One in five American parents believe their kids are spending too much time on the Internet, though most say the online activities have not affected grades either way, a new survey indicates.
Ref. https://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/internet/11/2...e.ap/index.html
This is a completly new generation. Everything you can think of is on the Internet. What it concerns me about kids is that they use too much information on the internet to do homework and research projects. As a teacher I literally put a 0 grade on "research papers" that were only copy and paste from web sites! I am surprised to read their online activities have not affected their grades.
My Health
I am very concerned about my health. I have problems getting out of bed in the morning. I feel very tired throughout the day even after doing nothing. I'm addicted to the Internet. My head hurts throughout the day. My hands are always cold. I have trouble focusing.
Source: Mental Help Net Questions and Answers
Lonely adolescents are susceptible to internet addiction. Loneliness is a risk factor associated with adolescents being drawn into compulsive internet use. The risk of compulsive use has grown in the coronavirus pandemic: loneliness has become increasingly prevalent among adolescents, who spend longer and longer periods of time online. Source 1y.