Illegals In The USA - Page 2 of 20

Malexander, remember I love you buddy, do - Page 2 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 27th Mar, 2005 - 5:01pm

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US Illegal Immigrants Security risk - they are working at airports, nuclear power plants and key areas! Illegal Immigration.
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26th Dec, 2004 - 2:46am / Post ID: #

Illegals In The USA - Page 2

I believe we all should think of illegal immigrants as people first, though. We often are tempted to remove the human element and simply view these people as subhumans. This allows us to justify our lack of compassion. Perhaps if we stopped this attitude, it would be a big first step to solving the problem.

I agree 100% with you Tena. When you say we should think of illegal immigrants as people first, the first thought that came to my mind was the world 'alien' that the Immigration and Naturalization Service uses to describe non-US citizens. Now, I know some people do not see a big deal about it but I 'alien'? so are we from Jupiter or Mars? the name itself make you feel like you do not 'fit' in...not even with the human race!. Now, I know the word is not refer as the UFO stuff rolleyes but I don't know, it does not sound 'sensitive' enough. :-/

Offtopic but,
Do you remember the song of Sting "I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien, I'm an Englishman in New York'.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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Post Date: 28th Dec, 2004 - 9:56am / Post ID: #

Illegals In The USA
A Friend

USA The Illegals

People may present a potential danger regardless of thir origin. Bigotism drives us to blame the foreing persons. This was a trend before and it will be again. Whenever the situation will call for a witchhunt the foreign people will be the first to blame. No one will admit that the evil is in their own backyard!

28th Dec, 2004 - 4:20pm / Post ID: #

Illegals In The USA History & Civil Business Politics

Maicman, this subject is much more complex than you have indicated. Since the US is a nation of immigrants, most of us welcome legal immigrants, from whatever country. Personally, I work with an extremely culturally and ethnically diverse group of people. Hindus from India, Sikhs, Iraqis, Iranians, Germans, Koreans, Russians, Chinese, Japanese, Australians, etc. They are all immigrants.

The problem is with people who knowingly, with malice, circumvent the immigration laws to sneak into the United States. They have proven, before they even enter the country that they have little, if any, respect for our laws. Then, they (and their enablers) expect the US taxpayers to provide them with medical assistance, food stamps, education, even housing.

So, it isn't a matter of bigotry. Yes there are bigots, but bigotry certainly isn't a major factor in the national debate about this subject. I have personally read and heard the opinions of many recent immigrants, as well as children of immigrants from Latin America who condemn the massive illegal immigration problems - even if they have relatives who are entering the country illegally.

Of course, another huge problem is the fact that people from countries known to support international terrorism have entered the US illegally.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 85.4%

28th Dec, 2004 - 5:59pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 USA The Illegals

Of course, another huge problem is the fact that people from countries known to support international terrorism have entered the US illegally.

Some of them have entered the US legally just like some of the terrorists responsible for 9/11 attacks. The US needs serious reform on their immigration laws.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

28th Dec, 2004 - 8:44pm / Post ID: #

USA The Illegals

We certainly do need to reform our immigration laws. Mostly, though, we need to enforce the ones that are in place.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 85.4%

Post Date: 27th Mar, 2005 - 11:54am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Illegals In The USA


A Holladay grandfather believes illegal immigration is an imminent threat to national security, and he's ready to do his part to close the nation's border.

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
27th Mar, 2005 - 1:51pm / Post ID: #

Illegals The USA - Page 2

The US needs serious reform on their immigration laws.

It is amusing to me that one of the most hated countries in the world is the one country that has the most problems with illegal immigrants coming here. Everyone professes how evil the US is but if we were to take a survey of these same countries and find out how many nationals of that country, illegal or not, are in the US, I can safely say it would be more than a few. I am so tired of people who are here from other countries bashing on the US. Then go back from whence you came, and tell the others to stay away as well. My family waited years and years for their VISA to be approved so that they could come to the US legally, and I was fortunate enough to be born here. We appreciate what the US has done for us, and I for one am very proud to be a citizen, even though I don't look American. Those who come here legally and talk ill of the US, or those who come here illegally and expect the US taxpayers to pay their way, need to discovered and deported, in my ever so humble opinion. Enough is enough.

International Level: Envoy / Political Participation: 241 ActivistPoliticianEnvoy 24.1%

27th Mar, 2005 - 5:01pm / Post ID: #

Illegals The USA Politics Business Civil & History - Page 2

Malexander, remember I love you buddy, do not take anything here to heart - you sound in this message as one that I refer to often in my messages when dealing with the 'typical' USA citizen. Let me show you why...

It is amusing to me that one of the most hated countries in the world is the one country that has the most problems with illegal immigrants coming here.

Illegals that come to the USA are already illegal - in other words they most likely (not every case, but the majority are willing to do something against the law to get there. Therefore when they reach the US they will once again act in an illegal manner. They care nothing for the US or your patriotism in most cases, but instead they are interested in what they get. The same is true for Canada, Switerzland and even Trinidad! Illegals will go wherever they can get something - it is not something ironic or amusing per se, but fact. Keep in mind the US is not the only target.

I am so tired of people who are here from other countries bashing on the US.

How is that different from someone that is from the US and bashes the US? I agree that illegals have no rights, but it does not mean they cannot express their thoughts - they can just do it while being deported, but keep in mind - when the Colonists fought against the British I am sure anyone who spoke out against the King was seen as a burden.

I for one am very proud to be a citizen, even though I don't look American.

this is one of the classic statements that shows why some may live there and yet dislike it... I do not know if you realize what you said, but.... what does an 'American' look like? Really if we were to trace this we would have to pull out a picture of Geronimo or Sitting Bull.

Again, I am not picking on you Malexander, but as someone who has lived there legally I know the torments that some people go through - I see the other side of the picture and I often think that most US Citizens forget that they took this country from its' Native inhabitants while they were yet 'illegal immigrants' and settled by force from other countries. the US is in fact a land of immigrants - we must remember this.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3239 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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