Tea Party - Page 3 of 3

8 Stages of Social Movement Success: Take - Page 3 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 7th Jun, 2012 - 10:46pm

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Politics News
Post Date: 9th Mar, 2011 - 7:55pm / Post ID: #

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Tea Party - Page 3

Vivian Schiller resigns

NPR says CEO Vivian Schiller resigns after a fundraiser's remarks calling Tea Party members racist are caught on video. Ref. USAToday

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Post Date: 10th Mar, 2011 - 1:37am / Post ID: #

Tea Party
A Friend

Party Tea

I think that people will do what they can to try to discredit the Tea Party. The calling of them as racist or the fact that they are not that smart is playing more into their hands than anything else I believe. We will just have to wait and see what happens.

10th Mar, 2011 - 6:11am / Post ID: #

Tea Party History & Civil Business Politics

I find it pretty interesting that the claims of racism I have found unable to be verified. The claim of Tea Party racist meeting Pelosi and Co on the steps of the capitol hurling items and verbal assaults has been show to be a lie (video footage of that day shows a smiling Pelosi and Co walking up the steps). However, this being what I think was one of the first cries of Tea Party bigotry seems to have stuck just enough and that was the desired effect by those that spread the rumour.

While I hate to use the phrase "like me", the Tea Party was started by normal people. People who primarily are focused on Conservative economic policies. These are not lifelong politicians or people from affluent families in general. However, to label them as uneducated because they didn't grace the halls of a ivy league school seem a tad bit elitist. However, these people are smart enough to understand interest and they understand debt and they understand that our current course of actions cannot be sustained. Maybe they arent so uneducated after all...

Now as the group has enlarged, there are sections of the Tea Party that have expanded the interested beyond fiscal policy and I am primarily referring to what are called the Birthers. While I do not consider myself a Birther, I do fully expect to read either after Obama is out of office or he passes away that he was actually born in Kenya. However, he was voted to the presidency and honestly with the movement in the world today, this rule doesnt really make as much sense as it would have when it was made. Say that he was born in Hawaii and the next day he went to Kenya and was educated out of the states for the next 10 years then came back and finished his schooling in the states and went to college. Just not seeing much of a difference in allegiance....

What scares liberals is that they see this pure tsunami coming their way, so they need to take it down. They make up things like the racism on capitol hill steps. They call them uneducated. Palin and Bachmann are now the leaders? I am not sure there is an exact leader of the Tea Party as they don't seem to have the need to appoint one like the Republicans and the Democrats. The Tea Party groups operate independently state to state and city to city. However, dingbat Bachmann has just recently found 105 BILLION USD stuffed into the Obamacare Bill that Pelosi told us we would have to pass in order to find out what was in it. No one knew it was there...except for Pelosi (my guess) and a few trusted others. It was stuck in there to make sure that the program got off the ground even if they lost the house and senate in the most recent set of elections. Go around and survey each of the House and Senate members that voted on that bill and find out if they knew of the hidden 105Billion. I got money says that less than a handful will raise their hands on that one and it took a dingbat and her organization to find it. A program that over 70% of the public was against was forced down our throats and we are the uneducated ones.

Go back and look at footage of the Tea Party Rallies at the beginning. Find me a few billionaires there at the banks of rivers and city squares....good luck. It started from a cry of people saying enough after their tax dollars were going to banks that gave loans out to people that were not able to pay the loan back unless the property values just continued to climb. Historically, there was a 100% chance of a 3-6 year drop or flat spot that anyone with basic algebra skills could see was going to be a problem. Those CEO's still got paid and the tax payer got bilked out of Trillions and the tax payers said...enough.

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Post Date: 3rd Aug, 2011 - 12:44am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Page 3 Party Tea

Glenn Beck: The Tea Party is being set up

The media is quick to point out that 'the Tea Party won' the debt debate, going as far to say that they are bullying the President with the Vice President reportedly calling them 'terrorists'. That's quite interesting spin because there aren't many (if any) Tea Party members praising this deal. In fact, it's the opposite - they are not happy with it at all. So why would the media - who not long ago mocked and belittled the Tea Party relentlessly - suddenly paint the false picture that the Tea Party is running the show? Ref. Source 6

Post Date: 2nd Sep, 2011 - 2:50am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Party Tea

Congressman: Tea Party wants to kill black people

Representative Andre Carson engaged in some serious rhetoric at a Congressional Black Caucus event, specifically targeting the Tea Party and Tea Party favorites in Congress. He said "[Tea Partiers would] love to see us as second-class citizens"¦some of them in Congress right now of this tea party movement would love to see you and me"¦hanging on a tree." Wow, that's quite a claim. Current Congressmen want African Americans hanged? Amazingly when questioned, Carson defended his comments. Ref. Source 6

Post Date: 7th Sep, 2011 - 11:08pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Tea Party

Tea Party Zombies must die video game: shoot & kill Glenn Beck, other conservatives

One would think the left (who believe that using analogies such as 'it's time to fight back' will cause people to automatically start beating people up) would be a little more sensitive to violent rhetoric. They've set this stupid rhetoric standard to where CNN was apologizing for saying the word 'crosshairs' as if its audience would spontaneously burst out in gunfire. But there doesn't seem to be much of an outcry when violent rhetoric from the left happens - like this new video game in which the object is to shoot and kill Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and others Ref. Source 5

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Post Date: 7th Jun, 2012 - 10:46pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Tea Party - Page 3

8 Stages of Social Movement Success: Take it from a leftist and lifelong
activist who has actually studied "movements" carefully - the Tea Party is at a critical stage. This "Movement Action Plan" put together by Bill Moyer in 1987 demonstrates that the Tea Party may be in stage 5 of this plan - the toughest part to get through before any movement succeeds. Ref. Source 2

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