"Ok, first let's try to go straight down the turquoise path, just to see what happens. Then, if that just sends us back to circle one, we can do the normal pattern then try the fountain. Perhaps we should try sending a familiar down there first once we get to the four circle fountain."
Out of Character: Turqoise path first. If that doesn't seem to do anything special and we are still at circle one, then we do Red - Green - Yellow - Fountain. Unless someone else has a better idea. We could try to kill the snake thing, but it seems difficult unless we can get down there somehow.
"Not it on testing the fountain! I'm not dealing with that again. Can anyone send a familiar down? Or maybe someone is brave enough to test the illusion water?"
Perry communicates this over the mental link but he sticks behind Velon and away from Citizen Spits. Edited: seath on 22nd Sep, 2018 - 1:35am
Stopping the group towards the end of the last pathway just before reaching the open area surrounding fountain number four, Velon looks over at Poljen while taking a step forward himself. "Flip a coin for it?" he says somewhat in jest with the big man, knowing one of the two of them should probably brave the danger.
He does look over his shoulder at Lawrance and Taz briefly, however. "Unless you are willing to risk your pets?"
Tazskan, looks a little offended, for a brief moment, then answers Velon.
"Amabalis, would die very quickly, pitted against that creature in the fountain."
"However, my familiar, I presume is still acting like a sentinel, keeping a lookout, near the flying castle. In any case I'm uncertain whether he see into the maze, or help us directly here."
Out of Character: That is assuming, there isn't any communication, possible with those in the castle, via the psuedodragon. Unless Dai indicates differently of course. I did test that earlier, though.
Out of Character: : If that is correct, with one familiar temporarily vaporized and the other outside, Poljen will do as follows:
In Character: :
Poljen looks at Velon and says, "I will try. You have the ability to heal me if this goes badly, eh?" He takes a step or two back, then surges toward the fountain and jumps up and over the edge, axe in both hands, going in feet first…
Out of Character: : Daishain, if you need rolls, do them for me. I am shutting down for several hours most likely…
Lia was studying the strange creature and how the water didn't move. She was processing it when she saw Poljen jump into the fountain." Poljen, "She calls out but he is gone. Seeing Velon standing by the fountain she frowns." Wouldn't it have been safer to just reach into the water with his hand and not put his whole body into it?" She shakes her head." A minute ago, with that serpent. I noticed that it didn't disturb the water. I was going to say something but ..."
Mari comes over to the fountain as well." You have to wonder how long his life will be taking all the risks that he does. He could literally end up anywhere jumping in there." She stands there concerned, both blades ready. The blond looks all around as she expects something to happen at any minute now.
Out of Character: : Trying to play catch up here. Just wanted to fit in what she found and have it make sense. Not that it matters anymore with Poljen jumping in *wink*. Edited: Kyrroeth on 22nd Sep, 2018 - 3:05am
Velon just shrugs at Lia. "I think it's an illusion, so someone was going to have to stick their head in eventually. I'm not sure if we could kill this pest first though. We could try to dispel it, but I'm sure this wizard's spells are quite powerful."
Velon waits to see if Poljen disappears before responding to Mari's concern.