Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Character Creation - Page 4 of 8

Yes, the character sheet that you showed me - Page 4 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 27th Jun, 2014 - 5:23pm

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24th Jun, 2014 - 7:34pm / Post ID: #

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Character Creation - Page 4

Here is my #2 Character for the "Artifacts of Power" Campaign. Level 2 Rouge Female Human from Egypt.

Alias: Feyra Æthrom
Race: Human
HP: 13 (1d6+2)
Initiative: +4
Base Speed: 30 ft. Charge: 60ft. Run: 120ft.
Speed with armor: 30ft. Charge: 60ft. Run: 120ft.
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Religion: Egyptian Gods
Languages: Common, Afroasiatic, Celesial, Infernal

Fortitude: +1 (0+1)
Reflex: +7 (3+4)
Will: -1 (0-1)

Armor Class:
Regular AC: 17 (10 base +4 Dexterity +3 Armor)
Flat-Footed AC: 13 (10 base +3 Armor)
Touch AC: 14 (10 base +4 Dexterity)

Dagger: +5 1d4+0, 19-20/x2 - Piercing or Slashing
Scimitar: +5 1d6+0 18-20/x2 - Slashing
Shortbow: +5 1d6+0 x3 - Piercing
Any Melee (Light): +5 (1+4)
Any Ranged: +5 (1+4)

Ability Scores:
Strength: 10 +0
Dexterity: 18 +4
Constitution: 12 +1
Intelligence: 14 +2
Wisdom: 9 -1
Charisma: 10 +0

Skills: (While wearing armor, -0 to all physical skill checks)
Hide 5+4= +9
Move Silently 5+4= +9
Search 5+2= +7
Open Lock 5+4= +9
Escape Artist 5+4= +9
Disable Device 2+2=+4
Diplomacy 5+0= +5
Use Rope 1+4= +5
Sleight of Hand 5+4= +9
Knowledge (Local) 4+2= +6
Knowledge (History)4+2= +6
Knowledge (Religion)4+2= +6
Knowledge (Arcana)4+2= +6
Knowledge(Dungeoner.)4+2= +6
Knowledge(Nobility)2+2= +4
Bluff 5+0= +5
Sense Motive 5-1= +4
Spot 5-1= +4
Tumble 5+4= +9
Use Magic Device 5+0= +5
Listen 5-1= +4
Speak Languages 1+2= +3

Weapon Finese
Martial Weapon Proficiency

Dagger 1lb. (2)
Scimitar 4lb. (1)
Shortbow 2lb. (1)
MW Studded leather 20lb. (1)
Pouch, belt 1/2lb. (1)
Thieves' tools 1lb. (1)
Flask 1/2. (1)
Arrows 3lb. (20)
Money: 1 PP 35GP 10 SP

Feyra Æthrom is her name, it's been 2 years already her father left to bring goods from the town of Hierakonpolis. One of the largest towns in southern Egypt. Her mother had passed away 7 years ago when she was 11 and she lived with only her father. Everything were going fine until one day, the man that was bringing the goods for his shop got ill and he had nobody else to send. The days were bad and they had to make money in order to survive, that's why he went there by himself leaving her with one of his most trustworthy friends for her care. Days kept passing by. It was a nightmare... His friend wasn't kind at all. He got drunk and mad all the time. He brought out his anger on her, hitting her and making her do all the hard work. Housework, heavy carry, everything. She hated him, she despaired him, she resent him. She wished that he was dead, but... She couldn't kill kim.
One day, 2 years after her father leave, she heard a conversation. A conversation about her father death from many months before. She couldn't believe it... She didn't want to believe it. Her guardian was hiding it all this time. She lost it and grabbed a knife. Waiting for him to sleep, and then with the knife she entered his room... But again... She couldn't bring to kill him. Despite her hatred towards him, she didn't want to murder him. She dropped the knife and took some equipments, leaving for the deserts. Walking without destination. Without a purpose. Without a reason. But, with the sole wish to find it.

Attached Image Edited: Kamsans on 24th Jun, 2014 - 7:37pm

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24th Jun, 2014 - 8:05pm / Post ID: #

Creation Character Dragons and Dungeons Johnathans

I am upgrading my character Gordon Fraz to level 2, but however, the "Level up" Option doesn't seem to work properly, so I roll the ability scores again, is that OK?

