ICon's Kingmaker AP Pathfinder Create Characters - Page 4 of 48

After much thought here is my character submission. - Page 4 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 29th Jul, 2013 - 1:12am

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15th Jul, 2013 - 3:03am / Post ID: #
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ICon's Kingmaker AP Pathfinder Create Characters - Page 4

Game Master says...

80 lbs is actually Heavy load, and the maximum a strength 8 character can carry. But you have a horse with which to share your gear. For any Strength 8 character; light load is 26 lbs. Or less, Medium load is 27-53 lbs., and Heavy is 54-80 lbs.
So you should carry: Scimitar 1d4 (4 lbs.) 15gp
Longbow 1d6 (3 lbs.) 75gp
Arrows (20) (3lbs.) 1gp
Dagger 1d3 (1 lbs.) 2gp
Scale mail (30 lbs.) 50gp
Cold Weather Outfit (7lbs.) 8gp
Back pack (2 lbs.) 2gp
Flint & Steel (-lbs.) 1gp
50 lbs

The horse would have:
Blanket, winter (3 lbs.) 5sp
Canvas (5 sq. Yards) (5 lbs.) 5sp
Fishhook (5) (-lbs.) 5sp
Water skin (4lbs.) 1gp
Soap (1lbs.) 5sp
Whetstone (1lbs.) 2cp
Cleric's Vestments (6lbs.) 5gp
Rations (2 days) (2lbs.) 10sp
Holy Symbol, wood (-lbs.) 1gp
[Tindertwig] (3) (-lbs.) 3gp
Saddle bags (8lbs.) 4gp
30 lbs

Problem solved!
Being medium load restricts your maximum Dexterity bonus to AC to be +3 (You have +2 so within limits), a check penalty of -3 to physical skills, and speed reduced to 20 ft. This doesn't stack with your armour's penalties and you take the worse score (-4 check penalty, the others are the same).

The horse is a Light Horse, not combat trained.

The full list of cleric spells is available at Source 9. There's a lot of them from many different sources. There's a shorter list in the Spell Lists section or the other website, but it's only from the core rulebook.

Crafting is simplified by just spending half the cost of the item to craft and having the right tools on hand. It's all explained in the skill's description.

Happy to help, hopefully you've learnt how to create characters!

Just type up which 3 0th level spells you want and 2 first level spells. You automatically get an additional Cure light wounds from your healing domain.

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15th Jul, 2013 - 6:28am / Post ID: #

Characters Create Pathfinder AP Kingmaker ICons

My Spells:(For first day)
Level 0 Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
Level 1 Abundant Ammunition, Sanctuary
I would also like to add Artisans Tool's to my equipment.
Thank you for all your help.

Attached Image Edited: Canabusis on 15th Jul, 2013 - 6:43am

15th Jul, 2013 - 2:15pm / Post ID: #
Hand of Fate
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ICon's Kingmaker AP Pathfinder Create Characters Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Game Master says...

Ah, I didn't notice at first, but you've given the damage for Small sized versions of your chosen weapons. There are two columns, Elves, Medium sized, used the second column. Gnomes and halflings use small weapons.
So if you could please fill in the updated Gear and Melee and Ranged sections of your character sheet and post up the final copy?

For attacks the standard form is (+attack bonus) Weapon name (Damage, Critical multiplier)
So your scimitar would look like:
Melee: -1(BAB - [Strength] modifier) Scimitar (1d6-1, 18-20/x2)
Please repeat for all weapons as well as Melee and Ranger touch attacks

And your adventure begins.
It's a slow morning on Fireday the 18th of Calistril (February equivalent) as the few specks of snow fall onto the white ground, you are out logging for firewood. Suddenly you hear the hoofbeats of a galloping horse in the distance and the familiar shout of your name by a half-elf man you know to be Gallian. Your parents knew Gallian when he was a teenager and the years haven't been kind to him as he grew to 35. He was unable to attend the funeral, but you found traces of wilted flowers left at your cabin after your long cleric training.

You know him to be a high-ranking member of Duma the Sly's bandit group that has a good reputation among common folk for stealing from merchants, travellers and tax-collectors yet being generous to others. You know he to also oppose the reign of King Noleski Surtova and his group is masterful at vanishing into foliage after a quick strike.

"Shivas!" Comes the call from the distance, you can see the dark figure approaching you. "I have something interesting you might like to read."

