Borde Genealogy - Page 3 of 4

Name: Nyasha Borde Country: Title: Borde by - Page 3 - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 22nd May, 2015 - 8:54pm

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Feel free to also check my genealogy web site at: HERE
5th Feb, 2011 - 3:14am / Post ID: #

Borde Genealogy - Page 3

Did you look at the link I put in your other Thread? Let's keep the discussion to just here then and have a look at this: Source 1

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Post Date: 5th Feb, 2011 - 3:15am / Post ID: #

Genealogy Borde

Name: Rboldeau

Comments: I read your link, this is very interesting. I have absolutely no idea where to begin. I have an Uncle in Trinidad that is still living, I am going to email his daughter, any suggestions as to what I can ask him?

I don't want to get too happy, if there was a way to genetically test them, it would be so much easier

5th Feb, 2011 - 3:15am / Post ID: #

Borde Genealogy Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

If he shares your last name then you can possibly see what records or information he can provide.

Post Date: 5th Feb, 2011 - 3:16am / Post ID: #

Page 3 Genealogy Borde

Name: Rboldeau

Comments: He doesn't. My grandmother remarried when my father was VERY young, so I think anything I would get would just be on memory.

8th Mar, 2011 - 2:07pm / Post ID: #

Genealogy Borde

I get a lot of submissions to this Thread for variations of "BORDE". I wish to ionform those who want to post here that this Thread is about the surname "BORDE" And not "LA BORDE", "MANBORDE" Or other names that may have "BORDE" In it. Additionally, the name BORDE covered in this Thread is based on those within Trinidad with origins from France. See more here: Source 1

5th Jan, 2015 - 1:41pm / Post ID: #

Borde Genealogy

As I mentioned here: Website Goals 2015 I want to redo this site. I am not interested in Genealogy anymore but the Borde Genealogy site is dated and could use a facelift.

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
12th May, 2015 - 3:09am / Post ID: #

Borde Genealogy - Page 3

Borde Genealogy Responsive

I finally got a chance to do it and renovated this site to be Mobile responsive: Jean Borde Genealogy. Some pages need content updates but I will do that at a later time. I hope for greater inclusion of those from my matriarchal and patriarchal lines.

Post Date: 22nd May, 2015 - 8:54pm / Post ID: #

Borde Genealogy Culture Family Travel & Consumer Reviews - Page 3

Name: Nyasha Borde

Title: Borde by way of Trinidad

Comments: Hello,

My name is Nyasha Borde and I am an American by way of Trinidad & Tobago. My grandfather was Ivan Borde born in Trinidad circa 1918. We never knew who Ivan's father was although on his birth certificate he was listed as Teddy Borde. My mother always believed tha Ivan's mother worked for the Borde family on their "plantation" and that is how she became pregnant. Ivan had brown to fair skin and her impression was that the Borde's were white people, possibly French. I am unsure of whether there is truth to this as the old folks didn't talk to children about these matters back in the day. Have you discovered a Teddy Borde in your research? Did your Borde family own any land or plantation back in the early 1900's? I do not know how to find more information about this branch of the family. Ivan was an only child and only had 2 daughters so the name is dying out in our family.

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