Regional Singles Events (31+) - Page 2 of 12

Memorial Weekend in San Diego! What - Page 2 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 15th May, 2004 - 6:26am

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26th Jan, 2004 - 2:10am / Post ID: #

Regional Singles Events (31+) - Page 2

03/5, 6, 7,/2004, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Single Adult Conference, "Can Ye Feel So Now?", Alma 5
Hosted by the Santa Clarita Stake. Supported by Multi-Stake planning (5 Stakes). Single Adults from ALL areas are welcomed!
Peachland Building (Friday Dance) - MAP
24915 Peachland Avenue
Newhall, CA 91321
Santa Clarita Stake Center (Saturday Conference, Sunday Fireside) - MAP
19513 Drycliff
Canyon Country, CA 91351
Outstanding Keynote Speaker! Wonderful Seminar Speakers!
Friday, March 5th- Dance at the Peachland Building in Newhall located at 24915 Peachland Avenue in Newhall. Dance starts at 9:00 with dance instruction starting at 8:00pm taught by the Dancing D.J's. Donation is $4. If you pre-register for the conference, the dance is included in the price of the conference.
Saturday and Sunday Activities will be held at the Santa Clarita Stake Center.
Saturday, March 6th- Conference Registration starts at 9:30 am. Conference starts at 10:00 am with a wonderful keynote speaker, spectacular workshops, and delicious lunch. Testimony 4-5 pm. Dating Game/Dinner/Musical Concert 5-8 pm. Dance following the concert 8 - 12:00 pm.
Sunday, March 7th- Fireside 7-8 pm with Donna Weighill. Donna is a marriage and family counselor from Arizona who specializes in blended families. Refreshments provided.
Directions to Newhall for dance Friday night: - MAP
North: Take 5 north, exit Lyons and turn right. Travel a mile east on Lyons and turn right on Peachland Ave. Travel 0.2 mile south on Peachland Avenue; Church is on the right.
South: Take 5 south, exit Lyons and turn left. Travel a mile east on Lyons and turn right on Peachland Ave. Travel 0.2 mile south on Peachland Avenue; Church is on the right.
Directions to Santa Clarita Stake Center for Saturday and Sunday activities: - MAP
North: Take 5 north, to 14 north, exit Via Princessa and head west. Right on Whites Canyon Rd., left on Soledad Canyon Rd., right on Camp Plenty Rd. Building is on corner of Camp Plenty and Drycliff St.
South: 14 south, exit via Princessa and head west. Right on Whites Canyon Rd., left on Soledad Canyon Rd., right on Camp Plenty Rd. Building is on corner of Camp Plenty and Drycliff St.
Pre-Registration is $25 until February 25, 2004. At the door registration is $30.
Make checks payable to Santa Clarita Stake
Mail checks to: Brian Sheets, 26317 Torrey Pines, Santa Clarita, CA 91321
Please include the following information when mailing your check:
Name, address, ward, stake (please print).
All are invited to the dances and firesides, even if you cannot come to the conference. Questions: Contact Linda Whitehead at

Sponsored Links:
7th Feb, 2004 - 4:59pm / Post ID: #

Events Singles Regional


MARCH 26-28

Spanish Translation and Signing will be available
FRIDAY - MAR. 26, 2003
Friday Evening Opening Session - Casual Dress
Conference participants should make their own arrangements for dinner.
Registration - Hall B from 6:00-12 midnight
Potluck Dinner Theater Company Presents - 7:00 to 8:00 pm
Dance in the Hall 8:30 pm to midnight (DJ and Band!)
SATURDAY - MAR. 27, 2003
Saturday Schedule - Church Dress to Semi-Formal
Registration - Hall B at 8:30 to 10:00 am.
Opening Session/Keynote Speaker 10:00 am
Lunch 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
Topic Sessions/Workshops
1:15 to 2:10 pm; 2:25 to 3:20 pm
Dinner 5:30 to 7:15 pm
Potluck Dinner Theater Company Presents 7:30 to 8:30 pm
Dance in Hall 9:00 to 11:30
SUNDAY - MAR. 28, 2003
Sunday Sacrament Meeting In the Theater
Sacrament Meeting 10:00 am to 12 Noon
Fireside in the Theater 6:30 to 8:00 pm
This schedule is tentative and subject to change.

