Mystery & Horror Role-playing Game Support
Don't feel lost or confused - this is a general Support Thread for this Board. If you have a question or concern do present it here and someone will answer. Asking questions is the intelligent thing to when unsure about your next step.
Specific Role-playing Games in this Board may have their own Support Threads, please look for them first before making your request here.
Name: James
Comments: What's the rating for Role-playing Games here? I just want to know if I start an Role-playing Game it won't be deleted and myself banned.
The limits can be found here: Mystery & Horror Rules, Updates & News which outline no graphic sex / rape scenes and no hate against children. Therefore the Slender Man Character would not do good here especially after cases like this: Slender Man Murders.
If this is the wrong place for this question, I apologize. I seem to be having issues with uploading my maps. I make them with Campaign Cartographer, but save them as JPG files. The images are well below the 2 meg size indicated but I get an error message on them indicating that format or size may be unworkable. I have been able to get them to upload, but only by shrinking them so small that they are barely visible, thumbnails more than the actual images.
I am wondering if this is an issue regarding my settings, as a new GM here, or if I'm missing something. Would appreciate any suggestions.
Strange, it works for the other Game Masters. Please send me the unedited version of the map (Not the one you shrink) that you are attempting to Upload and I will check on the reason. I have sent you an Email, merely reply with it attached.
UPDATE: This has been fixed. The technical explanation is: here. The general Support Thread for the Map system is also in that linked Thread along with tips about how to use it.
I am glad I was able to redirect MichealC here. Thanks JB for thinking ahead and having support forums like this available.