Alias: Gordon Fraz
Race: Human
Base Speed: 20ft, Charge: 40ft. Run: 80ft.
BaseAttackBonus: 2
Fortitude: 3
Will: 0
Reflex: 0
Initiative: 1 (1+0=1)

Ability Scores:
Strength: 11 + 0
Dexterity: 13 + 1
Constitution: 13 + 1
Intelligence: 14 + 2
Wisdom: 11 + 0
Charisma: 12 + 1

If I need to create a new character then I have no problem making one.

Attached Image Edited: Felipe on 24th Jun, 2014 - 8:11pm

Post Date: 24th Jun, 2014 - 8:13pm / Post ID: #

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Character Creation
A Friend

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Character Creation Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Feyra seems fine. As for Felipe, would you like me to assist you, like last time, by leveling your character up, and then having you approve the sheet or not?

Also, please think of a new name for your second character, even if you will be keeping him similar.

24th Jun, 2014 - 8:20pm / Post ID: #

Page 4 Creation Character Dragons and Dungeons Johnathans

Yes I would like to be assissted by you and I appreciate that, thank you. As for the name for my character, I would name him something like "Charles Fraz".

Post Date: 24th Jun, 2014 - 8:51pm / Post ID: #

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Character Creation
A Friend

Creation Character Dragons and Dungeons Johnathans

A good idea of what this character should look like with his equipment can be found by googling "Egyptian warriors weapons" and looking at the second man in the second picture. Feel free to customize and build on what we have here. Let me know if there's something you don't like! By the way, a couple of rule-breaking: 1. You may use your shortspear with the same hand you are wielding your shield. The reason behind that can be found on the picture I recommended that you look. 2. A khopesh's official stats recommend 1d8 damage, which is ridiculously inaccurate. Switched to 1d6 as normal!

Alias: Charles Fraz
Race: Human
HP: 19 (2d10+3)
Initiative: +2
Base Speed: 30 ft. Charge: 60ft. Run: 120ft.
Speed with armor: 20ft. Charge: 40ft. Run: 80ft.
Base Attack Bonus: +2
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Religion: Egyptian Pantheon.
Languages: Common.

Fortitude: +3 (3+0)
Reflex: +2 (0+2)
Will: +0 (0+0)

Armor Class:
Regular AC: 19 (10 base +2 Dexterity +1 Dodge +2 Shield +4 Armor)
Flat-Footed AC: 16 (10 base +2 Shield +4 Armor)
Touch AC: 13 (10 base +2 Dexterity +1 Dodge)

Shortspear: +5, 1d6+3, x3 - Piercing
Khopesh: +6, 1d6+3, 19-20/x2 - Slashing
Shield: +5, 1d3+3, x2 - Bludgeoning
Unarmed: +5, 1d3+3, x2 - Bludgeoning

Any Melee: +5 (2+3)
Any Ranged: +4 (2+2)

Ability Scores:
Strength: 16 +3
Dexterity: 14 +2
Constitution: 11 +0
Intelligence: 8 -1
Wisdom: 10 +0
Charisma: 12 +1

Skills: (While wearing armor, -4 to all physical skill checks)
Climb 1+3= +4
Handle Animal 1+1= +2
Intimidate 3+1= +4
Jump 1+3= +4
Ride 1+2= +3
Swim 1+3= +4
Knowledge (Religion) -1+1= +0

Shield Focus
Weapon Focus (Khopesh)

Khopesh 2lb (1)
Shortspear 6lb (1)
Light Wooden Shield 15lb (1)
Scale Mail 30lb(1)
Backpack 2lb (2)
Blanket 3lb (1)
Flask (3)
Ink (1)
Inkpen (1)
Paper (2)
Rope (50ft) 5lb (1)
Waterskin 4lb (1)
Healer's kit 1lb (1)
Explorer's outfit 8lb (1)

Attached Image Edited: Johnathan on 24th Jun, 2014 - 8:51pm

26th Jun, 2014 - 7:17am / Post ID: #

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Character Creation

Sorry for the late reply, I just needed a few days away from responsibilities. Now, I'm not sure how much starting money is granted at level 2. And I hope the back-story is not too in-depth, I had to cut down and I could have done so much more.
Additionally, the total gear is far above the limit for a light load of 26 lbs. Does this matter in your game? I already downgraded armor from MW studded leather, to leather. If I remove the Buckler and Cleric vestments, it's still a total of 37.5 lbs, for basically no equipment!

