Theaton brands the loudmouth bandit to his screams of agony and injustice.
This leaves you with 4 cooperative bandits, branded. Shivas suggests releasing them.
1 loudmouth bandit who was just branded. Kesten and the others suggest releasing him too, for he shouldn't be punished beyond what he already has.
6 quiet bandits who would prefer branding to hanging. They are ready to repent, but aren't enthusiastic or helpful. Kesten would see them hanged or taken to Restov for a trial, Shivas wants to wait and see. (I will guess Theaton brands them, but what about after? Are they released?)
Finally, Kressle, waiting to be interrogated.
The decision seems to be in Theaton's hands as a tie breaker. Oleg and Svetlana have different opinions, Maerrun wants blood where Tarak would see proper justice. Even the bandits add their suggestions.
There is also the pile of loot to take care of after the bandits are dealt with.
With a vote between those gathered, it is decided that the 5 branded be released. They are each given one day's worth of food, and escorted out the gate. Kesten points them east, in the direction of Restov and they begin to walk away.
The remaining 6 are gagged again and locked up in the storehouse, and Kressle is kept in the guest room, still waiting to be interrogated.
Theaton will place the branding iron off to the side so it can cool off and start to clean up the area around where the branding took place. HE will then go check on his horse and take it out for some exercise. After the exercise he will return it to its stall and rub/brush it down good before heading back to the branding iron that should now be cooled down enough to clean.
Theaton finds his horse is a bit slow to respond to commands. He realizes that it's a young horse and has not learned any specific tricks. It's like a blank slate to a trainer or ranger.
Shivas gets nothing out of Kressle before sunset and all sit to eat a delicious dinner. The bandits are fed scraps and leftovers.
Theaton feels that the remaining bandits do not seem to be willing to change their ways so they should be hung thus we rid this area of more malcontents and fewer may take up the profession of preying on others if they see how we deal with those that do.