LDS Perspective: Gay Marriage - Mormon Gays - Page 5 of 42

Well, I do understand that homosexuality isn't - Page 5 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 3rd Sep, 2006 - 7:52am

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Poll: What are your MAIN thoughts about Gays, Gay Marriage and Mormon Gays?
  God has explicitly condemned being gay as an abomination       26.92%
  God will not allow you to be gay if it is against his will       11.54%
  You are not born gay so you should not be gay       3.85%
  Gay attraction and homosexual acts are one and the same       3.85%
  Sometimes through unfortunate experiences people become gay       3.85%
  There is a difference between gay attraction and the act       11.54%
  You may have temptations but they should be controlled       7.69%
  People might have gay attraction but need to learn the right way       7.69%
  Gay or not we should show love and not judge       23.08%
Total Votes: 26
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Mormon Homosexuality Poster says, "At first I was against it because of the sanctity of marriage and it's eternal purpose, but now I am not sure. I agree that a Temple marriage can only be between male and female. This is because of the religious sanctity of marriage for eternity, for propogation and simply because that is how God intended it. However, the Church recognizes the validity of civil marriages that are only for this life and not eternity, even though this is not how God intended it. "Your view is... ?" Other interests: Gay and serve a mission? Boyd K. Packer's talk about same sex attraction.
LDS Perspective: Gay Marriage - Mormon Gays Related Information to LDS Perspective: Gay Marriage - Mormon Gays

LDS Perspective: Gay Marriage - Mormon Gays
A Friend

LDS Perspective: Gay Marriage - Mormon Gays - Page 5

cool.gif I have thought much on this topic. Being a mother in these last days one can't help but reflect upon it. While having my second child , I was given the distinct impression that this child would have an issue in this area. After being given that awareness, I sought the Lord in prayer, asking him to give me the way I was suppose to help and guide him in his life a member of the church. The answer was, " It is like any other weakness anyone may have , you must ubstain from it." like pornography, or drugs , or anger, anything else that keeps us from God. So do I believe that some are born with this, yes but do I believe they should act on what they believe is just natural, No. Just like for all members of the church.

" For the Natural Man is an enemy to God , and will be forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh a child, submissive , meek , humble , patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father." ( mosiah 3: 19 )

Is the answer simple Yes, is the journey to overcome the Natural man easy , No. But we must! If we truely want to be partakers of divine nature.

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22nd Aug, 2006 - 2:43pm / Post ID: #

Gays Mormon Marriage Gay Perspective LDS

QUOTE (Mormongirl)
So do I believe that some are born with this, yes but do I believe they should act on what they believe is just natural...

Now that takes this Topic into an area that is still given the unsure answer by even the current Brethren (but not Pres. Kimball). If you are saying that someone is born with the urge to be gay then we must wonder why God would make this happen so. You see I do not think we are born with any natural tendencies to do something contrary to His will, I do believe these things are learnt. It might be through experimentation, curiosity or lack of instruction, but nevertheless they are learnt behaviors. You can take into consideration the story of the boy brought up by wolves and ask was he born to howl in the night?

Post Date: 22nd Aug, 2006 - 8:35pm / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective: Gay Marriage - Mormon Gays
A Friend

LDS Perspective: Gay Marriage - Mormon Gays Studies Doctrine Mormon

I have a sister who was adopted. Born of parents who were members , but not active. Actually quite the contrary, they were heroine addicts and not married. She was born in a hotel room and then dropped off at the near by hospital. We received a knock on our family door by social services three months after her birth. Despite being sealed to our family , despite being raised very mormon including our good examples. She ended up struggling with the same problems her earthly parents first exposed her to while in the womb.
We are sent into our mother's womb perfect but at upon entering they are exposed to any and all natural traits the Parents are trying to overcome . I would even go further to say they inherit some of natural sinful gene's.
Most mother's would say at the time of birth that a child has not only a parents or even grandparents physical traits, but some can even see in a child a curtain disposition of behavior within a child also passed on. That is why it becomes even more important to Repent of any negative attributes especially before a child is born. But having said that if we waited for ourselves to become that perfect before we had children, we would probably never have them. We do not have to be exposed all our lives to become what God desires's us not to become. By us coming to earth we were exposed to the fall of our own families DNA. That is why the Lord counsel's us to Repent or it will carry through unto the third and fourth Generations , until they do repent.

Doctrine and covenants 124: 50, " And the inquity and transgressionof my holy laws and commandments I will visit upon the heads of those who hindered my work, unto the third and fourth generation, so long as they repent not and hate me, saith the Lord God."

Having a desire to be attracted to the same sex is not worse of a sin then some one committing adultery. They are both sin's and they both keep us from God. immorality of any kind begets immorality of any kind.

I do instruct my children righteously. I am always upon my knees. my son's will know what is right and expected of them . Sin is Sin wether it is immorality or not doing your home teaching or visiting teaching.
But those things that do get passed on from generation to generation that are bad have to be stopped by each individual person. " Teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves."
That is why I say each is responsible to put off the natural man , influenced by a righteous parent before the age of accountability, but ultimately made by each person after the age of accountability. And if they don't work it out and come unto to Christ and repent. then the unrighteous cycle repeats again and again, until the unrighteous pattern is broken our the devil has dominion over that which is his.

So are we born male and female without mistake absolutely YES. But it is up to each individual to seek that out and to gain a testimony of that and be obedient to that . Even if that means living with out a relationship that comes from being married. I hope this clarify's things more!. I love ya , have a good day , Mormongirl.....

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Persephone: Check your spelling before posting and use the quote tag when quoting sources.

