D&D 3.5 Missing Ships Game - Page 15 of 31

Arthas was confused with what Hehon said. - Page 15 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 21st Mar, 2012 - 6:19pm

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Missing Ships Oliron As Dungeon Master - Adventurers are needed to investigate and locate the missing ships cargo and crew. This quest (D&D 3.5) is only one adventure, not a campaign. To participate create your character HERE for approval. Dungeons and Dragons
Post Date: 19th Mar, 2012 - 12:45am / Post ID: #

D&D 3.5 Missing Ships Game
A Friend

D&D 3.5 Missing Ships Game - Page 15

Asthelion approaches the gasping pirate who now lies sprawled before him.

"Friend", Asthelion addresses the pirate, "You're in no condition to run at this time. How's about coming to join us over by my companion for a little chat? No binds, no more blows to the head, you'll forgive me I hope for the first one as I am terribly sorry for the bruise that will be there for a while but don't worry. There will be no lasting damage. Look I'll even put my weapon away see?"

As he finishes his sentence, Asthelion puts his bow and arrow back in their respective spots as he is fairly confident he can outrun the pirate again if needbe. He then offers a hand to the pirate to help him to his feet.

No diplomacy bonus
Result: 14
Bluff is a +2

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19th Mar, 2012 - 4:43am / Post ID: #

Game Ships Missing Dragons and Dungeons

The pirate stares at Asthelion, not quite getting him, Jeffery is again unconscious.

GM Note: We have a new player about to join I think. He will be able to join once game time has reached morning.

19th Mar, 2012 - 12:27pm / Post ID: #

D&D 3.5 Missing Ships Game Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Avan puts away his weapon and begins to dismantle the pyre, throwing logs into the underbrush and spacing them apart. He lights one and starts a campfire. He uses the light to tend to the wound of the pirate with the arrow sticking out (if he's still alive!).

Heal(-1): 2 sad.gif I guess if he's not dead yet, he will be.

"So, how about splitting their trappings? I think it's fairest if we speak to them first and leave it if they've earned it legitimately. Otherwise they're(he's) lucky to escape this alive!"

Post Date: 20th Mar, 2012 - 1:12am / Post ID: #

D&D 3.5 Missing Ships Game
A Friend

Page 15 Game Ships Missing Dragons and Dungeons

Asthelion drags the unconcious pirate back to the lighthouse and this time ties him to the post with the rope that was found, he will also retie the cloth around his mouth but not so that he is being suffocated. Asthelion also retrieves his blanket from his backpack that he had loaned to Avan earlier in the voyage and drapes it over the pirate.

"Sounds good to me but we have to hurry. Someone is bound to notice they're missing sooner or later and I'd rather prepare for sooner. Let me see the other pirate."

Asthelion walks over to the other pirate to inspect the wound.

Out of Character: This will only be if he's not quite dead yet.

"I'm no cleric but if I remember right..."

Heal wisdom check (+2)
Result: 22

"That should do, for now anyway."

Out of Character: Holy luck batman! If he's dead though...

"Yep you killed him alright."

20th Mar, 2012 - 7:00pm / Post ID: #

Game Ships Missing Dragons and Dungeons

Night is falling as Avan begins to dismantle the pyre. He is able to dismantle only 3 big branches before it becomes completely dark. Even with the small campfire he is unable to safely dismantle the pyre in the low-light. The rope is tangled up with the wood and metal plate in no discernible order. Dismantling it will require some concentration and effort at this point.
Asthelion carries out his tasks easily enough. He takes a guess and gives the unconscious pirate some water. The pirate wakes up and thirstily "drinks" what he can. He looks to be in much better shape, quickly asking for some booze (in thick pirate accent of course).

If you wish to continue to dismantle the pyre I'll need rolls for use rope and craft. The pirate who was shot with the arrow in the woods is dead. It is just now tuned to night.

Reconcile Edited: Oliron on 20th Mar, 2012 - 7:05pm

Post Date: 21st Mar, 2012 - 10:42am / Post ID: #

D&D 3.5 Missing Ships Game
A Friend

D&D 3.5 Missing Ships Game

Arthas awake from his sleep. He found himself in a small room which only lit by a lampstand on a wardrobe. He noticed that he didn't wear his armor but a cloth. Where am I? Where is my belongings? He questioned himself. He got up from the bed and walked to the wardrobe slowly while was regaining his consciousness. The paladin found his equipment inside it. Arthas then wear his armor and held his weapon in his hands.

He left the room and walked to find any person who could tell him where he was. Unfortunately Arthas didn't meet anyone but he learned one thing from the place. He was in a ship. Soon, he made his way to the upper deck. His gaze wander around. He saw an island near the ship. Then he saw the sea was pretty unfriendly to swim though the sky was clear. He also noticed that someone was also staring at the sea on the other side of the deck. Arthas step closer to the man carefully and then said "Where am I."


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21st Mar, 2012 - 5:33pm / Post ID: #

D&D 3.5 Missing Ships Game - Page 15

"You must have hit your head harder than we thought. My name is Hehon, you are on my ship, the Randy Pelican anchored in the Ginoye Reef. You don't like the ocean so you requested to stay below deck. A freak wave caused the boat to heave to one side. You hit your head pretty hard against the wall when it happened.", the fishing boat captain looks and points out to the bay.

"Two others are already investigating the missing ships. I don't trust these waters at night though. I would wait until morning before trying a swim."

Reconcile Edited: Oliron on 21st Mar, 2012 - 5:34pm

Post Date: 21st Mar, 2012 - 6:19pm / Post ID: #

D&D 3.5 Missing Ships Game
A Friend

D&D 3.5 Missing Ships Game D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 15

Arthas was confused with what Hehon said. He tried to think clearly. Soon, he remember everything.

"You are right. I have remember everything. You muse have good-quality wood for that wall." the paladin said while he touch his head so gentle, imagined how hard he hit the wall "I cannot believe that they left me behind like this. When the morning is coming, I'll get them as soon as possible."

Arthas left the captain and then went back to his room for some rest.

> TOPIC: D&D 3.5 Missing Ships Game


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