ICon's Kingmaker AP Pathfinder Create Characters

- D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 11th Jun, 2013 - 2:40pm

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Pathfinder RPG PATHFINDER RPG - The first step is to write an imaginative backstory for your character that is level and setting appropriate. Level 1 characters are unaccomplished but have enough past experience to start adventuring.
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ICon's Kingmaker AP Pathfinder Create Characters Related Information to ICon's Kingmaker AP Pathfinder Create Characters
8th Jun, 2013 - 9:54am / Post ID: #
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ICon's Kingmaker AP Pathfinder Create Characters

Game Master says...

Current ACTIVE game: Ruler of Kings II Medieval Fantasy Text Role-playing Game


The below Role-playing Game is CLOSED

Please read the first post of 'ICon's Kingmaker AP Rules, Setting and Questions' thread. That post also contains a link to the highly recommended Kingmaker Player's Guide.

NOTE: If you use the "Create Associated Role-playing Game Character" Button at the top left of this page please Post here to tell me about it.

The first step is to write an imaginative backstory for your character that is level and setting appropriate. Level 1 characters are unaccomplished but have enough past experience to start adventuring. On the other hand 7th level characters are quite accomplished and experienced in their field. I would prefer character backgrounds posted separately first, then we could work together to finalise the statistics.

It is very important for characters to have a reason to be in the party! Character motivations can range from a penchant for exploration to a greed for power in a newly started kingdom.

A physical description with hair colour, eye colour, weight and height should also be posted.

After posting a character background, the next step is [setting] up the character

The starting level is the minimum for the current Chapter. Stolen Land is level 1, Rivers Run Red is level 4, The Varnhold Vanishing will be level 7 and [increasing] by 3 for each chapter. If your character dies, the new one will be starting at this level, consider this a kind of "Save point".

To create a character, access the Getting Started page on the PRD or the Character Creation Outline on the D20PFSRD.

Ability scores are derived from a 15 point buy. Some standard arrays that could be assigned you your ability score could be (16, 14, 12, 10, 10, 8) or (16, 16, 10, 10, 9, 7) or some variation of those.

Playable races are all of the Core races, as well as any Featured races native to the continent of Avistan.

All classes can be played.

Starting Hit Points is the maximum die plus Constitution bonus and a +1 Favoured class bonus if it wasn't used for skill points. Hit points at level up are not rolled, but are half the die plus 1. So a d12 barbarian gains 7 hit points plus bonuses per level.

Starting wealth is dependent on class, and is rolled.

After finalising all this, 3 character traits are chosen, with campaign traits from the Player's Guide available if wanted.

My assistance is available at any point, just ask.

Rather off topic, but...
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Post Date: 10th Jun, 2013 - 3:35pm / Post ID: #

ICon's Kingmaker AP Pathfinder Create Characters
A Friend

Characters Create Pathfinder AP Kingmaker ICons

Let me begin. Theaton is a half elf ranger that is bored with being just a normal woodsguide for pay. He is very familiar with the woods he travels and just was not getting the sense of adventure that he had dreamed of. So he has set off into the world to see what kind of name he can make for himself.

Theaton stands 5' 2" Weighs 145 lbs He has blonde hair and blue eyes.

10th Jun, 2013 - 4:29pm / Post ID: #
Hand of Fate
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ICon's Kingmaker AP Pathfinder Create Characters Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Game Master says...

Firstly one question, would you like to read up on the setting (the Kingmaker Players Guide is enough to start) or would you like me to fill in background details? The choices range from being brought up on the outskirts of the elven nation, Kyonin, or growing up in any of the many human nations of Avistan.

The starting height is just too short, you can choose a height or add 2D8 to your current height. Also please choose or roll a starting age (I forgot to ask for this).

Search for half elves on the d20pfsrd site, there are a few changes from 3.5 but the ranger class is the same at first level, apart from the changes to Skills.

The Generator that has been linked, calculates the point buy cost for Ability Scores. Please do not exceed 15 points.

Class skills work differently in Pathfinder. It becomes a flat +3 bonus only if you have a skill rank in that skill. But non-class skills are more accessible only costing 1 rank.

