Corren also bade the others, and the staff of the Logger, a good evening and made his way back to his small room. He planned on rising an hour early to get to the Logger, and prepare breakfast for the group. He was already thinking of scrambling eggs, mixing in some diced vegetables and sausage, then wrapping it all in flat bread. It made for a portable meal. He silently cursed himself for not asking if any of the group had preferences. He decided he would ask everyone as they arrived, and assemble their food at that time. For all he knew, perhaps Aves or Zinna or the monk shunned meat…
Out of Character: : I am willing to spend a bit of money to pay for this extravagance. Please let me know how much money to deduct.
Mradoric watches as everyone leaves before he gets up and walks out the door. HE heads towards the east end of the village where he will find a place to sit and face the east as he relaxes and meditates for the night. He will get some sleep and be up with the dawn.
As dawn appears he gets up and heads to the logger to meet with everyone and break his fast. He will eat what is prepared and thank the cooks. Once finished eating he will make any other preparations to head out.
As they exit the warmth of the tavern back onto the moonlit streets of Clear Creek, Carrick once again pulls his wolf-fur coat tight around his body as he and Zinnathyra head off toward her home.
"Well," Carrick begins, "If I'm bein' honest, er, no. I mean, 'fcourse there be plenty a rumors goin' round such as goblins er orcs, though they tend to leave a bit of a mess b'hind an' aren't 'xactly th' sneakin' type. Some say it's th' wild elves, kinda takin' some sorta vengeance fer th' town intrudin' on their land. Still others be spreadin' talk of curses fer th' empire tryin' to put itself 'bove the' Maker." He gives a muted chuckle to himself at that last sentence before continuing, "Ah, but again, these just all be rumors of scared villagers with plenty a questions an' not 'nuff answers."
Carrick looks up at the tall, red-haired lass with a slight smile on his face, "S'ppose that be where we come in."
They round a few more alleyways before arriving Zinnathyra's, "Ah, well, 'ere ye are, lass, er, ah, Zinna." Carrick turns and starts heading to his little shack near the outskirts of the village but then turns back, "Oh, an' one last thin', I wouldn't be worryin' bout those rations. B'tween th' guard-cook Corren, Aves an' m'self, I'm guessin' we be fine on th' food issue. As fer yer rope, it be no problem fer me to hold on to it fer ya. So, anyway, 'ave a good evenin' an' I'll be seein' ye t'morrow."
He then continues heading toward his place with a brisk pace. He looks up at the starry night and for just a moment he smiles as he considers his new acquaintances and they're eagerness to help out, then continues home. Edited: Brandonfett on 17th Jul, 2016 - 12:49am
Zinnathyra smiles and waves at Carrick as he strides away. " be safe Carrick. Thanks for your company. "She closes the door quickly shutting out the night. She speaks softly " he is a truly good dwarf from what little I know of him. He will be an interesting travel companion." She reviews what she learned about Corren and the young monk for a moment. Zinna wonders about Roland and the quiet one named Aves. She has not gotten much of a reading on them. Zinna shrugs and begins packing for the journey. Her eyes gleam in excitement thinking about the possible danger. She grins wickedly.
A couple of hours later her things are ready. She places her lute by her bag and caresses the wood gently. Her eyes tear up for just a moment and then she walks away. She tosses and turns for a while before finally falling asleep.
Waking up groggily, she notices the pre dawn light. She prepares herself for the day. She pulls on her leather armor and boots and dons her weapons. She pulls the backpack in place and staggers under the weight for just a moment. With the rations removed it is a good deal lighter. Zinn cracks open the door and walks slowly towards the tavern with her lute in her hands. . She is bent forward slightly against the weight on her back.
Arriving at the tavern just after dawn she walks in slowly and waves to those present. " good morn" She removes her backpack and sets the backpack down by the door. Zinna strums the lute softly in a gentle song as she walks towards the others gathered there. Edited: Kyrroeth on 17th Jul, 2016 - 1:59am
The dawn brings with it a heavy mist that blankets the village in a sheet of grey. The dirt pathways that wind between the patchworks of buildings are soaked and muddy and the atmosphere is heavy. The mist soaks into the clothes of the party making them heavy with moisture, particularly for those that spent the evening outdoors. Anyone that spent the night outdoors/exposed to the elements will need to make a Constitution check, DC 10 or be fatigued for the rest of the day.
The air is brisk and chilled, made colder by the dampness of the cloud that covers Clear Creek. Meeting at the tavern everyone exchanges their pleasantries and then prepares to head out. Everyone would have some time to purchase anything they need from the local general store before leaving, and the party departs around 9:00am.
By the time everyone arrives the Logger has set out a table with a meal prepared, on the house. Quell is the only one present and he explains to Corren that it is his way of doing his part to help find the missing villagers by making sure the heroes have full stomachs. Layed out before you is a meal consisting of scrambled eggs, a mound of bacon, and fresh bread and muffins. There is coffee made and steaming in tankards lined up at the bar, but there is ale available as well if requested. Before you leave Quell wishes you luck and the blessings of the Maker and then sees you off.
Out of Character: : If anyone wants to purchase anything make a post regarding what you have purchased and then note it on your character sheet, but we will not do individual scenes for each character attempting to purchase items. Use the standard prices found in the Player’s Handbook for any items purchased.
Corren stepped into the Drunken Logger, bright and early. Not only was Zinna already there, but Quell was just finishing laying out a simple, yet plentiful breakfast for the group. Corren shook his head and grinned at the man.
"Damn it, Quell! You've beaten me to the punch!" He stepped forward and surveyed the spread. He then turned and bowed to Quell. "You are too kind, my friend. Thank you ever so much." And knowing how some people hated to be the first, Corren grabbed a wooden platter and began spooning eggs onto it. He glanced at Zinna and said, "Don't be shy! Once Carrick and Roland get here, I bet this stuff will vanish quickly, despite the amount Quell has laid out." He grabbed bacon, bread, a muffin and some butter. He already planned on taking any leftover bacon and bread, as those would keep during travel. {The eggs, well, they generally don't travel well,} he mused to himself. He then moved to the table Zinna had already staked out.
Once the bard had sat back down with some food, Corren politely said, "I hope you are well rested. I am assuming Carrick will set a hardy pace for us to keep."
Aves is third to arrive at the tavern. Upon entering he nods to Corren and Zinna before greeting Quell.
"That looks really good and I suppose it's for us? Thank you Quell." He loads his platter with some bacon, eggs and bread before sitting down next to the other two.
While eating his green eyes focus Corren :"I don't suppose we can take Quell and his delicious food with us but I heard you are quite some cook, too? Between you and me, I think Carrick and I can hunt down enough food for the group while we are out but it would be nice to have it cooked properly for a change."
Mradoric steps into the tavern and shakes some of the water off his clothing. He nods to those gathered as he makes his way to the food. He takes some everything but not a whole lot. He smiles as he sits down to eat.
He keeps to himself as he eats but listens to the talk around him. He does not want to start the day with a over full belly as that will hinder his pace. After eating he will say thanks to Quell for the meal and step back outside and to a out of the way place to work on some stretches and moves to limber himself up. He will keep a eye on the door to the tavern so he will be ready to go with as soon as everyone is gathered.