More Character Sheet Styles
With the continued increase of different Characters there needs to be more options for Character Sheets so I just added twelve more style options. Below is a sample of the one called, "Thief".
What's Next...
Planned features to implement soon:
_ Player sheet guardians
_ Gems that act as rewards and have randomly generated benefits for your Character
_ Styles and options for Be A Super Hero Role-playing Game
That sounds really cool but what are player sheet guardians? Looking forward to some super hero styles!
New Additions!
The Text Role-playing Game Creator has been around for a couple of months and I'm now starting to streamline certain parts of it. I have started to work on the features mentioned above but so far the following is already available:
Alignment - Select you Character's outlook
Position - Decide the marching order your Character tends to take. This will also show in our Posts.
Status - This reflects your role in the party, squad or group. For instance, are you the party leader? A loner? This helps to determine who is taking a more dominant role. This also shows in your Posts.
Deity Text Box - You can elaborate on your Character's Deity or Clan, etc.
Familiar's Text Box - Rather than just a picture, you will be able to use this Text Box to keep track of your familiar or vehicle as they tend to have their own stats and abilities that should be kept separate from your Character.
Those are some good features, it keeps getting better and better. I really like the status and position options because that will make it more clear what each character is doing.
GM Stats
I have just completed the re-coding of the GM Stats option so that the following can happen:
* When you click the GM Stats button on a designated Role-playing Game Thread it will display all the Players who created a Character for that Role-playing Game .
* It will highlight the Leader of the party.
* It will give options for you to Create a Character if you have not created one.
* It will give you the option to see all the Characters ever created using the Text Role-playing Game created.
* It will show in place of "Board", the Position of a Character during movement or RPG Marching Order. When viewing all Characters regardless of the Role-playing Game then it will show the Board that Player is involved in.
Game Master's are encouraged to utilize this in order to:
* See at a glance their Player's leadership and location.
* Members that may have started the process to create a Character but did not finish (You can follow up in their Intro Thread).
* See who has recently updated their Character Sheet, so you can track the data.
Below is a sample of GM Stats layout.
It works awesome JB I really like that it shows everyone playing at a glance since most times you have to go through many posts to see all the players. Seeing those that thought of making characters but didn't actually join in the party is good too.