Kim Jong Un
PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) -- A top North Korean official has made the first public confirmation that Kim Jong Un, the son of leader Kim Jong Il, will succeed his father and become the third generation of his family to lead the nation. Yang Hyong Sop, a top official in North Korea's ruling party, made the comments to broadcaster APTN in an exclusive interview Friday in the North Korean capital. Ref. USAToday
Well at least Kim Jong Un has good taste and he married local too I think his dad liked the European women didn't he?
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 18 1.8%
Speculation Abounds As Kim Jong Uns Wife Reappears
Rhode Island Related News
The public is getting another glimpse of the wife of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, after speculation about why she had not been seen for some time. Photos from North Korea Tuesday showed Ri ...
Source: Rhode Island News
Kim Jong Un, North Korean Leader, Calls Nuclear Weapons A 'Reliable War Deterrent':
"Our nuclear strength is a reliable war deterrent and a guarantee to protect our sovereignty," Kim Jong-un said in a speech delivered to the central committee meeting of the ruling Workers Party of Korea. Ref. Source 7
So he kills her husband and then puts the wife in charge? This has to be either a play on fear to guarantee loyalty or she sold her husband out.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 10 1%