Poppo cringed as the electrical energy passed through him but thankfully the full force passed through the column next to him. Joining the other spellcasters, he launched a volley of magic missiles at the naga hoping it would soon fall.
Zarra will try to dodge the lightning attack from the Naga, preparing another arrow as she uses her vision to see in darkness unless this is blocked by it being magical in nature. Hopefully, she will not be too badly harmed and they could all take care of the foes before them.
Poljen, having been snapped out of his trance, turns and charges at his tormentor, scoring a deep cut. Cratol and Perry follow suit, hitting the naga once each.
The naga hisses with rage and frustration, striking out at the barbarian with her tail, but she misses. Darkness once again envelops the scene, billowing out around the serpentine figure.
But it is almost immediately dispelled. Poppo launches a series of force bolts at the creature, they unerringly seek her out, and disrupt her concentration. Able to see once more, Nikolaos strikes home with a beam of light, Lia, Zarra, and Mari follow suit, each bringing pain to the creature in their own way.
Lawrance's magic missile proves to be the final blow. The naga collapses after they hit, attempts to rise again, and fails.
Balefully staring at you all, she weakly croaks out, "I will return, and I will hunt you down like the pathetic vermin you are, only fit to squirm and dissolve in my belly."
Poljen shrugs. "Maybe. And maybe we will once again slay you. Eventually you will outlive us all. Save yourself the trouble and forget us." Even as he speaks he knows the creature would not even consider his words, so he then turns and walks towards his comrades.
He pulls a healing potion from his pouch and pours it down Niko's throat. As the bard coughs and opens his eyes, he sees the shame on Poljen's face. "I am so sorry, my friend. You and Lawrance will get some of my share of the gold and loot, if we survive this adventure."
Tazskan, comes over to Cratol places a hand on Cratol's shoulder. Releasing warmth.
"My apologies, for the collateral damage, Cratol please allow me to rectify that," he say's.
"Yes, I agree we should all go over and see this Dwarf," he answer's.
Specific Action: Tazskan, uses his lay hands feature, on Cratol restoring 9 hit points to him.
Varram and the two other cultists are still hanging from the x frames in the corner. One of the humans is, as it appeared before, dead. The other, along with Varram himself, appear to be alive, if unconscious and bearing signs of torture. Both of them are missing fingers and beat multiple broken bones, the dead man appears to have bled out after being castrated.
Upon hearing the Naga's last words, Lawrance speaks, hopefully loudly enough for it to hear him "I would forego any thoughts of vengeance, Chosen of Sess'innek. Our powers increase daily, and we are not far off being able to prevent your resurrection, should we chose to. Die well, but seek not to die again at our hands, else you will not return."
After it passes, he hears Poljen and responds, grinning "Worry not for what occurs in the tides of battle, friend. You were not under your own control and owe me nothing as recompense. Except perhaps a traditional Snow Leopard meal, once we have the time? That would feed both my mind and body, for a new experience!"
Out of Character: I presume someone with a large, sharp object will deal a death blow to her? Edited: Gknightbc on 20th Mar, 2018 - 2:41pm