Tazskan, after reluctantly taking off his armor. Realizes its the only way for him to squeeze to fit in the passage.
After, reaching the other side he puts back on his armor. But, not before receiving some first aid and healing.
"Thank you Nikolaos, much appreciated," he replies.
Out of Character: Tazskan, up to 44 HP now.
Velon can sense six fiendish presences behind the door to the east.
When he cracks open the door to the west, he can see what appears to be a very old and finely appointed bedroom. It appears to be empty, at least from what he can see at the moment.
Mari will eye the hallway curiously. She creeps down it quietly and goes on past the two doors to see what she can find.
Lia looks after Mari." Maybe she has the right of it. Neither room will lead us to our prey most likely." She follows the blond down the hallway but stays back a little.
Mari finds herself in a lavish bedroom. Looking around, she swiftly spots a rather important detail that had not been visible from outside. The twisted bodies of four cultists lie piled in the corner, most with expressions of abject horror on their faces.
Two figures composed of tattered shadow coalesce from nothingness, facing the young rogue. One of them raises a hand, and mist forms around the four dead cultists.
There is a twisting, and shades resembling the dead men separate themselves from the corpses and rise.