Poljen does his best to duck under the spray of acid from Rezmir. He grits his teeth in pain but is thrilled to see his opponent evaporate. He immediately turns and charges at Rezmir, taking care to avoid the circle Poppo had mentioned.
Smiling grimly, Lawrance remains outside the room, backing up further and moving as needed to keep eyes on Rezmir. Sending his familiar in to distract her, he casts a Witch Bolt against her, lightning streaking through the air to impact her body in a cascade of intense blue energy!
Specific Action: Familiar using Assist action, Witch Bolt cast as Level 3 spell.
Out of Character: : Did the Arcane shield absorb the melee attack to Velon by 17 and go to zero, or is it still up? Also, did Lawrance avoid the acid splash AoE from where he was outside the door?
Tazskan, makes his next attack at Remzir, taking a side step so as to get a clear line of sight. He wants to avoid hitting the charging Barbarian.
Hé uses Eldritch blast again with both hands.
Meanwhile Amabalis is instructed to fly vertical to within 1 foot of the ceiling. Meanwhile, using stealth, and perception features. Trying to camouflage with the colors on ceiling. At Tazskans telepathic command will dive bomb, at Rezmir head. Into mêlée attack(Next round).
Out of Character: . I feared this upon entering the room and risking an expensive concentration spell. Velon wouldn’t just stay outside though as a paladin and melee fighter. Here go the saves! Want to see these before I act. Also not a word about the mask still so investigating now that there’s light and Velon is in the room.
Lora jumps quickly as she tries to avoid the acid. She can feel death in the air and prays that Mask will watch over her.
Out of Character: : Will update with action after seeing the save result. Will make quite a difference. Edited: Kyrroeth on 17th Nov, 2017 - 12:43pm
Staggering from the searing acid, Lawrances magic flares up against the attack, absorbing damage like a sponge and making his body glow a sickly green!
SA : Absorb Elemements as level 1 reaction, also recharge of Ward by 2 points. Rolling Save vs acid blast.
Out of Character: : Velon has the melee damage reduced by 17 points, as per the support thread.