ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules, Setting, Question - Page 13 of 66

QUOTE Out of Character: That is a really strange - Page 13 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 13th Jul, 2015 - 9:57am

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    Post Date: 1st Jul, 2015 - 11:36pm / Post ID: #

    ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules, Setting, Question
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    ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules, Setting, Question - Page 13

    Ok I have been reading about animal companions. I take this wolf is my animal companion? What level would he start out as level 1? And advance as time goes on like when I advance he will advance one level? Or just take basic stats and go from there.

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    2nd Jul, 2015 - 1:02am / Post ID: #
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    Question Setting Rules Pathfinder Kingmaker ICon

    Game Master says...

    Txtrpg, yes that is just enough by 6 points.If you truly can't find the time to check, just use my value for experience.

    KNtoran, the class level column refers to Theaton's ranger level -3. So yes, level 1 now and when Theaton gains a level you check the next row of the table.
    Note that the companion follows Hit Dice progression and that it starts at 2, but does not gain Hit Dice at every level.
    So for now you take the Wolf's Starting Statistics and add the bonuses on the first row of the table.

    Post Date: 2nd Jul, 2015 - 1:13am / Post ID: #

    ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules, Setting, Question
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    ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules, Setting, Question Archive Pathfinder / D&D

    Ok That is what I was thinking just wanted to make sure I was doing it correctly. I will get him added soon.

    3rd Jul, 2015 - 3:38am / Post ID: #
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    Page 13 Question Setting Rules Pathfinder Kingmaker ICon

    The Second says...

    Using your figure for experience how much did you say I had again with what you just gave me?

    4th Jul, 2015 - 4:58pm / Post ID: #
    Hand of Fate
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    Question Setting Rules Pathfinder Kingmaker ICon

    Game Master says...

    The value I had for you your experience points was 3337 and adding + 266 + 100 you should have 3703.

    For this level, do consider the Shield Master archetype. It's quite good if you always use a shield, but you lose versatility. I also recommend searching for a guide on fighter builds, if you want to optimise your character.

    Post Date: 8th Jul, 2015 - 12:47am / Post ID: #

    ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules, Setting, Question
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    ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules, Setting, Question

    The wolf companion I select Dodge for its Feat and Guard for its trick. This should help complete my wolf companion.

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    8th Jul, 2015 - 2:06pm / Post ID: #
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    ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules Setting Question - Page 13

    Game Master says...

    I noticed a few more things, sorry about not mentioning before. (I have to ask the admin for the companion box to include the enter character.)

    You get to add Ability Modifiers to the base saves and you can also write in the attack modifier which ought to be +2.
    Track is a sub-skill of Survival and Jump has been amalgamated into Acrobatics, so you should write those instead.
    For ease of use, I suggest including the total modifier, which includes skill rank, ability mod and +3 class skill bonus (Yes, animals get those too, but not to Survival).

    Post Date: 13th Jul, 2015 - 9:57am / Post ID: #

    ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules, Setting, Question
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    ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules Setting Question D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 13

    international QUOTE
    Out of Character: That is a really strange rule... A player's CR is technically his class level -1. So you are fighting a harder challenge, assuming you succeed, and gaining XP. But it is stretched out over the whole day...
    I'll see if I can come up with something.

    For now, why don't you both enjoy 200 XP for arriving at Oleg's!

    Thank you for the XP! I think you're reading the rule a little differently and that's why it seems strange. I'll give an example to try and explain "Spending 1 day of downtime adventuring earns you XP as if you had defeated an opponent whose CR was equal to your character level.. .. You do not earn any treasure or other capital for downtime adventuring." (PFSRD, Downtime, Earn XP - it's also described in the Ultimate Campaign book.)

    Example: I'm 1st level, so one day of adventuring would give me XP equal to defeating a CR 1 monster (400 XP). If I were Level 5, it would give me the XP equal to defeating a CR 5 monster (1,600 XP). What's great about the rule is that no one can use it to get ahead of the other players. They can only use it to catch up to the person with the most XP (I figured you might be interested in it since you had written you would increase everyone's level to 5 or something upon starting the next module).

    There is a setback to it though. According to the rule, we don't get any gold for adventuring this way. That will lead to anyone using it being underpowered gear wise for their level - another Dungeon Master I know ruled that anyone leveling by using the rule would only get the minimum wealth on the level-dependent bonuses table.

    Example: Let's pretend I just hit level 2 (1,300 XP) and the highest level player is level 3 and has 3,800 XP (Just to make it different). I could use the rules to adventure, gaining 600 XP per day (CR 2 XP reward). The 1st day of downtime adventuring would give me +600 XP and I'd now have 1,900 XP total. Day 2 would give another +600 XP for 2,500 XP total. Day 3 would give me yet another +600 XP for 3,100 XP. The 4th day would be the last day I'd get the XP for a CR 2 encounter. Gaining +600 XP would put me at 3.700 XP. I'd now be level 3 and just 100 XP off of the highest level player. If I chose to, I could downtime adventure for one more day and it would give me the 100 XP necessary to fully catch up (Because you can never surpass the highest player with this rule from Ultimate Campaign), or I could decide to go do one of the other downtime activities (Which would probably be a better choice).

    Now normally this would mean I'm a level 3 character with the wealth of a level 2 character. That will mean I'm underpowered, which isn't a good thing. Encounters are created with characters having a certain minimum wealth in mind - CR 3's expect the players to have at least 3,000 gp in wealth. My 2nd level character likely only had 1,000 gp (That's the recommended minimum wealth for a level 2 PC). I've had Dungeon Master's rule that you are awarded the difference of the minimum recommended wealth for your old level and that of your new level (So in this case, 3,000 - 1,000 = 2,000 gp would be given to the character).

    That all being said, I'm cool with whatever you decide biggrin.gif If needs be I'll go out and just start exploring like a mad man with Caelum until we catch up the old fashioned way!

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