Out of Character: The large map is up to date. To finish the charter you have 2 full hexes and 2 halves south of the river - but you have already received your reward (Noble titles, etc.) and exploring only benefits you.
I'm fine to hand-wave it unless you find something. Finding Davik wasn't routine, obviously, and I have to quit my addiction to rolling random encounters. Is there clarification you want on any of the numbered sites?
To re-explore the whole region would take almost 2 months though. Which half do you want to explore first?
Are any of the numbered sites on the map no longer relevant to you? Or are there more sites you wish to include (Obviously the settlement and Theaton's house still have to be added, I just have little spare time.)
Yes, Jesla is 4 HP down.
After riding in silence for a bit I speak up, "I apologize for that scenario back there. I dislike senseless violence and lost my temper with you all a bit. You are right, it was undead and normally that is a major concern. However, it was trying to talk to us. While threats were involved, I am of the opinion that I would likely be in a bad mood too if I were to become an undead and still have my mind about me. Imagine how awful it must be. I have never had the chance to speak with an intelligent undead before. I would have liked to garner as much information as I could from him. It seems that opportunity is lost now though."
"In the future, please refrain from gratuitous acts of violence while something is seeking to converse with us. I had not made my stance on such a situation aware previously, largely because I had never considered such a situation until that moment. If we ride around killing everything because it is different, we will be no better than the bandits we overthrew. Imagine the times you would have missed out on Theaton, had Zork killed the fey you are so fond of while they were pranking him constantly. Their actions were more of a threat than Davik's, whom merely uttered one threat with no true intent behind it."
"Looking at the map more and thinking about it, I don't think our time will be best spent retracing our steps. Maybe we should instead explore the currently unexplored 432 miles left on our original charter - what say you all? Then we can head back to the settlement and take some time to ourselves for the remainder of the month."
"Theaton, looking at the map and the various notes you have on it, what exactly is a 'Moon Radish' anyway? It has been bugging me."
Out of Character:
Shoot. I didn't expect it to take two months. Umm… In that case, let's just explore the hexes you mentioned we haven't yet (2 wholes, 2 halves).
Can we have the Sootscale cave, listed in red as a battle currently, listed in black as a silver mine?
The rickety bridge listed as black 5 - can we update that to Nettle's Crossing, as per the sign we found?
Where on the map is the "Known river crossing" you referred to back when we went to talk with Jhod about the dream and First Knight Anarrow's warning? I was looking at the map again and realized I had a note about it for reference, but never could see it on the map. Is that the Red 1, bandit camp on ford of the Thorn River?
May we also have the settlement marked on the map?
Where is the gold mine that has been discussed?
Are any of the other markings "Special?" Example: Landmarks that give bonuses when claimed, ruins that will reduce costs on a building? Also, what's a Moon Radish? Will that give us a bonus of some kind if claimed - such as an additional BP each turn?
What day is it? Edited: Diarmadhim on 30th Jan, 2017 - 6:07pm
Out of Character: Moon Radishes that we found when first exploring the area. I think we fought some kobolds there too. The gold mine is marked with a TZ on the map as to know where it was. Yes I am in agreement to finish the rest of the original charter so we can complete the task we were assigned.
Theaton simply nods at Archival when he said anger had gotten the best of all.
Mykael continues to ride is silence for moment after Archival speaks but then looks to his comrade, a look devoid of anger or ill will "I understand your position Archival, the use of force ought to be our last option not our first in most circumstances; I get that. You have a great responsibility as our chosen leader to ensure the safety and well being of those under your command while also ensuring that those you command abide by the law. It was a unique situation I suppose" he looks toward Theaton for a moment "And your subordinates have an obligation to obey your commands lest we fall into anarchy. Ones true strength of character is revealed not when he obeys the commands that he agrees with, but rather when he obeys the commands that he does not agree with unless of course the command requires him to do something that is objectively evil or wrong in which case he is obligated not to obey."
Another moment passes before he continues "I believe that thing back there was a threat to us and potentially to the realm, though it may not have been an immediate threat that required the immediate use of force, it had to be addressed and dealt with, though perhaps we could have been less rash in our response. We have some things to discuss regarding our laws I imagine, not the least among them is determining when and if jurisdiction applies and under what circumstances but also in determining some definitions, particularly as they relate to how we define a person with rights under the law. I personally do not believe that the undead qualify, but that is matter for later debate I guess. For now you are right, we should continue our exploration."
Out of Character: Just so Icon and the rest understand where I placed Theatons home. It is in the same hex that has the 1. In it in the corner where you see the clearing of the woods about half way between the 1. And the gold mine marked with the TZ. I believe that also puts his home about halfway between Oleg's and the Fort where our budding kingdom is growing.
