JB I have a bit of experience in DMing and would love to start a game if you would allow me too. It would take me a few days to get what I need to ready. I should probably be able to start it some time next week if you would allow me to start one.
Gunner1116, you don't need my permission, just start. The Member Wars section allows anyone to start their own games. If you are successful and consistent then I will merely pretty up the Threads associated with your game for you. You can look at this Thread: Source 6 for helpful tips. Thanks.
Gunner1116, I have customized your Threads so that they stand out more and Players can find them easily. May I suggest that you make use of the free Avatars for both your account and yourself as DM so that you stand out more prominently when answering questions. You may also want to start a Support Thread for your game so that your Character signup thread does not become cluttered by questions. Lastly, please subscribe to all your Threads so you do know when there are replies for you to answer. Should your presence as a DM here be a success I will start adding more features to your threads as the other DMs now have and enjoy. Thanks.
Alrighty, I think I have most of what you asked done. The Questions and Support thread is up and I now have a profile avatar as well as a game avatar.
I am also tracking all three of my threads.
I'm still looking for a DEDICATED Dungeon Master for the Dungeons & Dragons part of this Community. We need someone that can respond daily to the game and also take on new players as needs be. You will be given special Threads and features with which you can manage the game and your Players. Please do not respond if you will be busy at school, work, with the cat, your spouse or something else, only take up the request if you honestly know you can be a dedicated Dungeon Master in an International Forum environment.
You're really having a hard time getting a DM for D&D huh? I would take this up but I'm not so expert in D&D to know all the rolls, references and such. There are just too many factors in trying to please everyone so I'm better off as a player.
Yes it is difficult because everyone wants the 'fun' but not the commitment. There are players here game for a good DM to run a positive active campaign but most of the DMs coming through here bail at some point due to real life commitments.
I wish I could run a Dungeons & Dragons game, unfortunately I don't have the time for it. I am getting into another semester of school and starting a job at the same time, so.
I stopped DM'ing because so many people started characters and then quit suddenly. I do apologize (and feel bad) for dropping from that responsibility so suddenly in the way I did. I really enjoy running a Dungeons & Dragons game and want to in the near future.
I need to work out some sort of system were the people that stay in get the say on actions of the group immediately. That way you don't need to wait for a week for a week for a response.
Further every game I have ran has been out of my head and not a set campaign. I am thinking that if I ran a game straight out of an already set book that would be a lot easier on my brain. I have a ton of ideas for Dungeons & Dragons but maybe it would be better to run it strait from a book.