Susan, I do believe you also bought some dragon slaying arrows (Though I'm not sure how many). If you want, you can shoot a couple those at the dragon too as an option. Also since you are new to 5e and still learning and since I haven't seen you use it yet, Fighters have a very powerful ability called Action Surge. You can only use it once per short or long rest, but it basically let's you do two actions for that turn (For you that's potentially 4 attacks).
I was just looking up something prior to heading to work. Kyrroeth, your Mass Healing Word can effect 6 creatures. You list 5, and I assume you made yourself the sixth. But since you didn't take much from the massive attack, you COULD have designated one of the children that just was poisoned/frozen. Granted, they have few enough points that they are probably dead-dead… but it was just a thought.
Paul, thanks for the idea about healing the child. At this point I don't think I can take a chance. The pair we are fighting have shown that they will pick their targets intelligently. If I was them I would take out the healer instead of allowing them to make it much harder to kill the party members. I would hate for Lia to get dropped because I didn't put some of the healing towards her. Before that healing she only had about 30 hit points. That isn't safe against these enemies.
Susan, if I am reading that correctly, by making the CON Save, she took only half the damage, so 12 points of that. Did she take a potion of Poison Resistance? If so, she would only have taken 6, since that would have dropped the amount possibly taken to 12, and the successful save would make it 6. Also, you need to make the Dexterity save against the wing attack. If you fail, 9 points of damage and prone. If you succeed, no damage and you get to do an Attack of Opportunity against the dragon.
Don't forget that after you figure out how much you take from this big attack in this last round, that Lia is then healing you for 18 points. So even if you end up dropping, you will get back up. In Daishain's game, if you die and are then revived, you have a level of Exhaustion. If I recall, the first level simply means you have Disad on skill checks.
Kyrroeth, I figured something along those lines. I wasn't sure how your health was. And I did a count of the squares from the dragon and prince towards the scaffold. Sixty feet was just at the edge… so I think the kids should have just been out of range… but this is more dramatic…
Ky, that's asking a lot. Half of our party can't track their spell slots, their + to hit, their HP, read their class description or spell casting rules, or even actually read what Daishain writes. :(
Why are we even playing again? Hell I don't even know which attacks Velon has hit or missed with, so I myself don't know which spell slots to check off for smite and can't make a good decision on whether to use GWM or not based on figuring out the monster's AC over time.
I'm going to go mourn this campaign now.