Here is my proposal then for the next episode:
The sensor system of the Wildcard was not just old and decrepit, it was quite literally beginning to fall apart. The ships automated repair bots were constantly working to patch wires, put out small electrical fires, and reroute power through various subsystems just to keep the sensors running. There was no doubt in any of the crew members’ minds that as far as the sensors were concerned, they were on borrowed time and it wouldn’t be long before the Wildcard was effectively deaf and blind.
The system was so worn that even an overhaul would not suffice; the system had to be replaced entirely. Fortunately they’d had a lead on where they could find a replacement. Unfortunately, there were complicating factors; it also meant returning to Ruie. Namely, they would have to bend a few rules and perhaps a few Imperial laws in order to get their hands on what they needed.
It was a passenger that gave them the lead, an old Marine travelling from Alell to Efate had revealed to Gaden a little bit of confidential information. He had been involved in something of a “pacification” action during the closing of the 5th Frontier War in which Imperial Marines were sent to secure suspected Zhodani conspirators from a listening post on the planet. The initial assault and recovery went well enough but the refitted Free Trader they had been using as cover managed to take a hit from some SAM sites and crashed into a mess of a swamp.
A rescue team eventually recovered the marine and his unit but as far as that marine knew, the Imperials never recovered the vessel and its still sitting there in the swamp. Most of the ships systems should still be operational.
True it would mean returning to the backwoods world that is Ruie, but it also means the chance to recover a fully operational sensors system that would be fully compatible if fitted to the Wildcard
If this is acceptable I will work on having the opening post up soon. Post any purchases that you would have made or downtime activities you would partake in on the support thread; the opening post will take place with the Wildcard emerging from jump in the Ruie system so we will basically jump right in at that point.
We should stock the Locker. Survival gear, Vacc Suits, all that sort of thing.
Getting new sensors is definitely our priority. A whole ship to strip sounds tempting. Lots of spares. We need lifting gear. A grav-cargo loader would be nice, if we can afford one. If we're looking at swampland a boat and some SCUBA gear would be useful. And Machetes. And Insect repellent…
Wasn't the vector for that disease stagnant water? Full environment suits, NBC decontamination kit…
I'll try to compose my synopsis in the next day or two.
Edited: Bindoner on 5th Sep, 2016 - 10:00pm
Even if you are wanted, if we are in a swamp with no one else around, I would imagine you can walk around freely. I don't think it is any more dangerous to be out and about in an environmental vac suit than it is to be stuck on the ship. But Traveler is a deadly game, so I can understand erring on the side of caution.
I also agree with Bindoner about the supplies we need. And I like the idea that Aericsteele proposed.
This should bring us to Ruie and the beginning of Episode 2; hope the players don't mind I just did a standard passenger/freight hauling flight path:
*092: Depart Efate bound for Uakye
*097: Arrive at Uakye unload freight and passengers receive 24,000cr for passengers and 85,000cr for freight totalling 109,000cr. Spend 2,000cr for 20t unrefined fuel and refine for remainder of the day. Pickup freight and passengers bound for Whanga system
Middle: 4
Freight (85t)
Major: Load 60t
Minor: Load 25t
Incidental: None
*098: Depart Uakye for Whanga system
*105: Arive in Whanga system and offload. Receive 13,000cr for passengers and 85,000cr for freight totalling 98,000cr. Load freight and passengers bound for Knorbes
Low: 9
Middle: 4
Freight (85t)
Major (60): Load 60t
Minor: (5, 20): Load 20t and 5t
Depart Whanga and refuel at Gas Giant
*106: Depart Wanga system bound for Knorbes
*113: Arrive in Knorbes and offload. Receive 21,000cr for passengers and 85,000cr for freight totaling 106,000cr. Load cargo bound for Forboldn. Pay mortgage, life support and maintanence -157,603
Low: 4
Middle: 0
Freight (85t)
Major: (60,40,60,20,20,30,30,10,30,10): Load 60t
Minor: (5,30,5,15,5,25,30,5,30): Load 25t
Incidental: 0
*114: Refueling at gas giant
*115 Depart Forbodln for Ruie system
*122: Arrive in Ruie System; Begining of Episode 2.
Thanks for getting the second episode up and running Aericsteele. Time to get back to being heroes or villains or whatever we are ;)
Do you want me to keep maintaining our financials in my character profile?