That night is cold, with the waxing moon providing a good illumination.
Wealday 12 Sarenith
Continuing northwards, you actually spot the golden-black Thylacine you had three more times. Twice it sprints away further to the north, before finally turning west the third time.
Oathday 13 Sarenith
The day starts off misty, but gets warm quickly. The Thylacine stalks you for a while, but any threatening gesture or attack scares it away. Eventually it stops bothering and leaves you alone.
By midday you approach Jhod's place, but the outside area hasn't changed much apart from regular cleaning. It still looks like a ruined temple without a roof, housing a clear pool of water.
When called out, Jhod comes over from the cavern. "Ah, it's good to see you have returned and you have brought quite a bounty with you! Clearly you've been busy so I shouldn't expect my message to have been sent yet."
"Please, come up here and share your stories. Will you be staying the night?"
Inside, the cavern has definitely changed. The stone has been shaped into 5 rooms and some crude wooden doors have been installed, hinged right into the stone (A wooden pin between 2 stone rings). But only one contains a mattress made of dried grasses, Jhod's bed.
Zork notices the changes and asks, "Who has done all of this?"
Zork attends to his horse and dog and prepares for the night sleeping with his bow.
Theaton claps his friend into a hug and then proceeds to tell him of what they have found in their explorations. He pulls out his map and shows Jhod the location of the statue and what they found around it.
"Good job on the improvements. What else do you need sent here to you my friend?"
I go to tell Jhod about the statue of Erastil and wind up laughing when Theaton does so. "How unpleasant," I deadpan. "I try to get you all to change course three times so we can tell our friend Jhod about Erastil's statue and you nixxed it, yet when we finally get here you take the opportunity to blurt it out. How droll of you," I end dismissively before turning to Jhod. "Jhod, you should also know that a thylacine is wandering about the area. Stay safe. It seemed quite ravenous and hostile."
"Now, now, Archival," Jhod starts. "No need to complain. I'm sure Theaton was just as anxious to tell me. If anything, be glad you don't appear boastful."
After hearing the story fully, he continues, "That is unfortunate. It's a bit far and probably too heavy to transport. I also have no plans for expansion until I have enough faithful. Perhaps someday you will accompany me there?"
He replies to Zork in a preaching tone, "Why it is the might of Erastil himself! I am but an instrument as I cast the stone shaping spells he provides. And it's for the best of causes, to praise him!"
"I also had two visitors a few days ago," Jhod admits. "They helped me with the doors. A hammer, chisel and nails are odd things for a hunter to carry, but I guess that man must have been a carpenter in the past."
"When they saw Erastil's magic shaping the stone in my hands, one was awed and the other afraid. I told them my god was merciful and not one to be feared. He should be worshipped for the gifts he provides. Don't you all agree?"
"Any other tales you wish to tell me? The day is still young."
Mykael greets Jhod and admires the work that has been done, giving a nod of approval, but otherwise he does not interact much with Jhod allowing the other members of the party to inform him about the statue and their encounters. After everyone is settled Mykael once again falls into his daily routine.
Zork, taken aback by the sudden preaching, says nothing but "Okay preacher, okay I believe you.... "
When he asks for stories Zork tells about the animal they found in the pit and what he made of it. Also, the final outcome of the wolves.