The Dark Cleric - Medieval RPG - Page 3 of 47

GM: Who gave the woman the gold piece? Noah - Page 3 - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 24th May, 2011 - 8:55pm

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Medieval Dark Cleric Play By Post RPG

SCENARIO - The actual story is updated by the GM only here for the World of Medieval.
11th May, 2011 - 12:08am / Post ID: #

The Dark Cleric - Medieval RPG - Page 3

The Game Master says...

You feel that nothing more can be accomplished in this place so you leave and go outside. Those within and without the tavern mark your path as they also do their own regular chores of drinking, buying, etc. You estimate it is about 10am now.

GM: Say what you wish to do now.

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12th May, 2011 - 2:55am / Post ID: #

RPG Medieval Cleric Dark The

The Game Master says...

You decide to look around East City while watching to see if anyone is following you. No matter where you go someone is eying you and so you know that you are being followed even if not by the same person but several people.

East City looks like an abandoned castle horded by peasants, merchants and hustlers. Surrounding the castle are hundreds of tents with sellers asking you to by their goods so it is like one big market place.

You ask around a place to stay and about who is in charge. You are told about the Inn you visited prior and that some people offer their homes sometimes but basically no one 'stays' in East City as most try to do their business and get out. You are also warned that at night the city becomes a very "dark" place, not one for anybody not familiar with its lifeblood. As for who is in charge you are not really sure. There seems to be a political war going on between a chancellor and other factions.

GM: Say what you wish to do now.

15th May, 2011 - 12:38am / Post ID: #

The Dark Cleric - Medieval RPG RPG PBP Medieval World

The Game Master says...

You decide to simply move around the city sightseeing what East City is all about. You can see that this place is rather disorderly and has a corrupt feel about it. You wonder how order is maintained as sellers scream their offerings to potential passing buyers. The place smells and follows the pattern of one huge market place. As you tour East City's operations you encounter crowds of buyers, people moving their goods and hand carts and so forth. You can see that manners is not part of the nature of people here.

GM: Everyone use the D20 Community Dice and roll against your Soul. A number above your Soul is not favorable. Let me know the results.

17th May, 2011 - 2:01pm / Post ID: #

Page 3 RPG Medieval Cleric Dark The

The Game Master says...

Noah and Neihao find themselves hustled about and even though they keep themselves aware they are no match for a crowd of pick pocket experts!

GM: Subtract the amount of 10gp either in the form of gold or an item of the same value from your inventory. Please confirm what you gave up and then say what you wish to do now.

20th May, 2011 - 4:28pm / Post ID: #

RPG Medieval Cleric Dark The

The Game Master says...

Defeated by your misfortune you decide to leave East City and go to the outskirts in search of making a camp. You will have to journey a mile away to get past the grime of the peasant houses and even further away for a suitable forest for cover... You ponder which to do. It is about lunch time now and you also feel for something to eat.

GM: Say what you wish to do now.

21st May, 2011 - 7:21pm / Post ID: #

The Dark Cleric - Medieval RPG

The Game Master says...

You stay within the outskirts of East City. You come across a run down small farm half kept by an older woman that seems rugged and fairly hospitable. She does not have a specific place for you to stay but she can provide you with an old pigeon house that her former husband used for his hobby. The pigeon house will need to be cleaned up and there are no beds or any of the comforts you may be used to but there is an outhouse than smells like it has been there many years. She will charge you a gold piece for the night and adds...

"It be noon time now and I be making a mean soup... Will ye be partaking?"

GM: Say what you wish to do now.

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23rd May, 2011 - 6:47pm / Post ID: #

The Dark Cleric Medieval RPG - Page 3

The Game Master says...

You agree to the woman's offer of a place and supper.

"Ah good then..."

She holds out her hand.

GM: Whomever pays the fee please deduct it from your gold.

She shows you to the tools to clean out the pigeon house and tells you the soup will be ready within an hour. She then bites the gold coin you gave her with her eyes looking left to right checking to see if it is real. She then puts it in her bosom and marches off to her home, a medium sized wooden structure fit for a horror show. Within that hour you manage to get your new 'home' habitable at least for the night.

She then calls you in. You open the door and are most surprised by how dark it is inside. There is but one window and the curtains fall over it so she actually has to light a couple of candles enabling you to see just enough to walk around. You also find the odor of the house somewhat offensive as it wreaks of a place that has not been kept for some time. You can see several blacks cats around feeding on something... You are not sure what it is but you rather not know as you are about to eat.

"Won't you sit..."

The woman shows you to a table set for four. On the table are bowls full with what looks like a brown chowder of sorts. There are rather large spoons and mugs full of a red liquid you presume is wine.

"Hurry now before it gets cold..."

The woman then sees about her cats bidding them to come to the kitchen while you eat.

GM: Say what you wish to do now.

The Dark Cleric - Medieval RPG
The Dark Cleric - Medieval RPG (Hover)

24th May, 2011 - 8:55pm / Post ID: #

The Dark Cleric Medieval RPG World Medieval PBP RPG - Page 3

The Game Master says...

GM: Who gave the woman the gold piece?

Noah stands up addressing the old lady, "Are you a witch? And what potion is this you want to feed us. Do you work for the dark cleric?"

The woman comes out of the kitchen bewildered.

"What? I am but a widow and live here with my cats and because of that I am a witch?"

The woman says with a face trying to portray her honest intentions.

"Thank you me-lady but my hunger has strangely subsided. I feel a bit tired as well, I think I'll be leaving shortly for rest.", Neihao shifts uncomfortably.

The woman in amazement exclaims,

"You made me make this soup for nothing? Are you thieves?"

She stands with an angry face while clutching one of her black cats to her bosom.

GM: Say what you wish to do now.

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