ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules, Setting, Question - Page 33 of 66

Oh I'm definitely inclined to agree - Page 33 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 21st Dec, 2016 - 2:47pm

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    17th Dec, 2016 - 3:06pm / Post ID: #
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    ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules, Setting, Question - Page 33

    Game Master says...

    VARIABLE indicates that the Spymaster can choose which statistic to affect.

    When it comes to diplomacy and intimidate, note that attitude shifts take a minute to perform. So in the heat of battle your options would be to Fascinate or to get your allies to Total Defence for 10 rounds or some other workaround.

    I had an idea for a short prologue that should slip Kyra into the barony more smoothly. I have to assume you got to either Restov or New Stetven, most likely the former.
    I'm fine with your familiar being able to talk to anyone if you want. It's called a divine emissary after all. Maybe in this form he prefers to use simple language interspersed with cat noises.

    I'm very happy to have more of a talky campaign but you may find NPCs quite polarized if you try too much diplomacy over a long time. Speakinf of which, did I give you XP for the award ceremony?

    And yet more delays on starting the next book. A mix of work, socialising and insomnia. Did I mention I'm moving for 2 months? Also I have to send my laptop for repairs ASAP.

    Attached Image Edited: iCon on 17th Dec, 2016 - 3:16pm

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    Post Date: 17th Dec, 2016 - 4:11pm / Post ID: #

    ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules, Setting, Question
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    Question Setting Rules Pathfinder Kingmaker ICon

    I don't believe we received XP for the awards ceremony. Just for the kingdom and capital city founding. I hope your move goes smoothly, your laptop is fixed quickly, and your insomnia ends. This past summer all of my posts were from my phone while I saved up to build my pc.

    Post Date: 20th Dec, 2016 - 9:40am / Post ID: #

    ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules, Setting, Question
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    ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules, Setting, Question Archive Pathfinder / D&D

    I envision the ruined fort is located in the Northwest corner of the district.

    Can we have our Southern border be a Water Border with Lake Tuskwater? Would that count as us having a Moat already on that side? Are we able to build a City Wall along that end with a Watergate? If so, I think we should put the Watergate in the Southeast corner of the district; where I'd like to eventually build a Pier.

    Can the Eastern border of the district be a River Border with the Shrike River? Are we able to build a City Wall along that side too and have the river count as a Moat?

    Edit to my question in the new topic - I know we promised to build a Dance Hall, Bank as soon as possible, and a Park in every settlement (Urgency wasn't given on that one). Was there anything else we had promised to do? I'm reading all of my notes again since the time I started playing (562 pages worth), and I keep getting a nagging feeling that I'm forgetting/overlooking something.

    I posted in the old topic "After the meeting I will summon a phantom steed and ride it to converse with Mikmek and reaffirm our friendship." I'm hoping to get a meeting with Chief Sootscale.

    Attached Image Edited: Diarmadhim on 20th Dec, 2016 - 9:41am

    21st Dec, 2016 - 4:32am / Post ID: #
    Hand of Fate
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    Page 33 Question Setting Rules Pathfinder Kingmaker ICon

    Game Master says...

    I imagined the fort being either southwest or center-west (Or between, spanning a road), because it was only 150-200 feet from the lakeside.

    While historically cities had walls on their seaside borders, there's currently no rules support for that. I'll come up with a custom solution if the city gets big enough and you really want it. The Watergate is only useful if you have waterways actually entering your grid. You can currently build a pier along the southern water border.

    The Shrike River is 300' wide place about 1000' east, so it's fine to use it as either a water border or a moat.

    I still haven't updated everything - when I set up the Auto-SRD I'll make sure to include the deals you made and the laws. Don't worry about it too much right now.

    Did you want that meeting to happen during or at the end of your week-long meeting? Was anyone else coming along?

    Post Date: 21st Dec, 2016 - 7:13am / Post ID: #

    ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules, Setting, Question
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    Question Setting Rules Pathfinder Kingmaker ICon

    Ah, okay. So if the fort is Center west, it would take up lot D1 or D2, right? So when we upgrade it to a Castle it will use lots C1, C2, D1, and D2, if we want - yes?

    I would like for there to be walls completely surrounding the city. I think the designers just had a derp moment, since there's really no reason for them to not allow it. I think using the Shrike River as a moat and the Tuskwater Lake as a Water Border would be most advantageous to us. I was planning on having a pier eventually in lot F6, which would let us upgrade it to a Waterfront and use E5, E6, F5, and F6. That will still give us 4 openings for Water Border required buildings.

    I assumed the meetings were only 8 hours each day. I'm fine with everyone coming along actually. I'd like for as many people as possible to be familiar with our potential allies. If our meetings are going longer than 8 hours, I'll wait until the end of the week-long meetings. If they span a traditional workday, I'll go after the first day's meeting ends.

    Attached Image Edited: Diarmadhim on 21st Dec, 2016 - 7:20am

    Post Date: 21st Dec, 2016 - 1:54pm / Post ID: #

    ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules, Setting, Question
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    ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules, Setting, Question

    I was just about to volunteer to come along but…

    Default Dungeons & Dragons setting has gnomes and kobolds as bitter racial enemies, to the point that conflict is nigh inevitable if most members of those races are brought together. Does anything of the sort remain true in this setting?

    Kresnik wouldn't exactly be planning to engage in fisticuffs with Chief Sootscale, but his presence may make things… awkward at the very least if this rivalry is indeed a thing.

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    Post Date: 21st Dec, 2016 - 2:35pm / Post ID: #

    ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules, Setting, Question
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    ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules Setting Question - Page 33

    Yeah, according to Gnomes of Golarion, p. 10, "Gnomes have a deep-seated cultural hatred of goblinoids and reptilian humanoids, and their fables and mythology suggest numerous reasons for it."

    However, in Kobolds of Golarion, there is no mention of Kobolds sharing that malice with common gnomes - only with Svirfneblin (Deep gnomes). So you can still feel free to come. When I met them alone, they didn't attack me.

    I tend to think of the "Race vs race thing" as overarching - most people think like that, not all. There's always people outside of the mold. Kobolds of Golarion actually discusses Good kobolds (Typically Lawful Good, at that)!

    Post Date: 21st Dec, 2016 - 2:47pm / Post ID: #

    ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules, Setting, Question
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    ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules Setting Question D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 33

    Oh I'm definitely inclined to agree about such things being overarching trends rather than hard rules. But the existence of exceptions doesn't make ignoring those trends a grand idea. So yeah, wanted to confirm.

    For K's part, I've already got him having been raised in a culture more human than gnomish, for that among other reasons, I'd say he's aware of the cultural… bias, but not particularly inclined to take part.

    Regardless, on to the next post!

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