Theaton looks at Tyg speaking common says, "Tyg this is Jesla she is part of our group now and is a big help towards making this place safe for all. Jesla this is Tyg, her and her friends are a big help scouting around the area and reporting to me what they find." Switching to Sylvan he says, "I have missed you too."
"I'd recommend you stay within sight of your mother young man" Mykael admonishes the boy, though lightly and without much of an edge to his tone "This is a dangerous place to go wandering off as I'm sure you now understand."
Arriving at the Tannersen residence Mykael watches with satisfaction as the boy's mother smothers him "He managed to wander quite a ways" he replies to statement "And we were fortunate that my comrades happened by. Had they not, things may have turned out differently." Mykael explains what happened to the boys mother trying to calm her if she gets too upset by the threat that her son was under by explaining that it's over now and the boy safe but the child must understand that the frontier is a very dangerous place.
As we ride into the settlement, I call for a meeting of the cavalry archers. During it I inform them that we have had come upon a group of trolls in our region.
"You each know your capabilities and should know what tier of threat you are capable of handling as a unit. If success isn't likely, I would rather you return to the settlement alive and allow those of us in leadership positions to handle the situation. If you perish while out there, chances are we won't find out for a long time as it currently stands, thus we will also be instituting scheduled patrols where rough paths and perimeters are followed. If the worse should happen, this additional step should make it much more likely that we can recover your bodies and hopefully avenge you."
I then task one team with going to Theaton's house the next day to give him and Jesla the message that we have not yet finished our duties as leaders for the month and need them to return.
Theaton tells Jesla. "We will rest here for the night and then in the morning head back to town. I know we still have more work to do at the main fort. I will need to make sure we get that work finished. I just needed to visit my house for a night." He shows her where she can bed down for the night before cooking a nice supper for them. After cleaning up he will bide her a good night and head to bed.
Jesla grins as she thinks him for the meal. " Very good Theaton. Thank you. " She helps him clean up after the meal and tells him goodnight as he heads to bed. Jesla heads to the bed he indicated. She tosses and turns as she tries to sleep. The barbarian thinks about her new friends and how different her life is now than in the past. Jesla finally falls into a deep sleep.
Theaton and Tyg catch up well into the night, she's concerned that the kobolds may not be respectful of nature. You assure her that most of their activities will remain underground, with only a handful of trees felled for supports, since kobolds don't prioritise safety.
Tyg also assuages any concerns you may have about being possessive of you. She doesn't mind other girls coming over - after all she's been a close neighbour and friend of Perlivash for centuries and he's an attractive male faerie dragon. She maintains that he's just a friend.
Both of you are tired as you awaken to a less foggy day, but with fully rested horses make good progress south. You pass by the collapsed bridge (Location: black 5) and along the river towards the ford where the Thorn flows into the Shrike. Before nightfall, a cavalry archer approaches and hails you, passing on the message that you are expected back in Freehold for the end of the meeting.
However, you can't make it back tonight so you camp at the ford. There's a sign of the Tatzlwyrm that was once there but any tracks are weeks old. As you're settling down getting ready for watch or sleep, a herd of 8 elk graze and drink on the opposite riverbank. Being sensitive and skittish, any sudden movement causes them to run away.
The next cloudy day, you return to Freehold at around midday and, after a little time to bathe and prepare, are ushered in to the meeting.
I graciously accept the praise given by the advisers and humbly admit that it would all not be possible without the combined effort from them and the fellow members of the council. We will make no withdrawals nor deposits to/from the Treasury. Nor will we sell expensive items for BP just yet.