Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread - Page 1119 of 1199

Mari studies Perry for a moment." You - Page 1119 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 11th Sep, 2018 - 12:09am

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Post Date: 10th Sep, 2018 - 5:05pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
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Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread - Page 1119

Poljen says, "Fair enough. We can let the boy go. Let him make his way home."

As to the basic plan he says, "Very well. The patrols are not very large. We should have little trouble with one, even two. And if there are only one or two patrols out at a time, we might be able to use those fireballs on the camp after the bombardment begins."

Daishain, how many patrols seem to be out at a time?

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Post Date: 10th Sep, 2018 - 5:25pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
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Thread Main RPG Dragons and Dungeons e Daishains

Velon nods to the group and asks everyone to get ready. They will bomb during the day to ensure they can see any large groups of enemies from afar and avoid them. He also then asks Perry and Lia to drop their spells on the boy and goes to talk to him again.

"Ok lad, here's the deal. We are the Silver Blaze and I don't think I have to tell you that you are on the wrong side of this conflict. If we help you and your sister get far from here, can we trust you to try to live a good life from there and never hurt anyone? We'll even help you get started wherever you end up. Make the most of your second chance, son, away from your father and for your sister. You may not get a third."

Depending on the boy's response, Velon will explain the plan. "For now we will have to lock you up while we take care of some business. It should only be few hours, or perhaps a day at most, I hope. After things calm down we can get your sister and take you two to a far off town somewhere. Ok? Will your sister be safe for a bit if cult army is a bit, ah, very busy?"

If all goes well, Velon will make sure to tell Poppo and Captain Callahan of their intentions with the boy, just incase something happens to the main party.

He asks the Captain if he can spare a team of men to man the platform when they descend, guard it, and manage any steeds they aren't currently using. One or two men might also be used to follow the party and hold the steeds while they assault the enemy patrols if they move away from the platform.

Post Date: 10th Sep, 2018 - 5:39pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
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Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Cratol heads to his room to get ready. He will stop and talk to Sylmae before leaving telling her that he will be back soon he hopes and for her to stay safe up here. He heads to where the platform is docked to the castle. He is ready with his quarterstaff.

Post Date: 10th Sep, 2018 - 6:04pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
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Page 1119 Thread Main RPG Dragons and Dungeons e Daishains

Perry pulls Mari to the side for a moment, "Uhm, hey Mari. Listen, first of all, I just wanna say that you're great and really doing a fantastic job. That was some excellent work on being a super stealthy assassin type on our last mission together. Very on brand with your whole femme fatale thing you've got going on. It's really cool, dangerous, and exciting. With that said, I do feel like there are definitely some opportunities for improvement here. Maybe ease off on the whole "Putting people's heads on spikes" thing a bit."

Perry's expression changes from a look of mild concern to one of hopefulness, "We can put a pin on this topic for now, figuratively of course. How about we do this? I can coach and help you to become less of a ruthless assassin type and we can work together on exploring happier thoughts, pre and post Zhentarim thoughts. So let's just talk for a bit about some things. Let's just try and have a short, light conversation. How do you feel right now? The whole evil dragon cult war scenario we are in right now aside, are you happy? Here with us I mean."

Out of Character: Also Perry will drop Suggestion on the kid once Velon says so.

Attached Image Edited: seath on 10th Sep, 2018 - 6:22pm

Post Date: 10th Sep, 2018 - 6:35pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
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Thread Main RPG Dragons and Dungeons e Daishains

Lawrence prepares his various tools and devices for the upcoming assault, ready to deal with what he possibly can. Seeing how the group are preserving the boys life, he thinks he may have been too quick in his assumptions and smiles and they gather.

Post Date: 10th Sep, 2018 - 9:57pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
A Friend

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread

Callahan nods and assigns a squad to help with the platform however they're needed.

The boy promises that he'll be avoiding conflict as much as he can, but then he looks away, "I don't know where my sister is, she disappeared the night we took the fort. I haven't been free to look for her."

Out of Character: based on what the lad said, the mages, upon finding a way through the maze, have yet to exit it. Presumably they're camping within.

At any particular point in time, there seem to be three patrols out and about. 1 circling the maze, 2 hunting through the woods around the area. A fourth appears to have been dispatched to the area where your prisoner had been snatched from, it looks like they're assuming he is attempting to run off.

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10th Sep, 2018 - 10:39pm / Post ID: #
Tazskan Daardendrien
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Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread - Page 1119

The Protector. says...

Tazskan, nods in agreement, "The plan is sound Velon, just ensure that the lad is well guarded while we are gone," he says.

Tazskan, prepares himself to descend down on the platform. His glammoured, leather armor morphing into an appropriate shade of green. To match, the terrain that he will be in.

"Ready, to take out a patrol," he says, gathering his gear. He activates, his third spell slot, while grasping his pact keeper rod.

Post Date: 11th Sep, 2018 - 12:09am / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
A Friend

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 1119

Mari studies Perry for a moment." You weren't there Perry. I saw what happened to the women. Horrific things. It almost happened to me except for Lia saving me. You are making jokes about Cyanwrath's name. Trust me, you wouldn't joke about this if you were there. These people are the most vile I've ever seen. I will do whatever it takes to defeat them. If I have to sacrifice my last scrap of humanity to do so then so be it. It's worth the price." She walks off angrily.

She checks her weapons once more to make sure she is ready to go. She has a vial of yuan-ti poison in an easy to reach pouch as well. Mari will meet the others at the platform.

Lia shakes her head as she walks away. She can't believe the things that Mari was suggesting. The young cleric goes up to her room. She brushes her hair thoroughly and works on her appearance until satisfied. Looking at her armor, she frowns. She is looking forward to the day when she will no longer need it. Her normal clothing is so much more flattering. Lia then stands in front of a mirror and prays to Sune to aid them as always. She then heads to the platform with the others.

Out of Character: : She releases the zone of truth. It would be fun to secretly cast it on somewhere that Velon is about to sit *wink*.

> TOPIC: Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread


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