In Character: "Krakrefr, if you can find some of those production facilities we are looking for, I can scout them out, maybe draw up some plan for making our way in" Gaden says. "And are we expecting this to get hairy? They obviously have guns on the station, maybe a slight detour to the black market may be in order".
In Character: : Maiokus looks down at the ship's computer in disbelief, "Well there isn't a planetary network."
He heads to his cabin, "Alright let's get Intel on where we can find this compound. If we need to make a detour to the black market we will."
Maiokus removes his slug pistol and holster and locks it in his locker. He keeps his flack jacket on, just in case.
Afterwards he heads towards the airlock. "Allright who's coming? And did we get paid yet?"
In Character: : "If you call the Imperium civilized."
Maiokus secures his mask. "Anyone know if they have air filters on the star port? I'm not about to get black lung or some other [crap]."
"Alright let's go find a Liason and someone to find the cargo"
Out of Character: : Silvertongue's equipment shouldn't trigger the metal detectors.
In Character: : Silvertongue heads out and disappears amongst the labor unloading the cargo and the passengers heading into the starport. Blending in with the passengers, Silvertongue will begin his [RECON] of Ruie starting with the Starport.
Maiokus steps through the metal detector, and holds his arms to his sides expecting to be patted down by the guards.