"How much did you owe for the bow Thane? Maybe I can give you some to help pay your loan off."
Out of Character: : 60 gold / 5 is 12 gold each. So Thane has his 12 and 11 from llthin so 23 if I give him 10 more that is 33 gold. Edited: KNtoran on 19th Nov, 2015 - 3:01am
Out of Character: Thane owes 45gps for a short bow. I say pay it off and you guys can split the 15gps. Its well worth having a handler with a bow plus taking thief related risks. ;)
Ardo looks at the 12 pieces of gold and pockets 6 of them in a belt pouch and tosses Thane 6. "That should you get you close Thane, from this point forward I am owed an equal share of the treasure, we are all putting the same stakes in which is our life no one's contributions out way anyone else's in this exploring. Well the majority spoke we keep the egg for now. Let's head back out and earn some equal shares in the exploring. Well I am for going to the caves. I have walked that road enough times and have never seen that tower before. I am not going to walk into a mysteriously appearing tower. With our luck it would be full of traps we would fall to our deaths this time instead of 10 feet down a pit."
Thane puts his hands on his his waist then uses one hand for emphasis while saying, "So... Let's have some firm plan here. Shall I pay off my debt and do we sell the egg? I vote to find out about a dragon missing the egg and pay off my debt."
"You can do what you want with the money I gave you but your debt is your debt to pay. I vote to just sell the egg and be done with it and not look for an owner because if we start asking around we might bump into the person who stole the egg in the first place and if they could steal an egg from a dragon they would have no problem stealing an egg from us."
In Character: "Fair enough" Says Thane wondering what will be the outcome. Selling the egg would be in his best interest but he is unsure of the future consequences.