11th Feb, 2004 - 4:02am / Post ID: #

Regional Singles Events (31+) Studies Doctrine Mormon

Queen City Multi-Stake Conference in Charlotte, NC
April 23-25, 2004
Sponsored by Charlotte North Carolina Central and Charlotte North Carolina South Stakes

Theme: "Walk In The Light"
Keynote Speaker - Darla Isackson - Writer, Editor, Publisher
Read Darla's article "The Lord is My Light" at
Read other articles by Darla at

Hotels: We have reserved a block of rooms at the Sleep Inn located at 8525 North Tryon, 704-549-4544.
The block will be removed on April 8th, after which you will still receive the group rate, but we will no longer have the rooms reserved for our group. It's very important for you to mention that you are with the LDS Single Adult Group in order to get the rate and in order for us to get credit for your booking.
This is not the same Sleep Inn as last year and is much closer to the church - only 3 miles.
The block rate is $49.95, (Total with tax is $56.70) for up to 4 people in a room.
The hotel has a free deluxe continental breakfast from 6:00 - 9:30 AM
The hotel will keep a list of people who want roommates, but you must request that they put your name on the list or they will not know to do so.
Please make your reservations directly with the hotel.

13th Feb, 2004 - 2:53am / Post ID: #

Page 2 Events Singles Regional


If you live within the DC Temple area, go to our
site and print out
the flyer!
Post it on your bulletin boards and ask to put in
your Sunday
bulletins! Lets get 1000 singles there! Dinner
and dance at the
Stake Center next to the Temple the same night!!!

(You will have to join the Yahoo group, which requires giving a valid email address)

26th Feb, 2004 - 1:37pm / Post ID: #

Events Singles Regional





EVERYONE is invited.

When: Saturday March 6, 2004, 9 p.m. to

Where: Allison Hendrickson's house in Mesa,

Address: 1548 East Grove

Directions: From the Route 60 freeway, exit
North on Stapley to
Turn right on Southern and go to Harris. Turn
right on Harris.
Grove is the 4th street on the right.

What: Munchies, mingling, dancing--deejay is

Cost: $3.

Dress: Come as you are.

Note: Please no children. Non-smoking,
non-drinking event.

Targeted age range: 30 to 60.

Expected number of people: 80+.

Information: 480-225-6811.

Tell all your friends and bring everyone you

9th Mar, 2004 - 12:40pm / Post ID: #

Regional Singles Events (31+)

Ladies & Gentlemen, Boys & Girls,
Children of all ages!!! The BigEvent is Unveiled!!The
Manteca "Comedy, Crab & Entertainment"
NightWhen:April 24thTime : 6:00Where: Manteca Stake
CenterWho: The Hottest and Most Sensational Singles
in Northern CaliforniaWhat's happening you
ask.......well, let me tell you! We have searchedHigh
and Higher to find the most talented performers for
this Event!We will have entertainment you have
never seen the likes of beforeand most likely never
to be seen under the same roof again. We willhave
Singers, Musicians & Artists Extraordinare,
and that's justwhile we're eating. A Chef from the
Ritz-Carlton, a Five Star hotel(5 stars more than
Motel 6) will be supervising our Dinner,
whichwill include Succulent Crab, mouth watering Pasta
and much, much more.While we (the Adults) dine on
this truly bounteous dinning experience,we will
have the Finest Musicians playing the most
beautiful musicyou have ever heard. You have never had it
better, your service will be of a par not before
seen in the Northern California Area.
Thisspectacular Event will include, not only dinner and
entertainment foryou, but a SEPARATE dinner &
entertainment for your Children. We havespared no
expense and have planned an evening of Dinner, Fun,
Games &Movies for the youth! Bring a pillow
and a blanket because when theSun finally sets the
Fun will just be beginning for the Kids. Andwith
the Children being will be
free to have thekind of evening most people only
dream about!The Cost for this Gala Event is only
$20.00. "Brother Davis...youcan't be serious???"
I'm here to tell you that I am! (Where elsecould
you find Babysitting this cheap, let alone a
Dinner supervisedby a 5 star Chef from the Ritz
Carlton!!!) I also don't need toremind you (but I will
anyway) that this is a garanteed sell-out. Sobe
the first to sign up...don't tell me you're
coming, send in yourreservation money tonight (get up
and go to the Post Office rightNow!)Make Checks
out to: "Manteca Stake"Send them to: Crab &
Comedy & Entertainment Night513 East Watters Rd.
French Camp, CA 95231 Space is limited to the 1st
125 women and 1st 125 men.Entertainment &
more Hot Info to come.

