Corren speaks softly but firmly. "With three horses, three of us will go back. Zinna, you and Roland and I will take Geoffrey to town. We can ride at a steady trot and be back there in short order. We will leave him either with the other guards, or someplace else safe. Then we turn and ride towards the Dinsmore place. Carrick, you, Aves and Mradoric will head straight there. Since it is just you three, strictly reconnaissance. If you find something to follow, blaze a trail we can follow. Unless we get waylaid we should not be more than half-an-hour behind you. Hopefully less." He stands up. "I just need a minute to make sure the fire in the stove will burn out safely, then I am ready. In the meantime, please ready the horses." He begins preparing to depart.
Zinna, Corren and Roland take the young boy back to Clear Creek on horseback travelling at a brisk pace they arrive after about a thirty minute ride. Geoffrey chooses to ride with Zinna and she finds that he actually dozes off and sleeps despite the bustle that the horses galloping creates, demonstrating the childs level of exhaustion. The mist has dissipaited by the time you arrive back at the village and the sun has broken through though the air remains brisk. It is somewhat after noon when you arrive. Where will you take the boy?
Meanwhile Carrick, Aves, and Mradoric make their way to the Dinsmore farm. As you near the farm, about a quarter of a mile away from it, you can all hear voices being carried by the light breeze. They are high pitched but gruff and you hear the intermittent cackling of laughter mixed in with hoots and hollers. Occassionally you can see the silhouette of small figures moving between the barn and the cottage.
If you approach to get a closer look you will need to make a stealth roll at disadvantage due to the terrain (The approach is largely open terrain). If you choose to take your time and basically "Low crawl" toward the barn you can make a regular roll but it will take you the better part of an hour to do so.
The group rides to the guard's hall, and leave him there, with instructions to tell Reeve Gant they have brought back the boy, and that they are heading back immediately to the Dinsmore place to see what may be found there.
Zinna smiles as she feels her auburn locks streaming behind her as they gallop. She holds Geoffrey back against her as they ride. As they gallop along she notices him slumping forward and leans him back into her.
After the thirty minute ride she sees Clear Creek. They stop in front of the guards' hall. She strokes Geoffrey's hair gently and wakes him up. " We are safe now Geoffrey. " She notices Corren nearby and calls him softly. She hands the boy down to Corren then dismounts. She hugs Geoffrey and smiles at him. " You are safe here. We are going to look for your parents now. We will see you soon. " She watches and waves as Corren takes him inside.
Zinna pulls herself back up in her saddle. She doesn't look towards Roland as she is still a little irritated with him. She grins as she wheels her horse around and faces back the way they came. Zinna is excited to catch up to the other group to see what they have found so far. Seeing Corren exiting the building she tenses for the chase. She prods her horse on as she heads out along with Roland and Corren.
Mradoric will walk towards the voices. He is not happy at what they found at the last farm. He is hoping that the voices they hear are of the farmers and all is good here but at the same time he will look at his companions and grip his staff tighter in preparation of a fight if that is what is needed.
As they approach the farmstead, Carrick looks to Aves and Mradoric and whispers, "Should we wait fer th' oth'rs, or get a better look?"
Noticing the monk tighten his grip on his staff Carrick grins, "Can n'ver be too prepared." Then quietly pulls an arrow from his quiver.
Out of Character: : Would either Aves or Carrick know the occupants and number of people who dwell at the Dinsmore farm?
As Mradoric walks toward the farm he notices that all of the figures darting about appear to be fairly small humanoids that can almost be mistaken for children. It is difficult to make out what they are saying but Aves thinks he hears a couple of words in the goblin tongue. As you approach you can see that the large doors to the barn are open and there is a wagon nearby that the figures appear to be throwing various items into. Sacks, chairs, and other non-descript items are being tossed into the wagon. There are a pair of horses attached to the wagon and a larger humanoid figure standing near the wagon seems to be barking orders at the others.
It is difficult to count how many there are as they scurry about, going into and out of the barn as well as the cottage; there may be anywhere from four to six. When you get closer the larger figure turns and seems to notice you and then in a gutteral voice shouts at the other figures. Aves hears the figure shout various threats in goblin suggesting that if they do not move quickly he will flay their young, eat them for breakfast, and defile their mates.
Back at Clear Creek a guard takes the boy with a nod "I will let the Reeve know" he says and then to a villager passing by heading toward the village square he shouts "Mugain; best fetch Father Bhisen!" The villager hurries away in the direction of the small church that sits near the center of the village.
Geoffrey clutches to Zinna's clothing as the guard tries to guide him away toward the small shack that serves as a guard house and jail. The boy whimpers and it takes some words of encouragement from Zinna before he finally releases her and goes with the guard. As you mount back up and begin to gallop away you can see the boy being led into the shack. Edited: Aericsteele on 10th Aug, 2016 - 3:44pm
Mradoric will keep walking towards the wagon if any of the small creatures come at him he will attempt to beat them senseless with his staff. It is clear to Mradoric that this man in the wagon is a thief and is stealing what he can from the poor farmers. It is his intent to keep that from happening. As he gets closer he will keep an eye out for any trying to surround him.
Out of Character: Rolls added if needed.