You can now begin posting in the main game thread. Ignore the first post for now.

15th Jul, 2013 - 5:33pm / Post ID: #

Page 4 Characters Create Pathfinder AP Kingmaker ICons

Shivas Shanti
Elf, Cleric(Merciful Healer) of Sarenrae 1
Lawful Good, Medium, Humanoid (Elf)
Initiative: +2, Senses: Low-light vision, Perception: +5

AC: 12, Flat-footed: 10, Touch: 12 (+5 Armor, +2 Dexterity)
HP: 12 (1d8+1+3)
Fortitude: +3 Reflex: +2 Will: +5 (All saves +2 vs Enchantment)
Immunity: Sleep

Speed: 30' (20' with med load)
Melee: -1 BAB Scimitar (1d6 -1, 18-20/x2)
-1 BAB Dagger (1d4 -1, 19-20/x2) (10ft)
Ranged: -1 BAB (1d8 -1, x3) 100ft
Special Attacks: channel positive energy 4/day ([-]DC 11[-], 1d6, healing only)
Domains: Healing
Domain Spell-like Abilities: 6/day-rebuke death
Spells: (Caster Level 1st, +2 to overcome Spell Resistance)
1st -
0 (At will) -
Weapon Familiarity: Elf

Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 16 (+3)
Intelligence: 10 (0)
Charisma: 12 (+1)
Base Attack Bonus +0;
Combat Maneuver Bonus -1;
Combat Maneuver Defense 11
Feats: Toughness
Skills: Craft (Carts) +4, Heal +7, Knowledge (Arcana) +4, (+2 Spell craft to identify items)
Languages: Common, Elven
Special Qualities: Aura (Law, Good), Spontaneous Casting, Combat Medic
Money: 13gp 9sp 8cp
Horse, light
Scimitar 1d6 (4 lbs.) 15gp
Longbow 1d8 (3 lbs.) 75gp
Arrows (20) (3lbs.) 1gp
Dagger 1d4 (1 lbs.) 2gp
Scale mail (30 lbs.) 50gp
Artisans tool's (5lbs.) 5gp
Back pack (2 lbs.) 2gp
Blanket, winter (3 lbs.) 5sp
Canvas (5 sq. Yards) (5 lbs.) 5sp
Fishhook (5) (-lbs.) 5sp
Flint & Steel (-lbs.) 1gp
Soap (1lbs.) 5sp
Water skin (4lbs.) 1gp
Whetstone (1lbs.) 2cp
Cleric's Vestments (6lbs.) 5gp
Cold Weather Outfit (7lbs.) 8gp
Rations (2 days) (2lbs.) 10sp
Holy Symbol, wood (-lbs.) 1gp
Tinderwig (3) (-lbs.) 3gp
Saddle bags (8lbs.) 4gp

Shivas Shanti is an Elven Cleric from the out skirts of Hymbria (About 81 miles away). As a new
pioneer with my family, we survived on what we could grow and hunt with love and respect. Our
Family moved to the outskirts of Hymbria when I was very young about 7 to expand the elven
Territory. I lost my family and our home to an invasion of Worgs. I sought out to become a cleric,
after being healed and aided by the clerics of Sarenrae. Wanting to heal and help others who have
seen similar circumstances as to save them the heartache I suffered from loosing my entire family.
I came to follow the Goddess Sarenrae after being admitted to their temple. I have grown to become
a long haired brunette with my hair flowing in spiraling wavy locks. I have blue eyes as piercing
and colorful as the mid morning sky. I stand about five foot seven inches and weigh only one
hundred twenty seven pounds. With full lips that cast a radiant smile. My kind nature, and ever
helpful spirit only adds to my beauty. Now residing at my lodge in the Gronzi forest, my unknown
adventure begins...

Did I do that right?

Post Date: 27th Jul, 2013 - 2:18pm / Post ID: #

ICon's Kingmaker AP Pathfinder Create Characters
A Friend

Characters Create Pathfinder AP Kingmaker ICons

Posting interest but would like to finalize the details first.

Would you allow a goblin rogue or druid (Depending on what will help the party more) to join? I am aware that ranger selected goblinoids as his favored enemy but I think it would be an interesting role play even if I was treated as a slave. (More of a role player than a roll player).