Basmet Atakhamun
Chaotic Good
Female Human, Bard 2
Medium Humanoid (Human)

Hit Dice: 8 (2d6 +0)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft.
Base attack: +1
Religion: Bast
Age: 37
Languages: Egyptian, Sumerian, Celestial

Fortitude: -1 (0-1)
Reflex: +5 (3+2)
Will: +4 (3+1)

Armor Class:
AC: 15 (+2 Dexterity, +2 Armor, +1 Shield)
Touch: 12
Flat-footed: 13

Melee: 0 (-1 2-handed)
Ranged: +3

Ability Scores:
Strength: 8 -1
Dexterity: 14 +2
Constitution: 9 -1
Intelligence: 12 +1
Wisdom: 12 +1
Charisma:18 +4
(Human +2 to Charisma; -1 physical, +1 mental for middle age)

Skills: (40) rank+mod+misc = total
Balance 1+2 =3
Climb 1-1 =0
Concentration 3-1 =2
Decipher Script 2+1 =3
Diplomacy 2+4 =6
Gather Information 2+4 =6
Hide 1+2 =3
Knowledge (Arcana) 5+1 +2 synergy =6 or 8
Knowledge (History) 5+1 +2 synergy =6 or 8
Knowledge (Religion) 2+1 +2 synergy =3 or 5
Knowledge (The planes) 1+1 +2 synergy =2 or 3
Listen 1+1 = 2
Move Silently 1+2 = 3
Perform (Sing) 1+4 = 5
Perform (Dance) 1+4 = 5
Sense Motive 2+1 =3
Speak Language 1
Spellcraft 3+1 +2 synergy +2 synergy (Scrolls only) =6 or 8
Use Magic Device 5+4 =9

Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot

Bardic music, bardic knowledge, countersong, fascinate, inspire courage +1

Spells Known:
0th: Detect Magic, Flare, Light, Lullaby, Resistance
1st: Cure Light Wounds, Sleep

Spells Per day:
0th: 3
1st: 1

Equipment: name, cost, weight
Leather armor,10,15
MW Shortbow 1d6,330,2
MW Buckler,165,5
Shortsword 1d6,10,2
Arrows (20),1,3

7 x Candle,0.07,0
Flint and Steel,1,0
2 x Rations,1,2
3 x Torch,0.03,3
Healer's kit,50,1
Holy symbol wood,1,0
Spell component pouch,5,2
Cleric's Vestments,5,6
Bottle of fine wine,10,1.5

Total cost: 592.1
Total weight: 48.5

Basmet was born in a small village on the Nile. At age 10, her family moved to the city of Bubastis, also known as Per-Bast, where Basmet was inducted into the faith of Bast. For years she would train to be a priestess, all the while also taking a job as a scribe and an assistant to a physician, and getting married. The rituals of Bast she had learned greatly assisted the healing of her patents and the songs soothed their minds.

But despite her skill, she was never elevated beyond physician. She appreciated her position that was better than her other female friends, who would do housework or trading at market, but Basmet knew she was meant for greater things.


Basmet is a graceful older lady, wearing a fitted long white dress and many necklaces, with charms of an ankh, sun and lioness head and paw. Her black hair is braided with beads. When in dangerous areas, she wears her fitted leather armor and holds a buckler with a carving of a lioness head, with a shortsword at her belt. In open areas, she holds a shortbow.

She is a confident and intelligent woman, and enjoys making others enjoy themselves, albeit responsibly. On the surface however, she appears shy, because she doesn't talk much, instead opting to learn. When she performs songs and dances she treats it professionally like a job and does it for the sake of art, rather than engaging the audience.

During festivals, some at the temple looked down on her when she recommended not eating and drinking in excess while others stumbled around drunk. But she would only ever take the minimum to enjoy herself and encourage others to do the same. After all, Bast teaches both joy and protection, and men should also protect themselves from vices.

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Post Date: 26th Jun, 2014 - 7:39pm / Post ID: #

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Character Creation
A Friend

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Character Creation - Page 4

Carrying capacity rules are in place, but they shouldn't be an issue for your character. Just roll with it!

AoP is a very role-playing-based campaign, without too much combat anyway!

Felipe, are you satisfied with the character?

Also, for everyone, I am not posting the start of part 2 just yet, as yet another friend of mine will be joining within the next 1-2 days. Once he is on, and within a max of 2,5 days of this message, the intro post of Part 2 will be on the main game section!

27th Jun, 2014 - 5:23pm / Post ID: #

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Character Creation D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 4

Yes, the character sheet that you showed me seems fine, Jonathan. Thank you for your assistance.

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