidates in both Delaware and New York over establishment Republicans - and the GOP is freaking out. They just cannot believe they are losing these primaries to people who literally have come out of nowhere. But they still don't get it - they are seeing the establishment slipping away and instead of realizing their mistakes, they are doubling down. Glenn has more on radio today. Ref. Source 9
Tea Party is Just a Media Spectacle
By Joe Bageant
For some reason, in this country, there's always been an assumption that the poor, or the underclass, are the non-white people that live in this country, and the fact that there has always been a white underclass has become taboo. Ref. Source 8