The two crew member shout at each other, but the rest of the barge silently agree to leave them behind, and the man stops arguing. "You heartless b-" The conscious bandit expresses a tirade of curse words until he runs out of breath. By that point, mounts had been summoned and the barge continued moving.
The half-orc presides over all of the loot, guarding it with his knives if need be, waiting for Val to take his pick first.
Four days later, on Wealday [sic] the 23rd of Calistril, the 13th day of the trip, Val wakes to an overcast and raining sky. But he is warm under a layer of waterproof material and many blankets. "What- Where am I?" He gasps, and the robed elf responds, "You were out for four days. Mighty hit you took, stay down, don't try to move, or talk."
The half-orc pushes the loot pile to the injured man. "You take first pick, standard insurance policy. Blink three times if you don't want something, otherwise you can take it all."
Val responds "You - talk? And you have a heard of gold? Many thanks, let's get through this."
The only items Val refuses are the 2 torches and 8 days of rations (Each weighing a pound), but he offers 2 gold pieces to each of the fighters, Theaton included, as thanks. Naturally, Val's plan is to sell it all.
As 2 days pass, it becomes evident that Val can only feel and move his arms. His legs are busted, as he calls it, and he cries for a while, complaining that he'll never do what he trained for his life to do.
The day after, Fireday [sic] the 25th, you finally arrive at your destination of Restov. The captain refuses to come out to assist in offloading. No one dares start to do any work without his permission. On the pier waits a fat man in nice bright-yellow clothing with a yellow- feathered and purple hat.
I forgot to mention it is a small structure, 100 by 125 feet, the wider side has the gate facing south. No guards patrol its walls, but Shivas can hear hammering from the inside.
Resorting to shouting, Shivas finally hears the hammering stop and someone climb a wooden ladder. The face of a middle aged woman appears above the wall, wearing a lime colored kerchief covering blonde hair. She cocks her head to one side in a moment of confusion, then says, "Yes, this is Oleg's trading post. No 'R' in Oleg's name, though. New Stetven is many miles North." She begins to pull a rope, saying "Gate's unbarred, come on in! If I may ask, what is a priestess doing all the way in the wild, here?"
Out of Character: I may have worded it badly, but New Stetven is the other direction of the road that the small path connected to. Shivas went south.
Despite spending two hours at the tavern, Tuj does not find out anything from the patrons, despite another 4 coming in to occupy another table. The two guard left at the mark of the first hour. Luckily, they all address you as 'gnome' so your cover remains.
Out of Character: What Gather Information normally involves is a few hours work, walking around various people in various places around town, asking about specific topics. I wanted to know where you limit yourself to (Number of buildings and/or measured area), to give you a bonus to Disguise, but penalty to Diplomacy if you explore only a little. Or vice versa if you cover a large area.
I assume you've only asked the tavern so far. Also I don't think the patrons count as a 'high social standing' so Noble Savage doesn't apply. You can try to roll both multiple times, taking more time for each Diplomacy failure.
Shivas smiles at the woman feeling a little sheepish for saying Oleg's name wrong and replies. "I'm sorry for my misspronounciation of the name mam, I come to report in for the exploration of the Greenbelt lands." As Shivas replies she makes her way in the gate and towards the woman. "I am Shivas Shanti and what might your name be mam?" Shivas puts forth her hand in greeting. "Whom would I need to report to?" Shivas feeling a bit anxious with excitement that she has finally reached her destination smiles with a renewed happiness.
Out of Character: : What day is it now? I've lost track of time again and I think I may have made it early?
Theaton will only take the loot the others did not want as he plans to sale it too. He will keep any of the rations the others do not want. Once they are back and the contract is over Theaton will ask for his pay before departing from the boat.
It's the evening of Wealday the 23rd of Calistril, a whole 7 days early!
Entering the small structure from the middle of the south wall, Shives first notices the 15 foot long cart strewn in your way. To her sides, off the palisade by 5 feet, flank two wooden buildings, the one on your left dominates the side and is obviously a stable with two large open doors and hay spilling from it. To the right, the building is smaller. Past that smaller building, to the north, are two tables with a campfire in between. Further north, almost against the outer wall, is a larger square building with double doors. And directly in front you, between the rear of the stable and the square building is another wooden structure, more like a shed.
