Name TriniRoots
Comments: "Man-Borde" What do you mean? Are ALL Bordes in the Caribbean related to each other?
Name: TriniRoots
Comments: Judging by pictures I have seen of different local Bordes it seems they have Bordes of several elasticities,
Name: Edgar
Comments: That is not a problem especially with interracial marriages. All Borde's in Trinidad are blood related
Name: Rboldeau
Comments: Hello, I just came over from the Martinique side of the genealogy thread. My father told me this morning my great-great grandfather was from France, and first settled in Martinique, then somehow we made it to Trinidad. My last name is Boldeau, which is so close to Bordeaux.
I want so badly to find the history of my family!
Name: Rboldeau
Comments: Thats my question, was the last name really a play on the location where they migrated from? Huh
The running joke in New York is that the reason so many Italians here are named Tony is on the luggage of the immigrants, workers marked "TO NY" meaning those were going to New York. To NY, Tony, get it?
Anyway, my ultimate goal is to find my French connection. I am going to email some family in Trinidad, I have an old uncle that might shed some light, but thats long shot. What do you know about these Bordes?