Rough ideas:
(If rogue)
-From somewhere in River Kingdoms (Had to sell out his tribe to prove loyalty which resulted in a gory slaughter. )
-Was enslaved and forced to polish weapons and armor for 14 hours a day with little food
-Currently on the run, and wanted for stealing 100gp from an important person and escaping slavery.
-specialize in stealth, sneak attacks, and eventually dabble with poison to drip on daggers / an enemy's beverage, bluffs, and slight of hand.
-More focused towards helping the party survive than inflict damage in combat.
-Maybe learn to brew potions? (Alchemy)

(If druid)
-From Gronzi Forest
-On a vision quest to protect the wilderness
-Is slightly insane from eating too many wild mushrooms
-Argues with himself and animals
-More of a comical relief party addition with some helpful qualities
-Specialize in changing weather and talking to animals (Maybe ranged mounted combat on an odd mount)
-Also potion brewing? (Alchemy)


Very open to suggestions ideas, not too familiar with [Pathfinder] but I'll make due with the information you provided and wiki pages. Let me know which direction to head in and any tips and I will continue the creation and rolling process along with a more elaborate back-story.

I am also willing to change my race to gnome but then I may reconsider being a rogue and instead play a druid or sorcerer.

Attached Image Edited: JB on 27th Jul, 2013 - 2:29pm

28th Jul, 2013 - 10:36am / Post ID: #
Hand of Fate
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ICon's Kingmaker AP Pathfinder Create Characters

Game Master says...

Oh, I hadn't been thinking straight when I approved the favored enemy. KNtoran, without revealing too much of a spoiler or metagaming much, I can say that the area to be explored has a very low goblinoid population. Also, with the backstory I wrote after your choice, maybe more wilderness oriented enemies are a better choice, such as animals, fey, magical beasts etc. Or choices from the town of Greengold, Humans mostly.

With that said, Anoki, I would be delighted to GM for a goblin character. It's difficult to rationalise insanity in a Wisdom based class, so I would definitely suggest the rogue. I will do a bit of reading and post again.

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
Post Date: 28th Jul, 2013 - 11:35am / Post ID: #

ICon's Kingmaker AP Pathfinder Create Characters
A Friend

ICon's Kingmaker AP Pathfinder Create Characters - Page 4

Okay, I will wait on your next post before adding anything else. And thank you for accepting my character idea.

Edit: Is there any dice tag mechanics built into this site so you can see proof of rolls? I would really like you to view my character stat rolls to prove I didn't edit them, same for spot check and so on.

Sorry for the double post, I can't seem to edit my other post again. I hope the party is aware that pathfinder goblins are very much different than 3.5 goblins, not mechanically but they have much more depth to dislikes, interests, and behavior. They were modified in appearance and they portray them as cute and creepy all at once, it reminds me of the movie "The gremlins" With gizmo, but with more flesh eating, sadistic cheerful songs, and obsessions with fire.

Post Date: 29th Jul, 2013 - 1:12am / Post ID: #

ICon's Kingmaker AP Pathfinder Create Characters
A Friend

ICon's Kingmaker AP Pathfinder Create Characters D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 4

After much thought here is my character submission. I have changed my class to fighter as I think it will fit this campaign better, although he comes with flavor and not your typical sword swinging meat shield.

Kuj Vaxca hails from Brevoy, although he didn't always hail from there... He once was a warrior of the Dark Tao tribe until he got in with a group of thieves and sold out his own people for wealth and food resulting in the torching of his own people.
He spent the better part of ten years working under the thieves, performing petty tasks and criminal acts for payment, but mostly made fun of and treated unequally for his size. His size is one reason for Kuj's bizarre weapon choice, using a long wooden shaft tied to a metal axe head to extend his natural reach and take down mounts or trip his opponents in battle. (Halberd)
These days Kuj is on the run, he was tricked into performing a mugging in front of several town guards and now is wanted in Brevoy for his crime. Using the coin purse he obtained he purchased some gear at the next town and has been traveling ever since with his identity hidden behind a tattered cloak and a suit of armor. He wants nothing more than to escape his past that continues to haunt him and adventure forth for untold riches and the bloodshed of combat.

Kuj is 27 years old and stands about 3'2 tall, a scrawny frame weighing only 48 pounds, his intense yellow eyes stand out noticeably against his pale grey skin. His bald head bares nothing more than a few scars and an over sized mouth full of sharp yellow crooked teeth.

