Drethen gets a swing in before anybody can react, but his sword is expertly defected by Richard. Hunter closes in from the other side, but his attack is blocked as well. Ardo is able to land a hit on the man as he desperately tries to avoid the attacks of Hunter and Drethen in his blinded state.
Richard counters against Hunter and Ardo. Blindly swinging, he hits Hunter with a vicious hit (12hp) laying him out on the floor of the room, but his attack on Ardo gets deflected off of Ardo’s armor. Davik fires off two arrows. His first shot misses, but his second hits as Richard incorrectly dodges left when he should have dodged right.
Delgar keeps an eye on the door.
Richard starts to look a little strained from the previous hits he’s taken and his inability to see, but he still gives the impression that he’s completely in control of the situation. He attacks both Drethen and Ardo, landing solid blows on them both (9hp for Drethen and 8hp for Ardo) despite his blinded state.
Davik continues to fire arrows at Richard with only one of his arrows striking home. Delgar rushes up to Hunter, pulls his limp body from the fray and begins bandaging his wounds so that he will not continue to bleed out. Ardo’s next attack is fruitless as he fails to do any damage. Drethen’s next attack manages to catch Richard off guard and manages to finish him off with one final swing.
A quick search of the man finds that he’s wearing a high quality set of plate mail, has a very sharp long sword, he has a potion in his belt pouch, and the crown appears to be very valuable, even to the untrained eye.
Drethen will take the armor and the sword off the guy. "I may want this sword once we find out more about it. The rest of his stuff lets see what it does and is and then we can go from there. Right now if anyone has some healing I could use some as well as hunter can."
Out of Character: Well Hunter didn't last very long, I guess its time to upgrade huh? Let me try and take care of that as soon as someone helps me become conscious again.
Ardo seeing Hunter down casts acure light wounds hoping it will get Hunter back on his feet.
With Ardo now taking care of Hunter, Delgar casts a detect magic and starts to look around the room. He focuses on the body of Richard too see if he had anything magical on him.
Delgar's spell reveals that the plate armor, the long sword, and (Of course) the potion are all magical. It would appear the crown is just and expensive piece of jewelry.
"I think the plate armor is going to be too big for anyone to wear but I still would like the long sword. Maybe sell the armor and the crown and split the proceeds if we make it out of here. I think we should take a bit of a rest so we can all regain some health."
If you try on the plate, you find that it conforms to the height and shape of the wearer. It can be used by anybody of human size without difficulty.