Name: Frank
Comments: I personally am a Trump man, for 3 entirely logical reasons.
1) we need better relations with Russia, and Trump managed that before he even got voted in.
2) Trump talks about making companies manufacture goods in the United States, thus creating thousands of jobs for traditionally unskilled workers. His company would also benefit, as he has already prepared for this change, so while other companies suffer, his will continue to prosper. Since he personally has alot to gain, I can be confident that he will do it.
And 3) Our economy is in ruins - and Trump is a businessman. Regardless of his bankruptcies, Trump has overall proven that he is good enough to make millions of dollars - if he started with a "Small loan" of a million, as he said, and had only ended up with 10 mil, he would still be a master businessman - and he did far better than that. I am confident he will reduce the national debt SIGNIFICANTLY, based on this.
And finally, I find Clinton to be an entirely dangerous and unpleasant woman - one who, chances are, would have started a war with Russia, based on what side she said she would take on the matter of the crisis in Syria. She literally chose the exact side that opposed Russia, and this would have inevitably resulted in a conflict between Russian and U.S. Soldiers. Which Obama already successfully did. I don't endorse everything Trump says he wants to do, but I feel he could be a good President, mainly because he backs up his claims. He owes no corporation money, because he owns a corporation, and he has personal gain from all of his supposed plans - if someone has a selfish motive, you can bet your ass that they will follow up their claim. I think that, in the history books, his biggest achievement will be the return of positive relations with Russia. Even if he does everything he says, that legacy will last the longest. Anyone who disagrees, id be happy to hear your thoughts on why I am wrong about him, or why you would've liked Hillary better. Or even Bernie.
How can one say Trump and logical in the same sentence? I want to believe that president elect Trump will start something great for America but I have my doubts for "Logical" reasons *wink*.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 8 0.8%
He is definitely unconventional. However, everything he has done is logical and is why he has been able to defeat 16 other republicans and Hillary for the position he will hold very shortly.
Actually, I am very happy to see that he is active in the business of the US. I have not seen this sort of cooperation with manufacturing and the government in decades and is long overdue and he hasn't even officially taken office. As they say, idle hands are the devils workshop and we have made lots of devils in the last decade with the unemployment and non-participations rates.
While he does get his foot in his mouth a good bit, what I have noticed is he is willing to change once the bigger picture is presented to him. The bigger picture also seems to be more than just raising a finger up in the air and testing for polls. He wasn't my first choice, but I am glad that we are moving on from business as usual in DC. It is a change that needed to happen and I believe that good will come from it.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
I hope you're correct Vincenzo because being the president elect and being president is a different thing. I hope he does not tweet everyone that doesn't like him or issue an executive order to silence a hater.
As for Hillary, this is a good example of why you have to do that much more to make a difference. It kind of reminds me of the story of the turtle and the hare. Can't feel that you got the race won until you've crossed the finish line.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 8 0.8%
Oh, he will tweet everything he doesn't like. That is pretty much a given now. However, that is his… let's say… Golden Globe podium. I wouldn't worry about executive orders to shut others up, he handles himself pretty well without that hammer.
As far as Hillary, I would just suggest that in the future, it is probably wise not to label a large percentage of the public as deplorable and unredeemable (And let .gov handle your IT needs). She lost for a myriad of reasons to long to list, but she was never going to win a popularity contest. That comment just really made her even more unlikable.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
Trump has several redeeming features - he offers better relations with Russia, an increase in jobs by taxing imports, thus making it more economical to hire Americans, and he has no funding from external corporations or special interest groups. He is entirely not a career politician, and in this way he was a break from several consecutive TERRIBLE career politicians. He could feasibly have defeated Bernie, I believe. THAT SAID, he does have his negatives, and going up against Hillary was a big help with that, because the negatives about HER are so enormously worse than his. She is a liar, a warmonger, a literal criminal, and an entirely odious individual. I believe that 30 to 50% of her voters were, in all likelihood, members of the "Anything but Trump" crowd, who were desperately opposed to the man. And even with them, Trump still won, because the "Silent majority", as we are called, outnumbered those who were so enamored by her claims and blinded by the lies and tricks of the network news executives, all of whom are deep in the pockets of George Soros, who would have much to gain from a Clinton presidency. Frankly, I think Trump was quite a good candidate, because he went against the grain of the political majority, and I think Clinton was just a terrible candidate. Its a little of both.
I guess it really depends on how you prefer to look at it. One could say that strategic parts of the country voted against Hillary or the current direction (Which she said she was holding) were responsible for his victory. One could say that the Democrats lost their way and this was an uprising of sorts as this was supposedly their best candidate. I liken it more to a perfect storm for Trump. He had a opponent that was as unlikeable as himself and actually came across as very untrustworthy. He had a opponent that repeatedly shot themselves in the foot when it appeared they were pulling away with it. You had a opponent that was truly PART of the system that seemed to be what a large part were rebelling against. Obama, GWB and Bill Clinton were all fresh faces to DC when the assumed office. Hillary was the antithesis of that for sure with enough baggage for an entire convoy of trailers. Lastly, in the back of everyone's or many of our minds is the knowledge that Trump really doesn't need to do this. He is already rich and in fact it will and has hurt his business. This is not a easy way to enjoy one's latter years. In particularly, if you are filthy rich. So, why is he doing it? For some, for the reasons above, it actually seems like he really cares about us and that was quite a different picture from his rival. It is why he got tens of thousands to show up at his rallies.
Edited: Vincenzo on 17th Jan, 2017 - 7:06pm
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%