[After] dinner, Gorion returns to the orphanage to tell the children the story of Iomedae's third act. The children were excited to see him and listen to his story intently. After he leaves the orphanage, Gorion returns to the cathedral and retires for the evening.
Today is Fireday the 13th of Arodus.
After two days of heavy lifting and hard work you can feel it in your muscles. Rather sore and a bit tired still you both wake groggily and slowly get ready for the day. You hear the church bells and the acolytes scurry about as they prepare to get back to work for the day.
As you make your way to the back of the main hall you notice that the podium has been set up and meals are no longer being served within this room. It appears that the main hall is no longer functioning as a mess hall.
Gorion and Resfrix walk into the main hall and discover that breakfast is not being served there. Gorion turns to Resfrix and says,
"Surely they do not expect us to work without a proper breakfast. Come, let us find Father Zantus and get some food in our belly."
You ask one of the acolytes if they've seen Father Zantus. "You can find him in the dining room." After seeing the puzzled looks on your faces he gives further instructions. "The door next to where the kitchen is. It hadn't been set up until late into the evening."
You come to the modest dining room, two long tables with benches on each side, adjacent to the kitchen. You both find father Zantus and a good portion of the acolytes sitting and eating their morning meal.
Father Zantus smiles and replies. "There are only a few carts here today to unload, work will only last until lunch time today." Father Zantus looks at a piece of paper and back to you and continues. "There won't be any more to move until next week when more carts are scheduled to come in, after today that is."
After eating some rather bland breakfast, and unloading the few carts that arrived today you notice its still about an hour and a half before lunch time. Having completed all the work for the day, you're both released to do as you please for the remaining of the day.
Resfrix enjoys the time off before lunch and retires to the yard behind the temple to work on his meager fighting skills. He feels that a good work out could help with his sore muscles a lot. After a nice work out he will do and find lunch in the dining area.
After a nice lunch Resfrix will go wander around town to be able to familiarize himself with the town.
Gorion notices Resfrix practicing in the yard and offers to spar with him. After lunch, Gorion walks to the orphanage to tell the children the story of Iomedae's fourth act. Gorion and Resfrix were leaving the cathedral at the same time and Gorion offered him some advice.
"Most of the people in town are very friendly, but if you go into the Sandpoint Boutique, don't ask a lot of questions. The woman who runs it can be a little cranky, but she has some nice items."