Apologies Cinder, writing something about each and every attack and whether they struck home or not was getting rather cumbersome so I started going with a looser description. Your particular need to keep track of hits for the sake of smite expenditure slipped my mind. I went back and double checked, Velon has spent 1 level 4 smite and 1 level 3.
In regards to the stated need to know each hit in order to puzzle out the AC for the sake of GWM, that's a little metagamey is it not? If you need to get a better sense of how confident your character is in hitting the target, just ask. In this instance Velon thinks he's striking home a little more than half the time when it comes to Chuth.
As to the other issue, yes, it would be good if some players started organizing themselves a bit more. I do what I can to bring order to the chaos when making an update, but I don't doubt for a moment that I've missed things. Edited: daishain on 26th Jul, 2018 - 10:35pm
Thanks Paul, you and Seath and others; have been a big help to me lately. It nice to have people who are willing to help a newbie.
You're more than welcome, Susan. I have been gaming since about 1985, but never much actual Dungeons & Dragons (A bit of 2nd edition way back, then a bit of 3rd edition in the 90s), until the 5th edition came along. So I am also learning the rules. I have had been the beneficiary of much advice and wisdom from many folks, including quite a few in this game. I am simply trying to pay things forward.
Oh, and with Morgaine's obvious fighting-prowess demonstrated, assuming we both survive, Poljen may offer her a little token of his affection.
Dang it, I was updating Morgaine's hit points on her Character sheet and I totally forgot she has Ioun Stone of Regeneration: You gain 15 hit points at the end of each hour. This pearly white spindle orbits your head. Bet that looks a bit odd..*laugh*
I am not sure how much time has past since we started fighting, so her hit points many be more.
Well then, in less then a minute the party has been put into a pretty serious position. With multiple comrades down and our priestess having to bring them back to their feet. Also, the whole six second measure always bothered me because I can't see most people being able to move 30ft in such time let along a greater distance. Edited: Thomaslee on 26th Jul, 2018 - 11:44pm
Well in that case maybe I have just grown slow over the years, or I need to test it with people I know. Of any case I do find it hard to believe that everything that has happened has taken less then a minute.