All around the wall is a 5 foot wide wooden walkway (Apparently a 'Chemin de ronde' as Wikipedia says) and the woman is climbing down a ladder to your left. She walks up to you and says, "Greetings, Shivas, I am Svetlana. Oleg will be coming down from the roof now." She shakes your hand. "We didn't expect explorers so early, we only got word this morning. I'm afraid the man you are reporting to, and all the tools, aren't here yet."
Reaching Oleg's: 500 Experience Points, Wolf defeated: 400 XP.
Out of Character: I hope that's clear enough, without a map. It's not imperative at the moment, but I'll see what I can do. I will need extra role playing and discovery of the fort so the game can continue without the other characters arriving yet. When they arrive, perhaps you could be the one to provide a summary. I do hope you don't mind it becoming step-by-stem for the next week and a half. I will also post less, due to Anoki's temporary absence.
2 torches, 1cp, 1lb each
8 days of rations, 1 gp, 1lb each
And 2 gp
If you haven't already.
Who is Theaton asking for money? The captain has locked himself behind a wooden door in the small cabin, where you know the moneybox is. Also Theaton remembers being paid in full mistakenly after the first port. Whoever he asks for pay, he needs a Bluff check.
The crew lounge around for a full ten minutes, chatting to each other, one plays a knife game risking his fingers. The half-orc watches the game intently. The elves simply meditate. Val lies there, looking at clouds, all energy and will drained from his eyes. Finally, the fat man on the pier approaches, looking quizzically up and down the barge.
Out of Character: Sorry for being difficult, there is certainly a specific set of ways to resolve the situation, feel free to try out anything. Also Anoki's posting will be a bit delayed so I will try to extend the passing time in-game.
Shivas smiles kindly and say's to the woman. "Well met, Svetlana, Oleg..." Shivas extends her hand in greeting to Oleg when he comes down the ladder. "I am quite early to report, perhaps there is work I can help you with for the week?"
Shivas begins to feel a bit fatigued and hungry from her journey so she asks. "Do you have lodging available? I may run short of coin come the end of the week because I am so early."
Out of Character: : Sounds good I could give a tour of the place as others arive. I didn't get eaten by wolves so I'm happy to just play out my time here until every one and everything is in order.
Out of Character: I have added the items to my character.
In Character: Since Theaton does not get a answer from the door he will make sure he has all his items and walk away from the boat. HE will go looking for a inn or a bulletin board to see if he can find another job for himself.
Oleg comes around from behind the building to Shivas' right. He is a broad-shouldered yet well fed man, wearing stained and muddy working clothes. He wears a frown as he approaches and shakes her hand with his sweaty paw, before folding his arms and listening to the conversation.
Svetlana says, "Oh thank you for the offer, seeding will begin in two days,"
Oleg interrupts in a gruff tone, "Can you use one of these?" He pulls out a hammer from his back pocket.
Svetlana stares at him for a second, then says "I'm sure we can come to some arrangement for food if you help us, I just didn't expect anyone to arrive the day we got the news."
"Your time worth more than our measly pay?" One of the crew quip as Theaton leaves.
He doesn't even make it to the first crossing on the empty road, when from around the corner he hears thundering hooves. Two decorated horses turn onto his path and stop before him. One man wears nice grey furs and a heavy golden chain with a symbol on the shoulder, the other is an elf wearing the usual green and brown cloths and multicoloured crystals of someone of high standing. The man in chains says, "Go on!" And the elf continues towards the barge.
"You there!" The man in furs and chain says "Did you come off that boat? Are you the archer the wizard told us about?"
Shivas gives a knowing smile to Oleg when he asks her if she can use a hammer. "I can build carts, I think I could use a hammer." Shivas smirks with her reply. "I'm pretty sure I can be taught how to do anything you could give me for work." Feeling confidant that she can be of use to Oleg and Svetlana helping them and others is what Shivas feels her purpose is in life.
Shivas smiles softly and asks, "May I brush down my horse and put him in the stables and perhaps find a place for my belongings? I would like time enough to eat a few rations then I can do what ever work you would have me to until the sun goes down."