In Character: "This stuff he wants is hard to come by. One location in the whole sector has it. Everyone else has been synthesizing other materials that do the same thing."
"So why not acquire a synth product for less than what he is asking for retrieval. The guy isn't even a published or credited 'Doctor.'"
Njall considers the Robot more useful purchased with Engineer ( any ) 2 installed, and a wafer to re-configure it with Mechanic 1. ( There is a mechanic on the crew, but only two of the engineering specialities )
If there is still time before the rendezvous:
Next stop InstellArms. Pick up a shotgun, rifle, telescopic sight, 10 reloads and a soft case for each, a flak jacket and an Ablative suit.
Back to the ship, rejoin the rest of the crew.
In Character: : Once the crew is settled into the ship and on the bridge Maiokus begins the briefing.
"So here is the job. Some Mad Scientist based out of Whanga system wants someone to go to the habitable planet in Ruie system, pick up some of this rare chemical compound and deliver it to him. Whatever it is, it must be pretty important to him, because he is willing to pay double the going rate for freight and number of parsecs jumped. Our total payment should be in the ball park of 176,750 credits. Which should be enough to get some upgrades or atleast some maintenance done on the Wild Card."
Maiokus punches some keys on the bridge computer to bring up a subsector map on a screen and begins to trace the route with his fingers.
"Now, Ruie is one jump out. We can pick up the cargo, refuel, then make the hopefully quiet trip to Whanga. We'll have to stop each parsec to refuel, but as far as I can tell each system has a gas giant that we can scoop and refine fuel at before making the next jump. Total, it should be 4 jumps if we don't mess up astrogation."
Maiokus taps the screen.
"As far as Planet Ruie, I only know they're not apart of the Imperium. If any of you guys know anything about the planet, let us know. But overall, what do you guys think? Anything to add Silver Tongue?"
Out of Character: : Not sure if I jumped ahead or pacing is right. If I did just slap me around and tell me to stop the madness.
A map for your reference is available in the first post of the thread in the Regina Subsector wiki entry.
Out of Character: Generally we need to allow the Referee to react to events, otherwise we get ahead and he has to back track our actions. If we hold here and allow everyone to rejoin the ship, then we can proceed.
As it is, not everyone has returned.
Krakrefr finds easily the Doc, despite the strong odors of the medic shops in the market. He gets into a shop with a holoneon sign "Navils Robotics", where he sees Doc bartering with a young human woman. He feels a bit uncomfortable with the armed bouncers and the stong medical smells, maybe they hide a danger. He is safe, as long as he can feel the knife in its holster (Hidden under his vest, on his back belt).
"Want some help Doc?", he asks his comrade.
Once everyone has made their purchases we will assume everyone makes their way to the ship and is on the bridge where the discussion about the next move can begin.
Shotgun 300cr. 10 reloads 150cr. Rifle 300cr. 10 reloads 150cr. Flak jacket (TL8) 450CR. And Ablative Suit 112cr; all total 1,462Cr. You will have to give me a reference page or Wiki link regarding the soft cases and the telescopic scope as I can't find those in the book or on the Traveller Wiki site.
You can feel the eyes of the guards on you as you enter the store and notice that they rarely leave you while you are there. When you walk through the door you are immediately intercepted by a man in a lab coat similar to the one worn by the woman speaking with Shuth "Greetings!" he smiles "Welcome to Navils Robotics, how can I assist you?"
Out of Character: : from Central Supply Catalogue-
Telescopic Sights (TL 4+): High-quality telescopic sights for attachment to a longarm, such as a rifle or carbine. The sights effectively reduce the range to the target (For purposes of determining the Dungeon Master due to range) by 2 range bands, while conducting aimed fire. Low-tech
(TL 5 or lower) telescopic sights are delicate, however and can be misaligned by jarring impact or temperature, humidity and so forth.
Cr. 25, 0.8 kg
( the board seems to autocorrect Die Modifier to Dungeon Master, which is...interesting )
Hoping for higher than TL5 - for durability.
I think Cr. 25 is a typo - in CT they cost Cr. 200
The soft cases I don't think are in the books. IRL: A cheap one costs about £15, average £30-£70, good ones ( more rigid travel cases ) £100+
From CT:
Minor Accessories: Holsters, magazine carriers, belts, scabbards, cleaning kits, and other accessories are available for 10% to 20% of'the base price of the weapon. They have effectively no weight (Being included in the personal clothing group). Shoulder holsters conceal pistols in public; otherwise, pistols are openly carried in hip holsters
In Character: : The time is getting short, so Njall heads straight to the Wildcard with his purchases. Edited: Bindoner on 1st Dec, 2015 - 1:05am