For healing I mostly plan on using healing word as a bonus action when someone needs it and out of combat using Aura of vitality for big healing. Mostly during combat I will be using concentration on control and debuff spells.
During short rests he will use song of healing to get an extra d6 to anyone who spends a hit die. Also inspiring leader feat may also take some pressure off.
It's not that. Lawrance has a Ring of Spell Storing that I put a level 1 heal of some kind into. Anyone who has spell slots before the long rest can charge it with whatever they have available. Healing Word would do fine, if you can spare it. Edited: Gknightbc on 6th Dec, 2017 - 10:52pm
I can spare a casting of healing word unless someone else offers something better. The detailed rambling about how he plans on healing was in response to Kyrroeth.
Thank you Kingowlbear. She uses healing word or mass healing word during combat if it is desperate. I'll make sure to be ready with those still. Those temporary hitpoints and out of combat healing will be most helpful. You have seen our propensity to get in over our heads sometimes *wink*.
The bracelet currently being worn as a necklace Is a bracelet of heartfelt blows. It requires attunement, but grants a damage bonus to melee strikes equal to the wearer's Charisma score.
The crystal of energy assault used by Poljen until recently can be detached from his old weapon and applied to another. Including the greataxe he has adopted as his most favored child.