Velon tries to raise his shield and block the gaseous breath but it envelops him none the less and he begins coughing violently. The paladin shakes it off and groans in frustration as the hedge still protects Chuth from him. He decides to take a chance and begins charging at the hedge. He calls out to his companions "Take down that damn hedge!" as magical energy swirls around his weapon hand and then erupts in a bolt of fire at Chuth's leafy fortification.
Velon hits the flaming hedge hard regardless of how it looks, ready to slam his hammer into Chuth the second he can see her. If all goes well, Chuth will suddenly see a large silver plate clad warrior with his fiery red beard, Bahamut tabard, and massive hammer come bursting through the flaming hedge and be right upon her in an instant, driving his hammer into her face with a roar of thunder and an explosion of radiant energy. Still trying to draw out the Prince, he adds insult to injury by exclaiming "Your coward Prince has fled and Bahamut has come for you!"
Out of Character:
-Quickened firebolt on hedge.
-Booming blade vs. Chuth.
-Level 4 smite to the face! (Hoping to max out damage to generate a tough concentration save for her to get Poljen back).
Still wary for a reappearance of the Prince, Lawrance peers carefully through the hedge and weaves a necrotic bolt through its branches to Chulth.
Specific Action: necrotic bolt with Spell Sniper to ignore cover. Rolling advantage in case faerie fire works.
Edit: Lawrance will move to AB 20. Edited: Gknightbc on 22nd Jul, 2018 - 6:49am
Tazskan moves to v18, by pushing himself, away, and towards Chuth and the hedge. He is still airborne.
Once, there he remains stationary, still in acendant step mode.
His attack rolls for Eldritch blast, are on page 1055, made previously.
As the gas seeps through the hedge Lia gasps for breath. She jumps astrde her broom and flies to the top of the scaffolding and alights. Her face is a mask of indecision. Seeing some of the children turning blue as she flew over, her decision is made. She saws at the ropes that are strangling the worst off children. Lia murmurs to Sune as she does so. She gestures and the broom flies down next to Velon.
Mari doesn't see the prince anywhere and knows her friends are struggling with Chuth. She sprints to the hedge and tries to climb over it.
Out of Character: : Mari tries to climb the hedge and get to AB13. She will use her bonus action to dash Lia will land on the scaffolding at Y10 and lean down and cut ropes from there. Edited: Kyrroeth on 22nd Jul, 2018 - 5:44am
Out of Character: : I forgot to include actions for if Poljen comes back before his next turn. Instead of drinking the healing potion… and Daishain, if that does not happen, we can save this post and its rolls for when he DOES come back, unless circumstances are radically different.
In Character: :
Poljen is apologizing to Lady Beaver when he feels the strange sensation again, and finds himself back once more in the thick of the fight. He smiles and shouts, "Well done, Silver Blaze! Allow me to return the favor!" He quickly sets about attacking the dragoness that had so recently banished him.
Once she realized the vine were trying to snag her, Zarra will try to use her agility and grace to acrobatically move out of the vines clutches. If this failed, she would try to use her strength to break them. Once or if she was able to get away, she would draw her longbow to attack Chuth this way.
Poljen retreats from the furry lady with her even fuzzier weapon, out the door onto a familiar grassy plain. Another beaver is sitting nearby, stripping bark and leaves from a small tree. He looks up and says, "You again? What did you do to upset her?"
Before the warrior can reply, he feels himself snapping back across the barrier between planes.
Perry's eyes light up with wonder as fey magic courses around him and yells to the party, "Hey everyone, she should be easier to hit now!"
He then fires two more beams of crackling purple energy towards the dragon.
Specific Action: Mantle of Inspiration on Poljen, Velon, Lia, and Morgaine. Eldritch Blast on Chuth. Fly a bit back to AE20.
Out of Character: Perry didn't land and was still flapping 5ft in the air in order to see over the hedge from last turn so no Dexterity save for him as well I'm assuming. I'm using my last Mantle of Inspiration here to prepare our damage dealers for the fear effect. Poljen, Velon, Lia, and Morgaine all gain 8 temporary HP, free movement as a reaction if you wish, and advantage on your next saving throw. Don't forget everyone that while Faerie Fire is up on Chuth, ALL attacks have advantage on her by default so don't forget to roll your advantage! And also there's no need for Reckless Attacks, hide actions to try to gain advantage, etc. Edited: seath on 24th Jul, 2018 - 2:20am