Shivas utters the words of casting Detect Magic and finds no magical auras, anywhere. When she moves the cloak, the amulet is revealed to be of silver, worth 20 gold, and in the shape of a stag's skull. Moving the body makes his other possessions clink, the most obvious being a dagger on his worn out belt, more hidden beneath the binding ropes.
Tarak moves the conscious bandit to the stable's privacy. The bandit glimpses the leader being moved and his eyes widen in fear. All of Tarak's questions are answered with a nervous shaking of his head, "No".
Shivas' healing manages to stir the leader and the man missing an arm. The bruised bandit remains comatose, and the last bandit, the escaping coward, had died long ago.
Out of Character: Detect Magic is used to find magic items, then Knowledge Arcana identifies the aura's school. Spellcraft can also be used, and it identifies what exactly the item is.
Shivas divests the leader of his possessions so that he has no means of escaping. Thinking better of what she found on the bandit Shivas tells Tarak. "Search them and take what possessions they are carrying. We don't want to leave them any means of escape." Shivas moves to help Tarak in dispossessing the men of their things.
She attempts to question the leader further as he stirs. "How many are in your group? Who is the leader? Where is your camp?"
After not getting any answers from the frightened bandit, Tarak searches him for any hidden weapons or valuables. He makes sure the bandits ropes are tight, and goes to help Shivas search the other bandits. After all of the weapons and valuables are confiscated from the bandits, Tarak returns to the stable to continue to work on the frightened one.
Tarak kneels down and gets right in the bandit's face.
"I have tried going easy on you and giving you a second chance at life, but I am growing tired of your stubborn and pathetic attempts to protect your scumbag bretheren. They don't care if you live or die. Your fearless leader out there has already offered your life in exchange for his own."
Out of Character:: Bluff check: 7+1=8
"So tell me what I want to know, and I might kill him instead of you!"
Out of Character:: Intimidate: 15+1=16
Theaton has to struggle with the bandits to remove the equipment, but Shivas' scimitar is enough to keep them from lashing out again. He piles all of the equipment found on the bandits into one large heap.
5 sets of leather armor, 2 of which are broken
1 dagger
1 composite longbow (+2 strength)
4 longbows
78 arrows
10 days of rations, 2 from each bandit
4 short swords
1 Alchemist's Fire
75 gp
As well as the amulet mentioned before and 6 horses (One horse was shared)
As Shivas questions the leader (in which building? Can the bandit with Tarak hear it or the other two in the storehouse?), he looks down at his bindings and sighs. "I guess there's no choice. There's forty of us in a hidden camp, on the first river you cross going south, then very far west into the forest. Our leader calls himself the Skull King and we have no other name for him. He's the toughest man I've ever seen, we all think he's part orc. But he's far more cunning that one of those savages." Shivas believes he's telling the truth (Sense motive: 6 +3, so you're not stuck posting one roll).
As Tarak leans close and threatens the man, tears roll down his cheeks as he sobs "Boss always said my life was forfeit anyway... I - I'll tell you what I know. I just need to be sure he won't get me. Kill him in front of my eyes and I'll talk."
Out of Character: I have a question for all in the Questions thread, please post thoughts and suggestions.
Does anyone mind me rolling reactive skills for them?
What about rolling saves against spells and traps?
Out of Character: I have no issues of you rolling thos rolls for me to help the game keep moving forward.
In Character: Theaton will make sure to place the items they got off the bandits in a safe place so they can all go over them later. He will stand by and watch the items as he waits to see what information they find from the bandits. This way they can figure out their next move.
Shivas nods then after some thought shakes her head with a troubled look on her face. Taking the leader bandit to the store room she tries to keep him separated from the rest. She finds a dirty piece of cloth and gags him with it.
Shivas interrupts Tarak's interrogation. "Tarak, gather the others, we need to talk." Shivas moves into the courtyard to find the others. She tells the others what she was told by the leader, keeping her voice low so that the bandits will not overhear her. She then seeks their thoughts on the matter. "What do you think? I think he is telling the truth." Shivas shrugs and looks to the others with a deep look of concern in her expression.
Out of Character:: I thought that the leader hadn't been moved yet and was still sitting in the courtyard? As she was trying to question them separately.
I definitely don't mind you rolling for me, for any reason! I am never truly sure what rolls are needed. (Unless your roll is really crappy! Just joking) ;)
Tarak checks the ropes on the frightened bandit and then goes to meet with the group. After hearing what the leader told Shivas, Tarak tells of his interrogation.
"Well, what the leader said is reasonable enough. I mean if he was going to lie, why tell it like that. I uh, [kind of] talked my way into a corner with the one in the stable. He agreed to talk, but only if I kill the leader in front of him. Now, I'm not saying thats what we should do, but it is an option in case none of the others talk to confirm the leader's story."
Out of Character:: It's ok with me if you roll in those situations. It will help progress the game.