
Elephants - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 4th Oct, 2021 - 9:15am

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Top  Elephants Fight elephants with peppers
Post Date: 20th Jul, 2010 - 12:55pm / Post ID: #


Fight elephants with peppers, U.N. Tells farmers

Animals and Pets Related News

Reuters - Farmers whose crops are raided by wild animals like elephants should try driving them away with pepper spray, using guard donkeys or booby trapping food with snakes, the U.N. Said on Monday.
Source: Yahoo! News: Animals & Pets News

Image from Wikimedia public domain.

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2nd Apr, 2011 - 1:59am / Post ID: #


The issue with elephants and crops isn't a new one however I believe they should use humane methods in order to take these animals out of the crops. Right now, a CEO of a famous hosting company is in hot water after he put a video about him killing an elephant. Not only because he shot the animal but the happiness on his face about it.

international QUOTE
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. -  GoDaddy.com CEO Bob Parsons scrambled to explain his motives Friday after a video he put on Twitter of himself killing an elephant in Zimbabwe went viral -- leading to calls for a boycott from animal-rights groups.

In the video, Parsons and a team of others shoot an elephant they claim was destroying farmers' crops in the area.

"They've been here three nights in a row, we're hoping they come back for a fourth. And if they do, well, we're gonna be here to greet 'em," Parsons says with evident relish. The team then waits up at night for the elephants to come. When they do Parsons shoots one of them as an accompanying screen graphic says "Bob Parsons fires again. Both shots hit home."

The CEO can then be seen smiling as he stands over the elephant with his gun before another scene shows local villagers hacking the animal to bits, all while wearing orange GoDaddy.com hats. The scene is accompanied by AC/DC's "Hell's Bells" music.

"When you see me smiling in that picture, I'm smiling because I'm relieved no one was hurt, that the crop was saved, and that these people were going to be fed -- the type of smile when you get a good report card or achieve a goal," Parsons told Mashable Thursday.  Source 4

Post Date: 13th Jun, 2016 - 12:41pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Elephants UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

Elephant calves more likely to survive in the care of their grandmothers

Among the Asian elephants, the grandmothers have a significant role. They ensure the survival of the calves and breeding success for their daughters, new research shows. Ref. Source 5p.

Post Date: 6th Nov, 2016 - 1:23am / Post ID: #


Elephants have been known to learn up to 60 commands.

Post Date: 14th Apr, 2017 - 9:27am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]


Elephants' 'body awareness' adds to increasing evidence of their intelligence

Asian elephants are able to recognize their bodies as obstacles to success in problem-solving, further strengthening evidence of their intelligence and self-awareness, according to a new study. Ref. Source 6q.

14th Apr, 2017 - 12:39pm / Post ID: #


Elephants are such beautiful creatures, only someone truly evil could ever harm one of these. I hate how men think they can just whatever they want to life around us, so selfish.

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Post Date: 8th Aug, 2018 - 10:51pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]


Capturing elephants from the wild shortens their lives. Humans have been capturing wild Asian elephants for more than 3,000 years, and this still continues today despite the fact that the populations are declining. An international team of researchers has now analysed records of timber elephants in Myanmar to understand the effects of capture. The study shows that even years after their capture, wild-caught elephants' mortality rate remains increased, and their average life expectancy is several years shorter compared to captive-born animals. Source 1h.

Post Date: 4th Oct, 2021 - 9:15am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Elephants Sciences Education Art Writing & UFO

Elephants strive to cooperate with allies, until the stakes get too high. Asian elephants are keen to cooperate with friends and have evolved strategies to mitigate competition in their social groups, but cooperation breaks down when food resources are limited, according to new research. The study sheds light on the evolution of cooperative behavior in mammals. Source 2a.

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