For the half-elf bonus feat, Skill Focus, you must choose which skill you are adding it to.
As a half-elf, also pick two Classes which are favoured. When taking a level of a favoured class choose to add 1 Hit point or 1 Skill rank as a bonus. There is also the choice of a racial bonus for each class, for half-elf rangers it is: Add +1 skill rank to the ranger's animal companion (which you choose to get at 4th level).

So your final step comes down to choosing one feat and 3 traits, and then equipping your character for exploring the icy north.

PS If you are looking for a character building variation, there is an Archetype which replaces some class skills for half-elf rangers called Wild Shadow, which fits the theme you wrote.

Reconcile Edited: iCon on 10th Jun, 2013 - 4:40pm

Post Date: 10th Jun, 2013 - 4:45pm / Post ID: #

ICon's Kingmaker AP Pathfinder Create Characters
A Friend

Characters Create Pathfinder AP Kingmaker ICons

Here is what I have so far. Half elf 5' 6" I rolled a 3 and a 1 on the d8s. 145 lbs Age 23 Blond hair blue eyes. St: 15, [Dexterity]: 12, Con: 13, Intel: 10, [Wisdom]: 15, and Char: 10. That gives me a total of 12 Hit points Since I was not sure on weapons I choose a long sword and short bow for weapons. Feats I took were Endurance if I get a second I will take die hard. I do not know what feats a ranger starts with in the pathfinder series.I did want chain mail for armor Let me know what my starting money is so I can equip my character a bit better.

10th Jun, 2013 - 5:09pm / Post ID: #
Hand of Fate
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Characters Create Pathfinder AP Kingmaker ICons

Game Master says...

Good scores and hit points, the number of skills should be 6+intelligence, which gives 6, since you took your favoured bonus to HP. Good choice of weapons, a longbow is also available if desired.

Rangers receive Endurance as a bonus feat at 3rd level, but I will be flexible enough to allow you to take it now, then trade it out at third level.
Half-elves always have the Skill Focus feat.

Rangers begin with 5d6 times 10 gp and an outfit worth up to 10 gp. If you roll well you may get your chainmail!

Don't forget to choose 3 traits. I would advise fleshing out a background, then browsing the traits by title, since there are too many to read all the descriptions.

Post Date: 10th Jun, 2013 - 7:25pm / Post ID: #

ICon's Kingmaker AP Pathfinder Create Characters
A Friend

ICon's Kingmaker AP Pathfinder Create Characters

Take a look at this character and see how it looks to you


Male Half-Elf Ranger 1 | [Neutral Good]

Age 23
Looks Blonde hair, Blue eyes
Height/Weight 5' 6" Tall, 145 lbs. (Medium)
Homeland ____________________
Deity ____________________
Campaign ____________________
Representing Kntoran

Strength 13 (+1) Hit Points: 12 Current HP: 12
Dexterity 12 (+1)
Constitution 13 (+1)
Intelligence 10 (+0)
Wisdom 15 (+2)
Charisma 10 (+0)

Initiative +1 = 1 [[Dexterity]]
Action Points (Lifetime) 5

SKILL Total + Ability Mod. + Ranks + Misc.
Acrobatics*+1 = [Dexterity] 1+0+0
Appraise+0 = INT 0+0+0
Bluff+0 = [Charisma] 0+0+0
Climb*+5 = [Strength] 1+1+3
Craft+0 = INT 0+0+0
Diplomacy+0 = [Charisma] 0+0+0
Disable Device*" +1 = [Dexterity] 1+0+0
Disguise+0 = [Charisma] 0+0+0
Escape Artist*+1 = [Dexterity] 1+0+0
Fly*+1 = [Dexterity] 1+0+0
Handle Animal" +0 = [Charisma] 0+0+0
Heal+2 = [Wisdom] 2+0+0
Intimidate+0 = [Charisma] 0+0+0
K (Arcana)" +0 = INT 0+0+0
K (Dungeoneering)" +4 = INT 0+1+3
K (Engineering)" +0 = INT 0+0+0
K (Geography)" +0 = INT 0+0+0
K (History)" +0 = INT 0+0+0
K (Local)" +0 = INT 0+0+0
K (Nature)" +4 = INT 0+1+3
K (Nobility)" +0 = INT 0+0+0
K (Planes)" +0 = INT 0+0+0
K (Religion)" +0 = INT 0+0+0
Linguistics" +0 = INT 0+0+0
Perception+4 = [Wisdom] 2+0+0+2 [half-elf]
Perform+0 = [Charisma] 0+0+0
Profession" +2 = [Wisdom] 2+0+0
Ride+1 = [Dexterity] 1+0+0
Sense Motive+2 = [Wisdom] 2+0+0
Sleight of Hand*" +1 = [Dexterity] 1+0+0
Spellcraft" +0 = INT 0+0+0
Stealth*+5 = [Dexterity] 1+1+3
Survival+6 = [Wisdom] 2+1+3
Swim*+5 = [Strength] 1+1+3
Use Magic Device" +0 = [Charisma] 0+0+0
* Armor Check Penalty -3
"  Trained Only

