Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support - Page 41 of 948

Yes, Onwen would present the fabric and the - Page 41 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 31st Jan, 2017 - 5:21pm

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Post Date: 31st Jan, 2017 - 2:14pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support - Page 41

For all spellcasters other than Warlocks, spell slots are refreshed after a long rest.

A long rest is 8 hours of minimal physical and mental activity, such as "Reading, talking, eating, or standing watch for no more than 2 hours.", and does not requires sleeping (Or trancing in the case of elves) Most people do sleep during a long rest, but it isn't actually necessary.

That said, you cannot benefit from a long rest more than once per 24 hours. Also, going without sleep for too long carries penalties of its own. But exactly what they are, is left up to the Dungeon Master's discretion. Assuming this is the first night Nyzahr's stayed up without sleep, I'm going to say she's fine. Give me a Con save if she doesn't get some sleep by this time tomorrow however.

Much the same is the case with Short Rests, they're one hour of light activity. Some players have been taking catnaps, but it could just as easily be an hour of sitting around eating lunch and chatting with your buddies.

Linn's chest remains unopened. I figured Sar'ai or Caleth would have shifted it to your campsite, you are certainly free to try again.

Attached Image Edited: daishain on 31st Jan, 2017 - 2:16pm

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Post Date: 31st Jan, 2017 - 2:19pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Support QampA Rules Dragons and Dungeons e Daishains

Wow, I misread that. That really doesn't make sense to me. Staying up that long you wouldn't be really rested. Your mind would be in a fog. I become a zombie if I go 24 hours without sleep *smile*.

31st Jan, 2017 - 2:29pm / Post ID: #
Zarra Glannath
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Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support Archive Pathfinder / D&D

The Quiet Shadow says...

Yeah, the bandits are not going to get any mercy from Geoffroy, at least not that of their life. A swift death is all they would get from him, with all that they have done.

Post Date: 31st Jan, 2017 - 2:34pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Page 41 Support QampA Rules Dragons and Dungeons e Daishains

Kyr, a part of the problem there is what you've trained your body to expect. A soldier learns to get sleep where they can, remain alert when they can't, and enter/exit sleep swiftly. Their lives and the lives of others depend on it.

Not all of you can be described as soldiers, and I think the current setup is a little too generous. But I'd rather not limit some characters more than others in that regard, and would rather not get bogged down in the minutia of requiring a more stringent sleep requirement.

EDIT: Almost forgot, new reference that could use explanation. The region of Faerun you are in is not truly ruled by any one central authority. It is instead organized into a series of independent city-states with their own governance system and laws. The Lord's Alliance is simply a council composed of the rulers of several of the larger cities on the Sword Coast, Northwest Faerun, and the Western Heartlands, and acts to ensure free trade between those cities, and to deal with threats that extend beyond one city's purview.

Attached Image Edited: daishain on 31st Jan, 2017 - 2:55pm

Post Date: 31st Jan, 2017 - 2:53pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Support QampA Rules Dragons and Dungeons e Daishains

Oh that's fine Daishain. I don't wish to restrict people either. I always thought sleep was required for the long rest is all. It won't affect Lia either way. . She just needs 4 hours of trance time. Oh the perks of being an elf *smile*.

31st Jan, 2017 - 4:00pm / Post ID: #
Sarai Tzzerit
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Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support

The Shaper of Thoughts says...

Wow, did the silver blaze just agree on a decision? I kind of new Lia may go either way with her handling of the Lady Miruvial, but I must say Geoffroy's ease of agreeing to the executions was a bit surprising, though it makes sense in some ways as these were not innocents. Also, thought maybe Chaleth would have wanted to interrogate them a bit more. Interesting if nothing else! Progress! (Laugh)

And for the meditation, the one thing not transferred to us half-breeds…

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Post Date: 31st Jan, 2017 - 5:13pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Daishain's 5e D&D Rules Q&A Support - Page 41

Onwen is not aware of any particular significance behind that piece of cloth. Does he show it to others?

31st Jan, 2017 - 5:21pm / Post ID: #
Onwen Brecht
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Daishain's 5e D&D Rules Q&A Support D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 41

The Friendly Necromancer says...

Yes, Onwen would present the fabric and the key to the others the next day when they gather and explain that he has never come across the image and knows nothing about it.

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