In Character: Theaton sends White fang out to scout ahead of us as he normally does. He will ride a bit to the rear as he contemplates all that has happened.
Jesla hears the others speak as they ride along. Her face softens as she hears Archival speak of anger getting the best of him. She looks torn as they ride along. Jesla wants to apologize to Archival for disobeying orders but she feels that she did the right thing by helping a friend. She doesn't know what to do so she stays silent as they ride along. Shortly after this she rides ahead of the group, closer to White Fang. She wants time to think about what happened. Edited: Kyrroeth on 31st Jan, 2017 - 5:32am
Out of Character: Number 3 is where you are currently, the rickety bridge was a location that collapsed while Theaton and Zork were crossing. My fault for not having labelled the Shrike and Thorn rivers (Unless you want to change their names).
The red 1 is indeed the ford on the Thorn river. I'll add Theaton's house nearby, and yes, it's about halfway to Oleg's from the fort.
When it comes to pre-existing resources, I'll just list what kind of Special Terrain it is in brackets and you can refer to the kingdom building rules to check its benefits. Hopefully the correct improvement to build on a resource will be self-evident. Moon radishes aren't particularly valuable.
While the rules say that you can only claim so much territory per month, theoretically you could announce that a larger plot of land is yours, then slowly work your way to actually putting force behind your words. Then you could claim that your laws apply to the explored area even if unclaimed by the rules.
It's Sunday the 14th of Erastus, a little after midday.
So you're continuing NE along the Shrike? The remaining area on your charter is across the river. Looking for a better spot to cross?
"You are a good man and a true friend Mykael. Your display of restraint was admirable earlier. Kresnik, I thank you for your actions as well. That situation earlier could have been far uglier than it was. Jesla followed her instincts and did what she felt was necessary to ensure the survival of a friend, and I can respect that. I agree that one has a duty to disobey any command that is objectively evil or wrong. I would hope that we all respect each other enough to freely state when something goes against our own moral code. As our laws currently stand, I think anyone capable of cognitive thought should be subject to them - regardless of their race, undead included."
"All of the lands we have explored are unclaimed. It is my goal to carve out a massive area for ourselves. Therefore, I believe we are within our rights as nobles to claim that which we have explored as our own. As such, all areas unclaimed by others are subject to our laws."
"We offered our hand of acceptance to followers of various deities, with the only stipulation being that they obeyed our laws. Two of those churches shunned us for being lawful. While still young, I am not naive enough to believe that they will not operate in our region. However, some of their tenants demand unlawful and immoral acts. If we do not extend our laws to the regions we have explored that remain as of yet unclaimed, lawlessness and evil will permeate the region. It is our duty as leaders of this new area and as goodly folk to protect its inhabitants, regardless of their race."
"The general gist of our laws, which any common man should be able to grasp, was that one does not have a right to do something that harms another physically nor fiscally. That covers pretty much everything from murder to rape and theft. That being said, two adults should have the ability under the laws of association to enter into any contract that they agree upon, except for slavery which has been outlawed. I would say this law permits a duel as long as the terms have been agreed upon by all parties involved and witnessed by some manner of third party not part of the duel."
"Instituting such a system would mean that Theaton did not break our laws, since the undead and cognizant Davik agreed to it. However, Jesla broke the duel's terms by interfering. Such an act is akin to murder. Because Thaton continued to fight, instead of withdrawing, he would be a party to said murder. Mind you, these are just being used as an example. Because we had not previously agreed upon the laws of a duel nor on the implementation of our laws in unclaimed areas, Jesla's previous statement of that area being lawless is technically sound. So their actions while morally wrong, in my opinion, were legally correct for certain. Therefore, we need take no action to punish how they conducted themselves because at the time they were technically in the right."
"That being said, I will not be able to allow any more acts of immorality or lawlessness among our ranks to go unanswered. Doing such would be anathema to the society we seek to create. I would greatly appreciate not being placed in such a position again, lest I have to implement the lessons that my uncle taught based on the philosophies detailed in Princeps Machiavelli."
Out of Character: The last time I visited the Chief Surveyor, I penned in all of the old names for the various bodies of water. Better to not have people confused if they have old maps too.
If the remaining area on our charter is across the river… How many small air elementals would I have to summon (Modified Strength of 16) to carry us each across? Every summon currently lasts for 6 minutes. If that's not possible - do we know of any fords?
Yeah, I totally just gave a shoutout to that card game and the philosopher it was based on! I saw it on the Paizo website before posting, but sadly it has been discontinued. I figured it was as good of inspiration as anything for the current situation :D. Edited: Diarmadhim on 31st Jan, 2017 - 11:06am