Trail rations 14 days
50' rope
Quiver for arrows 2 score cap.


Base Speed [ 30 (6 sq.) ]

AC [16] = 10 +4 [Chain Shirt] +1 [Light Steel Shield] +1 [[Dexterity]]
Touch AC [11] Flat-Footed [15]

Base Attack Bonus +1
Basic Melee Attack +2
Basic Ranged Attack +2

Weapon Attack Bonus Critical
Long Sword +1 19-20X2
Type range ammo damage
Martial melee none 1d6 s 1d8 m

Weapon Attack Bonus Critical
Long Bow +2 X3
Type Range Ammo Damage
Martial 100 ft arrows(40) 1d6 s 1d8 m
Fortitude Save +3 = 2 [base] +1 [Con]

Reflex Save +3 = 2 [base] +1 [[Dexterity]]
Will Save +2 = 0 [base] +2 [[Wisdom]]

CMB +2 = 1 [BAB] +1 [[Strength]] +0 [size]
CMD +13 = 10 +1 [BAB] +1 [[Strength]] +1 [[Dexterity]] +0 [size]

Light Armor Proficiency
Medium Armor Proficiency
Martial Weapon Proficiency
Shield Proficiency
Simple Weapon Proficiency

Armor Expert
Elven Reflexes (Half-Elf)

Carrying Capacity
Light Load: 50lbs.
Medium Load: 100lbs.
Heavy Load: 150lbs.
Lift Over Head: 150lbs.
Lift Off Ground: 300lbs.
Push or Drag: 750lbs.


Ranger Spells Per Day

Special Abilities
Low-Light Vision
Adaptability: Skill Focus (bonus feat)
Elf Blood: Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any racial effects.
Elven Immunities: Immune to magic sleep. +2 to saves vs. Enchantment
Keen Senses: +2 Perception
Multitalented: Choose two favored classes.Bonus Languages: Any (except secret languages)

Wild Empathy
1 Favored Enemies

Experience Points 0

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11th Jun, 2013 - 1:49pm / Post ID: #
Hand of Fate
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ICon's Kingmaker AP Pathfinder Create Characters

Game Master says...

Most of the character sheet is good. As we are not playing with Action points, that line can be removed.

What I meant regarding feats was you can take Endurance now, and when you get it at 3rd level as a ranger class skill, treat the class skill as a bonus feat instead (bending the rules slightly). So you should not have Diehard.

You should have Skill Focus feat in a selected skill due to being half-elf.

You have Trait bonuses you haven't considered. The totals should be an additional +3 to initiative and +1 to Sense motive, as well as sense motive being an added class skill. Add these as a [Misc] bonus. Also your armor check penalty seems to be miscalculated. A chain shirt should be -2 which is lowered from to -1 also thanks to traits.

Please choose the creature type of your Favoured enemy.

Did you have any leftover starting gold after buying equipment?

Post Date: 11th Jun, 2013 - 2:40pm / Post ID: #

ICon's Kingmaker AP Pathfinder Create Characters
A Friend

ICon's Kingmaker AP Pathfinder Create Characters D&D / Pathfinder Archive

Ok I will remove the die hard and place that once I achieve 3rd level when I get another feat? Favored enemy is going to humanoid-goblinoid. If that is allowable. I had 7 gold 4 silver left over. I will get the trait bonuses added in I did not add them in because I did not know if I added that now or waited till you looked it over.

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