Poppo looks at the ice wall and frowns, "That's not very sporting. I guess he doesn't want to surrender. I have a way out of here, Lawrance but unfortunately, you are too big for me to take along. Can you get through this barrier on your own?"
The halfling is twitching with excitement and fear all rolled into one. "I don't want to leave you here alone but the others need at least one of us right away."
Out of Character: : Poppo will cast Dimension Door and appear on the ledge that houses the dragon's treasure hoard at position AF15. Edited: ChristianD on 26th Dec, 2017 - 3:03am
Lawrance replies just before Poppo disappears "It's okay, I'll get through here in a bit, once I stop shaking. Words have power, don't they? Do you think we impressed him with our eloquence to leave us until later?"
Out of Character: : Waiting for results of fireball on one side and Bolt on the other to see if the wall goes down enough to get through.
Out of Character: : Per Dais' ruling Poppo will take Lawrance with him with Dimension Door.
In Character: : Poppo is about to disappear when he says, "What a minute, Master Elwin taught me a little trick with that spell that I had forgotten about. Silly me. I can take you with me, Lawrance. Let's go see what sort of trouble we can get into in the dragon's hoard, shall we?"
With a slight variance in the casting of dimension door, Poppo and Lawrance disappear from behind the ice wall and reappear on the ledge above the cavern entrance.
Out of Character: : Not sure if the Dimension Door could have been Poppo's action in Round 1 or not. If so then he will shoot a fireball at the dragon for his round 2 action to catch up. Edited: ChristianD on 26th Dec, 2017 - 6:09am
Out of Character: I would like to amend my action and or movement here, from previous post, Will still retain the reaction action, and subsequent rolls associated with it. My apologies Dai.
In Character: After using, his reaction action, to give a hellish rebuke, Tazskan stands his ground. Not re-sheathing the sword behind his back. Still grasping it in his right hand by his side.
He keeps his left hand extended, and unleashes two Eldritch blasts at the dragon. Green pulses, of energy streaming, crackling from his hand into the dragon.
Tazskan, has beads of sweat, pour down his forehead he can hear his heart pounding,through his chest, waiting!
"I hope this works," he says to himself. Edited: anronrosby on 27th Dec, 2017 - 2:18am
Round Three
Appearing on the ledge where Glazhael recently perched, Lawrance rapidly regains his bearings and fires a bolt of lightning at the dragon. Poljen overcomes his momentary hesitation and charges in, blade flashing. He manages to duck a tail slap in response
The freezing fog rapidly thins and disappears, only for a similar cloud to appear on the ledge where it envelops the two wizards.
Nikolaos and Ignazio scorch Glazhael's back as Cratol shifts his stance and gets several strikes in. The monk gets hit with a tail in response
Glazhael strikes out at the paladin who had wounded him moments ago. The dragon's jaws clamp down hard on Tazskan's form, shaking him like a ragdoll before flinging him to the side, he comes rolling up to a stop near Loraires. Blood drips from the dragon's jaws as he turns back to the others.
Zarra fires again and strikes a weak point between the scales as another fireball, from Velon this time, detonates on the creature's back.
Poppo's view of the field is suddenly obscured as the freezing fog rolls in, but from the sound of it, the dragon hasn't moved yet. So he launches yet another fireball, striking true with it. He then hears a high pitched shrieking noise from behind. The halfling manages to avoid having a small spear rammed into his back, but he suddenly finds himself struggling with a white scaled kobold as the weapon goes clattering off to the side.
Out of Character: 16 damage to Cratol, a claw and a critical hit bite on Tazskan for a total of 53 damage. More than enough to bring him down even if someone intervenes. He needs to start making death saving throws if he isn't healed soon. Poppo and Lawrance take 9 cold damage from the fog. Lawrance and Poppo have the option of exiting the fog before it causes more damage, but the latter might find that a bit more difficult than normal with the kobold on him. Rolled for a firebolt on Ignazio's behalf. Edited: daishain on 27th Dec, 2017 - 9:58pm
Out of Character: Pumped to be back from the break and ready to finish, or be finished by, this dragon! I'm going to roll my Wisdom save again to see if Velon is finally not frightened. What a sad state of affairs for the character if he is never able to overcome this and get into the melee!
Lora's jaw drops as she sees Tazskan thrown around like that. Her heart beat thuds loudly in her ears. Sensing that they are all possibly moments from death she grits her teeth in determination. She gestures towards the fallen paladin and invokes healing from Mask. As the healing warmth reaches him and revives him she turns towards the drake. Calling upon Mask desperately she calls down fire upon the dragon's head.
Out of Character: : Healing word cast upon Taz as a bonus action. She then casts sacred flames as her action. Dexterity save D.C. 15. Edited: Kyrroeth on 27th Dec, 2017 - 9:57pm