Kermit Introduction - Page 3 of 5

Ah, I see. Post directly in their introduction! - Page 3 - Introductions, Member Sharing - Posted: 7th Jun, 2015 - 1:48pm

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Post Date: 6th Jun, 2015 - 10:58pm / Post ID: #

Kermit Introduction
A Friend

Kermit Introduction - Page 3

Here is a copy/paste of the error message. That message appeared right after I hit private message on another member page:

Attached Image QUOTE
404 Error - Not Found

Maybe that Subject has been moved or merged with another Topic.

Please enter what you were looking for and we'll Search it:

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Post Date: 6th Jun, 2015 - 11:52pm / Post ID: #

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Introduction Kermit

Thanks for letting us know. I am unable to find a link that provides that error message. Please do the following when you have extra time.

1. Copy the URL (Link) of the member profile
2. Copy the link of the private message button on that page that you pressed to get the 404 message
3. Send both those links to me via our Contact Page as you will not be able to post links here.

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Post Date: 7th Jun, 2015 - 8:12am / Post ID: #

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Kermit Introduction Sharing Member & Introductions

Hi, if you're interested in being a super hero please join us: Comic Role-playing Game Be A Super Hero Role-playing Game as where close to getting deeper in the mission.

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Post Date: 7th Jun, 2015 - 1:05pm / Post ID: #

Kermit Introduction
A Friend

Page 3 Introduction Kermit

Hi JB,

I've done waht you ask. Thanks for looking into it.

In the mean time, for the post where I ask if people want to play with as a Dungeon Master, I receive two "Charm" With message that they seem interested.

I'd like to confirm with these folk, but I don't know how to contact them. I have made a post in the review campaign to ask them to write they are willing there, but is there a way to communicate directly with them.


Post Date: 7th Jun, 2015 - 1:26pm / Post ID: #

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Introduction Kermit

Thank you for sending it, very much appreciated, I will look into it as we want to make sure there are no errors in the code.

Attached Image QUOTE
I'd like to confirm with these folk, but I don't know how to contact them.

For Role-playing Game Reviews you know for sure when someone is planning to play because they will Reply to your Review to confirm that they will be playing. It is also what we use to gauge whether you can start the necessary Threads in Member Wars or not. Charm just means they liked what you wrote, it does not necessarily mean they are planning to participate. Here is an example of another Review Thread: Here. You can see where Players clearly state if they will participate or not.

Besides this you can communicate with Members right here in the Welcome Board. Just search for their Username within the Board's Search field.

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Post Date: 7th Jun, 2015 - 1:31pm / Post ID: #

Kermit Introduction
A Friend

Kermit Introduction

Yeah, I understand that, but both person, when they send me the charm, said that they are interested in the charm message. Hence why I would like to contact them to ask them to post in the forum. .

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
Post Date: 7th Jun, 2015 - 1:45pm / Post ID: #

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Kermit Introduction - Page 3

Attached Image QUOTE (Kermit)
Hence why I would like to contact them to ask them to post in the forum.

Like I said:
Attached Image QUOTE (JB)
Besides this you can communicate with Members right here in the Welcome Board. Just search for their Username within the Board's Search field.

Nevertheless, I've taken the time to find both the Members that gave you Charm: BattleAxe Introduction and PlayByPost Introduction

Blog Read My Blog
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Signature: Donate Please Support Our Efforts!
Post Date: 7th Jun, 2015 - 1:48pm / Post ID: #

Kermit Introduction
A Friend

Kermit Introduction Introductions & Member Sharing - Page 3

Ah, I see. Post directly in their introduction! Sorry the thought had not crossed my mind. Silly me!


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