Paul, I will make sure to do that. I wouldn't miss that opportunity. Hopefully Zinna won't find him being comforted by a certain bar maid *smile*
Aeric, I activated the first gem for Zinna. Corren better watch out! :) Here was the result.
You have an admirer at your current location that is partial to helping you within their ability to do so.
I think Celodhil would be perfect. He was who I was thinking of as well. I thought that they would spend a lot of time together during her training. She would be in contact with him a lot on both sides of the Veil. If you have another idea feel free to go with it though.
Aeric, you mentioned before about Inasyah providing equipment for Zinna. Did she provide her with some and if so what exactly? I'm asking because she has nothing at all now.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 8th Feb, 2017 - 5:17am
I apologize, but I am not familiar with the Pathfinder system. However, on page 128 of the DMG, it goes over possible downtime activities including the construction and establishment of a guild or guildhall.
There it lists that it would require 60 days of downtime as long as Carrick is overseeing the progress (3 days extra per day he is not) and 5000gp, assuming the materials and labor are present to do so. (Seeing that it is a logging community, I don't see that aspect being too difficult.)
But of course this is all at your discretion. Just thought I'd share.
And I'm not necessarily looking to create something on the scale that may require 5000gp. Something probably smaller at first and maybe grow as we continue.
Edited: Brandonfett on 8th Feb, 2017 - 2:37pm
PF's rules for such things are a bit complex, but basically there are four kinds of capital needed to establish buildings and organizations. Goods, influence, labor, and magic. When building things, they act like special forms of currency. Source 9c Source 9g
You can buy capital outright, or you can work for it. The latter cuts the currency cost in half.
Working for capital is a lot like working for money, you make a skill check for a certain period and gain an amount depending on the result
From the looks of it, you have the skills needed to earn any kind of capital except magic, which you don't need for the sake of this.
The Hunting Party Aericsteele mentions isn't a building, its just the people, three flunkies described as "The necessary guides and assistants for sport hunting"
A tannery might be a decent baseline to establish the building as well, that would take 20 Goods, 1 Influence, 20 Labor, and 830 gp, or just 1660 gp if buying outright.
Both of the above are assembled items, you can 'purchase' people and rooms individually and build things up.
The problem in importing this is that both the gold values and the skill DCs are inflated by comparison to 5E's standards.
However, I think that even after conversion, the price is going to be out of Carrick's reach unless he can find a sponsor. You might need to spend the year earning funds and laying groundwork, and actually establishing the guild during our next downtime.
Edited: daishain on 8th Feb, 2017 - 5:20pm
Hmm, well if it's going to be too tedious or take away from the focus of the story I won't worry about it. I have other things Carrick can do for the year.
Which brings me to another question, what is our financial situation going to look like during this year or is that something we need to describe on our own? I couldn't remember if we had some kind of "Retainer" type thing for being the towns "Heroes" and what not.
Needing to upgrade to some better armor.
I don't think I'd give up out of hand. Given that we're skipping large amounts of time, I think Aericsteele is probably willing to handwave a lot of the complexities. Just work with him to find something appropriate. You might start with a simple shed and a flunky that helps with the hunt.
As to Carrick's funds, If I recall, the Defenders are getting a stipend from Clear Creek. Can't recall how much, check the intermission posts from that time.
Wanted to ask about obtaining armor myself. I decided that Leo was going to be busy doing a few too many things to have a profession per se this time around, but he would still be looking for a chance to upgrade to splint (Or better yet plate, but that's asking for a bit too much I think at level 3). That could be as simple as doing favors in trade for the materials and time at a forge to craft it himself, but there'd need to be the right opportunity. Heck, if he can get the steel strips elsewhere, maybe his buddy Carrick can set him up with the cured hide needed for the base. :D.
And then of course there is the need for another mount. Probably just a riding horse, as I doubt a warhorse can be obtained around here. Going to wish I hadn't needed to sacrifice the last one.
Edited: daishain on 9th Feb, 2017 - 6:41pm