Male Goblin Fighter 1 | [Chaotic Neutral]
Languages: common, goblin
Deity ____________________

Strength 15 (+2)
Dexterity 14 (+2)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 13 (+1)
Wisdom 7 (-2)
Charisma 6 (-2)
(15 point buy plus goblin racial traits)

Initiative +2 = 2 [[Dexterity]]
Armor Check Penalty -4
Base Speed 30
AC [18] = 10 +5 [Scale Mail] +2 [[Dexterity]] +1 [Small Size]
Touch AC [13] Flat-Footed [16]
Base Attack Bonus +1
Basic Melee Attack +4
Basic Ranged Attack +4
Fortitude Save +4 = 2 [base] +2 [Con]
Reflex Save +2 = 0 [base] +2 [[Dexterity]]
Will Save -2 = 0 [base] -2 [[Wisdom]]
CMB +2 = 1 [BAB] +2 [[Strength]] -1 [size]
CMD +14 = 10 +1 [BAB] +2 [[Strength]] +2 [[Dexterity]] -1 [size]

SKILL Total + Ability Mod. + Ranks + Misc.
Acrobatics* +2 = [Dexterity] 2+0+0
Appraise +1 = INT 1+0+0
Bluff -2 = [Charisma] -2+0+0
Climb* +2 = [Strength] 2+0+0
Craft +1 = INT 1+0+0
Craft +1 = INT 1+0+0
Craft +1 = INT 1+0+0
Diplomacy -2 = [Charisma] -2+0+0
Disable Device*"  +2 = [Dexterity] 2+0+0
Disguise -2 = [Charisma] -2+0+0
Escape Artist* +2 = [Dexterity] 2+0+0
Fly* +2 = [Dexterity] 2+0+0
Handle Animal"  +2 = [Charisma] -2+1+3
Heal -2 = [Wisdom] -2+0+0
Intimidate -2 = [Charisma] -2+0+0
K (Arcana) +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Dungeoneering) +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Engineering) +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Geography) +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (History) +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Local) +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Nature) +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Nobility) +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Planes) +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Religion) +1 = INT 1+0+0
Linguistics +1 = INT 1+0+0
Perception -2 = [Wisdom] -2+0+0
Perform -2 = [Charisma] -2+0+0
Perform -2 = [Charisma] -2+0+0
Profession -2 = [Wisdom] -2+0+0
Profession -2 = [Wisdom] -2+0+0
Ride +2 = [Dexterity] 2+0+0+2 [racial]
Sense Motive -2 = [Wisdom] -2+0+0
Sleight of Hand*"  +2 = [Dexterity] 2+0+0
Spellcraft +1 = INT 1+0+0
Stealth* +6 = [Dexterity] 2+0+0+4 [Small] +4 [racial?]
Survival +2 = [Wisdom] -2+1+3
Swim* +6 = [Strength] 2+1+3
Use Magic Device-2 = [Charisma] -2+0+0

Combat Expertise (+1 fighter)
Improved Trip

Carrying Capacity
Light Load: 50lbs.
Medium Load: 100lbs.
Heavy Load: 150lbs.
Lift Over Head: 150lbs.
Lift Off Ground: 300lbs.
Push or Drag: 750lbs.

Spiked Gauntlet 1d3, [Critical Hit] x2 slashing or piercing
Halberd 1d8 [Critical Hit] x3 slashing or piercing (Brace / trip)
Dagger (3) 1d3 [Critical Hit] 19-20x2 slashing or piercing 10' thrown
Scale mail + 5 AC
Rations (10 days worth)
Water skin
Torch (5)
Flint and steel
Lanturn hooded
Oil flask (10 pints)
Peasant cloak

Total cost: 85 (Rounded it off so I lost some copper) leaving 105 starting gold from my origional 190.

Total weight: 50 pounds (Not counting rations)

Goblin racial traits:
+4 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -2 Charisma
- Small: Goblins are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a -1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
- Fast: Goblins are fast for their size, and have a base speed of 30 feet.
- Darkvision: Goblins can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
- Skilled: +4 racial bonus on Ride and Stealth checks.

(I was not familiar with pathfinder character building so I used the generator for the most part. Let me know if anything needs to be changed)

Attached Image Edited: Anoki on 29th Jul, 2013 - 1:27am

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