Global Warming: Natural Or Man-made? - Page 2 of 71

Here is some more "fuel for the fire" - Page 2 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 18th Feb, 2005 - 5:34pm

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Posts: 564 - Views: 78811
global warming Global warming has been in and out as the "latest" hot topic for many years. It is, according to modern scientists, the result of man-made industrial pollutants, clearing forested areas, agriculture, etc. But now they are thinking it started way before the Industrial Revolution...
19th Dec, 2003 - 4:04pm / Post ID: #

Global Warming: Natural Or Man-made? - Page 2

OK, here are some more articles to pour fuel on the fire of this (lagging) discussion.
'Global-warming' experts ripped for heating planet

Pollution fights 'global warming'?

Those who roar most about the wickedness of humans causing pollution aren't willing to give up their "conveniences" in order to pollute less. Arianna Huffington is an excellent example, as she is driven around in a limousine and flies around the world in a private jet, yet wants the government to force all of us to give up our safe, effective SUVs and minivans.


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1st Jan, 2004 - 10:12pm / Post ID: #

Man-made Natural Warming Global

"One of the scientists at this year's "global warming" conference in San Francisco is blasting his fellow researchers for their frequent-flying habit, which he says is heating up the planet even more."

That's a quote from the first article you have linked. What a ridiculous argument!! Who are these people?


International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 ActivistPoliticianAmbassador 59.5%

Post Date: 7th Jan, 2004 - 12:50am / Post ID: #

Global Warming: Natural Or Man-made?
A Friend

Global Warming: Natural Or Man-made? History & Civil Business Politics

Well if you think about the natural history of the world...the weather and climate ALWAYs changes. I think this whole Global Warming thing is nonescence. There was the Ice Age millions of years ago, it got hot again, before the ice age there was a period of extreme heat as well..its just the phases our planet goes through.

Post Date: 24th Mar, 2004 - 4:28am / Post ID: #

Global Warming: Natural Or Man-made?
A Friend

Page 2 Man-made Natural Warming Global

I think it's a bit of both...yeah, global warming has been going on for a looong time, but very gradually, and I think human things like pollution and such are only helping the global warming and causing the temperature to rise faster.

26th Apr, 2004 - 9:02pm / Post ID: #

Man-made Natural Warming Global

The environmentalist movement has been riddled with fraud and deception and outright lies since its inception as a political movement. Collectivist backing has set its agenda (to ruin property rights and free enterprise of the individual by providing an excuse based on fear for "protective" government measures).

Much of the debunking of this pseudo-science can be found in Ronald Bailey's book, "Global Warming and other Eco-Myths".

As a people, we must learn to think for ourselves and look at all sides of issues rather than just beleiving those who have the greatest influence at any given time.

Nice to see some informed posts on this subject!


International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 100 ActivistPoliticianJunior Politician 10%

3rd May, 2004 - 12:35pm / Post ID: #

Global Warming: Natural Or Man-made?

QUOTE (dubhdara @ 26-Apr 04, 5:02 PM)
Nice to see some informed posts on this subject!

Well, according to the socialist/communist environmentalists, we are the "uninformed" on this matter.

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3rd May, 2004 - 1:53pm / Post ID: #

Global Warming Natural Man-made - Page 2

Error of opinion is tolerable where reason is left free to combat it - as someone once said wink.gif

It seems the great test as to the real "goodness" of a cause: how much do they respect the freedom of another. Let good causes work among the people, let government protect the freedom for us to do so and not involve itself in such things for it is invariably hijacked by those attracted to its power.


International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 100 ActivistPoliticianJunior Politician 10%

18th Feb, 2005 - 5:34pm / Post ID: #

Global Warming Natural Man-made Politics Business Civil & History - Page 2

Here is some more "fuel for the fire" on this subject (bad pun intended).
Hockey Stick on Ice
Politicizing the science of global warming.

This article shows how one of the most popular "studies" about global warming, that is frequently used to "prove" that global warming is a recent phenomenon coinciding with the heavy industrialization of the West, has some serious problems with it.

In the medieval ages, there was a warming period (somewhere around 1000 AD), that was followed by a "mini Ice Age" in the 14th Century.

However, when climatologists and astrophysicists challenged the data and math used by Michael Mann to make his "hockey stick" study, this is what happened:

Yet there were doubts about Mr. Mann's methods and analysis from the start. In 1998, Willie Soon and Sallie Baliunas of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics published a paper in the journal Climate Research, arguing that there really had been a Medieval warm period. The result: Messrs. Soon and Baliunas were treated as heretics and six editors at Climate Research were made to resign.

It is somewhat interesting to note that peer review, that is the review of other people involved in the same scientific discipline of any study, paper, book, or other research is a vital part of the scientific method. Climate Research is a major peer review publication. So, why did six editors at the journal have to resign for doing their jobs? Because by doing their jobs, they went against the politically correct notion of human-caused global warming.

If there was a naturally-caused global warming trend 1000 years ago, followed by a naturally-caused cooling trend, and both were as sudden and severe as the one that is claimed to be happening now, then that throws some suspicion on the theories that we are in a man-made global warming trend right now.

Mr. Mann's "hockey stick" study completely ignored and denied the two trends of 1000 years ago. His study has been used to justify the Kyoto Treaty and the attacks on current political policies within the US and Australia, as well as other countries. It has been used to drown out the scientists who dispute the theory that there is a global warming trend occuring right now.

Basically, this article shows how the "hockey stick" study is bad science, and is making for bad politics. If there really is global warming occuring now, and if it really is caused by human actions, then we need to know, using real science. The problem has consistently been that the "science" used to justify the Kyoto Treaty, as well as all the hysteria surrounding the Global Warming theories can't stand up to peer review.

I suggest that you read this article. It is very interesting.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 85.4%

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