23rd Aug, 2006 - 12:10am / Post ID: #

Page 5 Gays Mormon Marriage Gay Perspective LDS

Interesting concepts, but you need to add to those points... "In my opinion..." as that is what most of it is (see the Read Me Thread within this Board).

QUOTE (Mormongirl)
We are sent into our mother's womb perfect but at upon entering they are exposed to any and all natural traits the Parents are trying to overcome . I would even go further to say they enherit some of natural sinful gene's.

Sinful genes? spock.gif I believe we are perfect at birth and what we inherit from our parents are things learnt, unless you are saying that there is a homosexual gene then I find it hard to swallow that there is a 'sinful' gene. That is like saying that God created a part of the body that will inherently cause you to sin. I doubt that, since man is created in God's image and when he was formed into Adam he was as perfected vessel created by a perfect Being.

Even to help your cause by saying a baby may be born HIV positive still does not give credence to a 'sinful gene' since being HIV positive does not give you 'feelings' to be a homosexual.

Sin is Sin wether it is immorality or not doing your home teaching or visiting teaching.

Sure, but not every sin has the same consequence and on this we must be clear.

Offtopic but,
As for the scripture you used. Visiting with destruction up to the third and fourth generation is not related to genes in my opinion, this is related to culture and tradition.

Now, if you can share with me any scripture or Modern Day Prophet's words about homosexuality being inherited I would like to see it.

26th Aug, 2006 - 11:21am / Post ID: #

Gays Mormon Marriage Gay Perspective LDS

Some may have a natural propensity to be sexually attracted to the same sex, but unless they act on it, they are not breaking the law of chastity.
I believe that this is true. All of us in mortality have a cross to bear, and this is theirs. It is similar to a woman who doesn't marry and dies a virgin. Does she have a desire to experience physical intimacy? Of course she does, but her desire to live a righteous life and her prayers give her the strength to yield to God and put off the natural man as stated in Mosiah 3:19, which was already quoted.

My initial opinion was that there are some individuals who are born gay. From my experience, this seems to be true. However, the challenge to find some doctrine supporting my opinion enabled me to find this:

We are, of course, aware of evidence that inheritance explains susceptibilities to certain diseases like some cancers and some other illnesses like diabetes mellitus. There are also theories and some evidence that inheritance is a factor in susceptibilities to various behavior-related disorders like aggression, alcoholism, and obesity. It is easy to hypothesize that inheritance plays a role in sexual orientation. However, it is important to remember, as conceded by two advocates of this approach, that 'the concept of substantial heritability should not be confused with the concept of inevitable heritability. "¦ Most mechanisms probably involve interactions between constitutional predispositions and environmental events. . . A study of fifty-six pairs of identical male twins in which one twin classified himself as "gay" reported that 52 percent of the co-twins also classified themselves as gay.  A similar study of female identical twins yielded approximately the same proportion of co-twins who classified themselves as gay (thirty-four of seventy-one pairs, 48 percent). If these studies show some inherited influence on whatever causes a man or woman to classify himself or herself as homosexual or lesbian, it is clear that this influence is not determinative.
"Dallin H. Oaks, "Same-Gender Attraction," Ensign, Oct. 1995, 7

So I guess that my revised opinion is that there are some individuals born with a disposition to be homosexual, but that it is not definitive. This would be similar to someone who has a disposition to be an alcoholic but who doesn't become alcoholic due to the fact that they never indulge in alcohol.

26th Aug, 2006 - 1:12pm / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective: Gay Marriage - Mormon Gays

So I guess that my revised opinion is that there are some individuals born with a disposition to be homosexual, but that it is not definitive. This would be similar to someone who has a disposition to be an alcoholic but who doesn't become alcoholic due to the fact that they never indulge in alcohol.

Yes, but there is something significant about the examples given by Elder Oaks such as alcohol, diabetes and obesity. All of them are strongly connected to a close family member. Have you ever met an obese person coming from healthy athletic parents? It is not common. Same with an alcoholic, it is usually that one of the parents have been alcoholic too. They seem to inherit the disposition but also they are highly influenced by the "culture" at home they have been exposed too (watching their parents drinking, poor eating habits, etc)

But how do we connect this with homosexual behavior when there are no link with homosexual behavior no where around the family?

The examples given by Elder Oaks does not help to understand the subject better in my opinion.

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26th Aug, 2006 - 9:06pm / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective Gay Marriage Mormon Gays - Page 5

I found a quote by Elder Faust specifically talking of whether homosexuality is inherit or not. It seems like a more direct approach than the one Oaks took in the interview. The reason for this again could be the new Church position of becoming more "acceptable to others.

There is some widely accepted theory extant that homosexuality is inherited. How can this be? No scientific evidence demonstrates absolutely that this is so. Besides, if it were so, it would frustrate the whole plan of mortal happiness. Our designation as men or women began before this world was. In contrast to the socially accepted doctrine that homosexuality is inborn, a number of respectable authorities contend that homosexuality is not acquired by birth. The false belief of inborn sexual orientation denies to repentant souls the opportunity to change and will ultimately lead to discouragement, disappointment, and despair

3rd Sep, 2006 - 7:52am / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective Gay Marriage Mormon Gays Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 5

Well, I do understand that homosexuality isn't inherited, that is a homosexual does not inherit a gay gene from his parents. I still believe that there are some who are pre-disposed to it. That does not condemn them to a life of homosexuality, they may choose to act upon it or not. But it will be a certain temptation for them during mortality, in my opinion. There are many diseases and defects that mortals are born with and that are not inherited, why not this one?

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