Trump v the media: did his tactics mortally wound the fourth estate?:
From a bonanza of free airtime to an overt media campaign against him, Donald Trump was a candidate covered like no other. But were journalists unwitting accomplices in his election? And where does the industry go from here? Ref. Source 9v.
Florida voters file lawsuit asking for a hand recount to overturn the presidential election result
In a lawsuit filed Monday, three central Florida voters assert that Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump, won the Sunshine State. The plaintiffs, who live in Osceola and Volusia counties, say the state's official election results were off because of hacking, malfunctioning voting machines and other problems. Ref. USAToday.
This is the same thing they were accusing Trump of… not being able to accept the final outcome yet it seems all the opposite now. What a lost cause, a waste of judiciary time and money.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 17 1.7%
Obama promises to retaliate for Russian election intervention 'at a time and place of our own choosing'
In an interview with National Public Radio, President Obama said the United States would retaliate against Russia for its attempts to undermine the U.S. Elections process. The intelligence community concluded in October that the hacking of email accounts belonging to the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign officials was authorized by "Russia's senior-most officials." Ref. USAToday.
I highly doubt it was Russia, but if it was, we should be thanking them, not castigating.
Those hacks revealed truths that the American people absolutely must know, and should be a hell of a lot more outraged by than they have been.
In order for any democracy to function, it is truth, not secrecy, that must be cherished. Oh, there's a place for secrets, but that place is nowhere remotely involved in the election cycle.