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
27th Mar, 2004 - 2:55am / Post ID: #

Regional Singles Events 31+ - Page 2

From: Clark Letellier
Subject: Southeast WA Six-Stake Single Adult

Southeast Washington
Six-Stake Single Adult Conference
May 7th and 8th, 2004
LDS Chapel -- 829 S Buntin St -- Kennewick WA
Foyer phone: 509-586-7307

And I said, LORD, How Is It Done? Enos 1:7
An Enos Experience

May 7, FRIDAY Evening 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
7:00 pm Dance, Registration, Housing Assignments
-- Music by Clifton Jones

May 8, SATURDAY Morning - 7:00 am - 1:00 pm
7:00 am Breakfast, Registration, Housing

Various Expeditions to choose from:
-- Temple Session -- 7:00 am
-- Swing Dance Lessons - 9:30 am
-- SA Choir Rehearsal - 10:30 am
-- Hold to the Rod - an outdoor activity of trust
and faith
-- Hunting Beasts in the Forest - get off the
beaten trail
-- Preparing the Camp - numerous humanitarian
-- Riding the Trail - traverse a canyon in a
covered wagon
-- The Big Game - outdoor volleyball

11:30 am Lunch - and time to change into Sunday

SATURDAY Afternoon 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
-- Welcome
-- SA Choir
-- Keynote Speaker

"How Is It Done?" Workshops to choose from:
-- The Book of Enos
-- Seeking AfterYour Family
-- Key Principles of Relationships
-- Alone - Not Lonely, But Fun
-- An Historical Perspective -- Kennewick
-- Sufficient Money For Your Needs
-- Diet & the Word of Wisdom
-- Strengthening Your Single Adult Program

Testimony Meeting

SATURDAY Evening 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm
6:00 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Alex Boye` (see
8:00 pm Dance to the music of "Oh, Brother," a
live band from Spokane

Cost: Optional, but a donation of $5, $10, or
more will help others
Housing: provided by church members
Temple: if you sign up early we will schedule you
- bring your own temple clothing - 509-628-0990

Things To Bring:
-- A donation of a child's book for the Reading
-- Your scriptures

Divorce Must Be Final
LDS Conduct & Dress Standards Apply
-- Friday & Saturday morning -- Casual
-- Saturday afternoon & night -- Sunday Best

On Hwy 395 in Kennewick, turn east on 7th Ave
Go 3 short blocks to Buntin St and turn right
Go to the end of the street
Sunday Services: 9:00, 11:00, and 1:00



Please submit by mail, phone or e-mail

Make check payable to Kennewick East Stake

Donations are optional. Amount enclosed: $



City, State,

Phone /

Male ____ Female _____

Housing: Friday ____ Saturday ____ Provided
by church members. Local motels are available.

Temple Session: 7:00 am ________ We will
schedule you, but please notify us if there is a change
in plans.

Contact: Martin Lapp (509) 585-5004
21 South Kent
Kennewick WA 99336

15th May, 2004 - 6:26am / Post ID: #

Regional Singles Events 31+ Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 2

Memorial Weekend in San Diego! What a wonderful place to be! and this is one of the Premiere Southern California Singles events.

I'll be there! See YOU there :)

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